Tu jaroori sa hai #Riansh (immj2) episode 34

Ridhima: you must be getting late for the office.

Vansh: today I am not going to the office…..I will work from home.

Ridhima excitedly enquired “sachhi”. Vansh nodded in positive. Ridhima said, ” you know how much I get bored alone here.”

Vansh: now you will not get bore.

Ridhima gave him a broad smile.

vansh” now you go and freshen up, I am going to check the files. Ridhima “if you are going to do this then what the need of staying here….leave these files and office work…. let’s enjoy nah”

Vansh: I will not going to work the whole day…..its a matter of an hour.

Ridhima: I know how this an hour convert into a day, I know very well…..

Vansh: believe me Ridhima when you will come….my work will be done.

Ridhima: pakka…

Vansh: pakka….now go.

She goes and came after taking bath, vansh was still working. She sat on the sofa and waited for him to finish his work.

One hour passed he was still working. Ridhima ” vansh or kitna time lagega.”

Vansh: only five minutes Ridhima.

And again he engrossed in the work. She waited for more than ten minutes then she moved to the kitchen. After completing his work he goes to her. She was working in the kitchen. He slided his arms on her waist and locked them, kept his chin on her shoulder.

Ridhima irritatedly ” kya hai…go and do your work”

Vansh: am doing sweetheart !!!

Ridhima: don’t talk to me.

Vansh turned her to face him and pecked her lips. Vansh” why is it so….are you angry with me” Ridhima moved her head up and down which signifies that she is angry with him. While talking to he was kept continuously kissing on her face, neck, jaw….keeping arms on her waist.

Vansh: tell me what I should do to mend your mood.

Ridhima: pakka you will do…

Vansh: pakka!!

Ridhima: you will going to keep your phone, file and office work, talks away for the rest of the day.

Vansh: done!!

Ridhima: okay!! Give me some time so that I can prepare food for us.

Vansh: why you gave leave to all servants now you have to do all work.

Ridhima: that’s not a problem at all…I will manage.

Vansh: okay!!! Let me help you…

Ridhima: it’s not needed Jaan…I will do that.

Vansh: if you do all this work then you will get tired….tell me what are you going to do next.

Ridhima: I have chopped all the veggies only onion is left…slice it.

Vansh started slicing onion Ridhima went to drink water. When she turned and saw vansh, he was in tears and his eyes become little red. She ran to him and snatched the knife. She made him sit on the stool.

Ridhima panicked and said ” see how much your eyes become red….I told you Nah…” She wiped his tears and blows air on them. “are they still aching”

Vansh: why are getting tensed I am fine….and they are not aching.

Ridhima: see how red they became…must be hurting you but you are hiding….I know…

Vansh: nhi Ridhima….I am totally fine.

Ridhima: okay!! Now you will not do anything….just go to the hall and wait for me.

Vansh: Ridhima!!!

Ridhima glared at him and he kept his mouth shut. She started doing preparation….she looked at him who was looking at her face and asked ” why are you not going out.”

Vansh: you said nah….I will not do any work so I am just sitting and watching you….maybe I learn something that help me in future…what if again you didn’t make food for me then.(smiled)

Ridhima: shut up!!!

As she poured spices in oil, vansh started coughing and sneezing. She quickly turned off the stove and took vansh out of the kitchen and patted her back…then she again ran to the kitchen taking a glass of water ran to him and handed him, started rubbing his back. Soon he become normal and Ridhima was about to say something but he interrupted her ” I am sitting here only. you go in the kitchen and prepare food alone….even I will not enter the kitchen whole week…happy now but don’t scold me” saying this he cutely pouted.

Ridhima: better you understood otherwise I have to make you understand this.

Vansh: I am intelligent nah…not an idiot (then slowly “like you”)

Ridhima raised her eyebrow ” what??”

Vansh: nothing!! I am hungry….can you cook quickly.
Slow Romanting music was playing, room lights were off only 2-3 dim lights were on, AC at a low temperature making environment chilly. Vansh was laying on the bed not exactly laying he was half in sitting position but Ridhima laying on him. He was playing with her finger which are entangled with his. A blanket covering them.

Vansh: Ridhima you must be feeling bad as I have never took you on candlelight dinner and Date…and all. Your friends when talk about all this then you don’t have , to say things that where you have gone with me….you must feeling odd.

Ridhima: Vansh our relation is different from others….why are you comparing it with them. I am happy with you as we are….did I ever asked about it. Go on date and candlelight dinner is not only love….being with partner for lifetime and this commitment is love. When other couples were busy in dating and all….at that time we started caring, loving and respecting each other which more important than this.

Vansh: but fir bhi…each girl think about going on date and dinner with her love….

Ridhima: I only want you to stay by my side till my last breath that’s it…I am happy in your arms….

She hugged him more tightly and smiled at him. He placed her hair bind her ear which was covering her face and pecked her lips then cheeks. Placing his hands on her back then locking them, she again rested her head on his chest and closed eyes…..and he rested his chin on her head.

Vansh: but I want something….

Ridhima: hmm!!! Bolo….

Vansh: Ridhima!!

Ridhima: hmm bolo sun rhi hu.

Vansh: wo…I am saying this…ki..

Ridhima looked at him and said “kya?”

Vansh (closing his eyes): what you thought about our “honeymoon”

Ridhima smiled shyly and looking down she said “firstly we should officially announce our marriage…then” vansh with an innocent face ” then what Ridhima” she smacked his chest “stop teasing me”

Vansh: when we will do our marriage again then we will again go for the honeymoon…what is the harm in it…first we will celebrate for first marriage then for second marriage.

Ridhima (with red cheeks): shut up vansh!!

And hides her face in his chest. she was sticking to him like a small baby. Vansh kissed her crown and asked, ” Ridhima tell me what were your expectations from your husband….anything that you want to do with him….”

Ridhima: hmm!!

Vansh: tell me….

Ridhima: nothing I just want you and your support for my whole life.

Vansh: Ridhima ye jaroori nhi tm meri Khushi me khush rho…..tell me nah.

Ridhima started thinking and then said ” I don’t know about expectations but I have my bucket list….”

Vansh: then tell me…

Ridhima: 1.)I thought to go on a long drive in an open car….
2.) I wanted to drink with him…and then walk on the road barefoot at midnight… and he will holding my heels in one hand and other hand holding my waist protectively….
3.) Going for the movie (romantic one) then getting cosy with him.(blushed)

Vansh: sweetheart let’s complete your third wish… let’s watch a movie.

Ridhima: not at home…. in theatre.

Vansh: okay…but we can do the last part of it at home (winked)

Ridhima looked at vansh and pulled his cheeks ” someone is eager to….” Vansh interrupted her ” but someone is always ready to make theories about it…..and imagining it “she smacked his chest and said, ” shut up….now I will not tell anything to you….you are making fun of me.”

Vansh: achha, sorry I will not say anything….Ridhima.

Ridhima: hmm

Vansh: I want to see you in saree.

Ridhima: I don’t know how to drape saree.

Vansh: I will drape.

Ridhima’s eyes widened in shock and mouth open. Vansh “why are you looking at me like this…. Tumhra pati hu Ridhima…padoshi nhi.” Ridhima “but fir bhi…I will feel shy” Ridhima cheeks become red. vansh laughed and goes to her ear ” Sweetheart, this is not first-time when I am going to do something like this….you forgot when your foot was injured then I use to give bath to you….. and in your final exams I use to make you ready when you come out just in your bathrobe…so I have seen you” .Now Ridhima feeling more shy and said in low voice ” because in exams my finger use to pain due to continues scribbling….I didn’t know that you will tease me later for it.” Saying this she cutely pouted.

Vansh: arre I was telling fact that you don’t have to feel shy…..you should use to them. let’s go but you don’t have saree nah.

Ridhima: I have one that I wore in class 12th farewell party.

Vansh: ok take out…
Ragini was talking to viyom on phone call ” when will you come to India”

Viyom: soon, and what is the news of my love.

Ragini’s temperature rose but she didn’t show and said quietly ” she is happy with my vansh…..”

Viyom: don’t worry when I will come then she will be with me.

Ragini: I wish you will succeed in your plan…then vansh will be mine.

Viyom: and Ridhima will be mine….

Ragini: how will you do all these things…

Viyom: our childhood friend Angre…he will help me.

Ragini: I think you didn’t know that he will never cheat vansh….even he stopped talking to me because of vansh.

Viyom: and you didn’t know who I am….

Ragini: whatever but you should succeed in your plan.

Viyom: I will…
Time skipped, it was night. Ridhima was standing near the window and seeing the moon. Vansh came behind and slid his hand on her waist, and back hugged. Ridhima rested her head on his chest.

Vansh: kya hua Ridhima.

Ridhima: vansh tomorrow is “pooja” is for us…for our happy life….Ready rahna.

Vansh: okay!! By the way, I don’t believe in God but for you, I will participate.

Ridhima: thank…but why you don’t believe in God.

Vansh: because he gave me the worst life….except pain he didn’t give anything to me….then why I will pray for him.

Ridhima turned to him and cupped his face with one hand, making eyes contact she said ” are you not happy with me….” Vansh immediately replied “nooooo….you are the most beautiful thing I have in my life….you are the reason for my happiness, not pain.”

Ridhima: then you don’t blame God for it…

Vansh: whom I should blame that happened with me in childhood…whom I should complain about my agony.

Ridhima hugged him and said ” you don’t have to worry about it….now nothing bad going to happen in your life….I will take out all bad memories and bad things from your life….” she said all these things very affectionately and calmly.

Vansh: never leave me Ridhima….I will not able to live without you.

Ridhima: even me…without you there is no life for me.

Vansh took Ridhima in bridal style and moved to bed….placing her in the bed, he was also laid down beside her taking her in his arms, closed his eyes. Ridhima was looking at him then she wrapped her arm around his neck and placing her one leg on his waist goes more closed to him.

Vansh(with closed eyes): sleep sweetheart, I am fine.

Before he could say more she sealed his lips with her. Vansh instantly kissed her back with the same passion, out of oxygen they parted. Both were panting heavily, Ridhima hid her face in his crook of the neck, then slowly she kissed his neck. Moving to his cheeks with shower of kisses on his face. Vansh took her beneath his and looked at her with a smile.

He said while entangling his fingers with her “Ridhima don’t worry, I am happy. I love you” saying this he kissed her cheek.

Ridhima: now I have seen your million dollar smile nah…good night.

Vansh in mind ” after tempting me to this…she always backup.”

Ridhima in mind ” I know jaan what are you thinking…just wait for tomorrow…..tomorrow is our wedding anniversary and we will come one in all mean….”

They slept thinking all these things.

Next Ishani went to take some documents to the college and met Aryan.

Ishani: hello Aryan.

Aryan: hii, how are you. You should not talk to me otherwise your sister will again insult me and my sister.

Ishani: sorry for that day…now you will not face problem like this.

Aryan: it’s okay…you were not at fault…it was your sister who misunderstood the situation.

Ishani: but still…you were there because I tricked you. Now I am going to Bangalore, you will be free from all this…and no one going to irritate you. I am annoying nah that is why no one likes me.

Aryan was blank listening to this. He felt a pang in his heart and replied with a tight smile “all the best”

Ishani: thank you…stay happy.

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