Fan Fiction

TU MERI MANNAT by bhanu – Part 37

*******#TU_MERI_MANNAT PART-37******


(guys i read ur every comment i liked it really i liked it without crossing worst we can’t get best its my pov every winner had faced lot of pain before winning anyways thanks for supporting me nd for bearing mee i was happy with ur response )

recap; sathvik built ha huge rift b/w swasan 10months leap

***** episode starts*******
10 months passed away
Both swasan are in sad mood

Sanskar turned so odd he had turned so arrogant

Dp felt bad by sanskar behaviour nd he tried hard to change him nd to know reason for his this behaviour but every trail is on vein as sanskar spent his full time in club he is always in off sense mood

Ragini : Lucky think something yar how can we unite them

Lucky: Uniting is secondary first we have to bring swara back

Ragini: Ha how shall I die

Lucky: Wt stupid if you die how can I leave I will to die

Ragini: Oh no wont you leave me in heaven too

Lucky: Stop it yar think

Ragini;( got idea) lucky idea y can we break our dads

Lucky: Wt u gonna break say clearly

Ragini: No I wont say I will show you see

Ragini took a phone ND dialled swara number

Swara: Ha Ragini how are you

Ragini: Not fine swara (fake tear’s)

Swara: Kya Hua rags are everyone fine

Ragini: Swara woh dad nd dp uncle

Swara: Ha dad nd uncle kya bolo jaldi

Ragini:(FAKE TEARS) They had a huge fight they are not speaking to each other also

Swara: Wt are you joking rags how vmcan they fight ah they are childhood frnds na

Ragini: Ho swara u ND sanskar also childhood frnd u got separated na

Swara: ( realised wt rags mean) ok Ragini lets give time they will join up

Ragini:( cried loud) no swara dad is so angry on dp uncle he gonna marry me to other man

Swara: Wt are you serious

Ragini: Ha I will die without lucky plz help me swara

Swara: Don’t cry rags I was there na stay cool I will talk to dad

Ragini: No plz come back ND speak to dad plz

Swara: Thinks for a while) ha ok I will come in 2days

Ragini: U will na pakka

Swara: Ha pakka baba

Ragini:I love you swara plz come fast

Swara: Love you too di ( ended the call)

After 2days swara came back to Mumbai

Both the families are happy with this news raglak left to airport to manage swara as they lied

scene2,2 airport
swara arrived nd got into car

ragini; swara i will ask you something promise me you will do it

swara; ha wat say

ragini; promise me 1st

swara; ha promise say me i will

ragini;(holded her both ears ) woh woh we both said lie to you promise mee that you won’t go back to London plz for me

swara; you played a prank on me

ragini; ha prank but true i can’t leave without lucky we wanna disclose this to our families i need your help

swara; ok i had promised na i will be here only

ragini; Hugs her ) thanks alot thankyou

swara is thinking about sanskar she is missing him from long time

reached mm everyone are present but her life sanskar is not there it made her feel pain alot she wanted to ask anyone about sanskar but kept quite

ngt 12.40am ,pool side

swara is sitting alone nd thinking about the misunderstandings nd all the stupid things happened in b/w them in just 10months everything faded out

she is silently wiping but don’t disturbed by a sound “ahh ”

she turned back nd got surprised to see sanskar jumping the wall to enter his own mansion

she went towards the wall to help him but accidently he fallen down swara made him stand

sanskar; (fully drunken ) wohh i can stand

swara; ha ha i had seen it

sanskar; (looked towards swara ) swaraaaaa u here
no no why you will come its my hallucination

swara; (tabbed his cheeks to make him open his eyes) sanskar its true

sanskar; (silly smile ) ur swara really pinch me once

swara pinched him he shouted out in pain “ahh”

sanskar ; (hugged her but swara did not react anything )ur may be other girl if its swara she used to slap me always (about fall but swara held him )

swara; sanskar u trust or not i am swara

sanskar ; (semi-conscious ) swaraaa swara swara (he fallen on her swara lost her balance nd she too fallen on floor sanskar on top of her

swara tried hard to move him but he is heavy anyhow managed nd took her ph nd did a call to lucky “lucky plz come to pool side fast ”

lucky rushed fast TO POOL side and saw them on eackother

lucky ; ( to himself ) wrong timing lucky go back (he about to leave but swara stopped him

swara; lucky comefast lift him i will die

lucky came nd helped swara nd they both silently took him to his room nd placed him on bed

swara; sat beside him lucky wt the hell is this y he is jumping walls like thief wts this stupid habit nd all

lucky ; woh dad had blocked his entry after 10 as he is drinking much dad tried to convice but couldnt

swara; he is ur brother y cant you change sanskar

lucky ; ho ppl go on fighting for stupid things nd i should correct ah

swara; wt you mean say directly

lucky ; ok listen you both fought with eachother builted a huge wall of hatrate
u took ur way to reduce pain as ur world is busy in studies,books so on

but for my bhai ur his life he don’t have anything more then you so he cant divert so he took this step so 24/7 he is semi-conscious

swara; (shocked to hear this nd got tears ) its not all my fault you bhai too did a lot

lucky ; whatever you both are suffering na wt you get by running away just stay nd clear ur misunderstandings

swara ; ( avoided it ) ok gud ngt wil cu 2mmrow

lucky ; your wish (he left room not acted like leaving but hidded outside the room )

swara; (unaware of lucky presence she got up from bed nd moved towards sanskar she made him sleep in right position nd removed his shoes nd placed bedsheet nd about to leave but sanskar holded her had in sleep
sanskar ; (hushy voice whispered ) swaraaa swara (in sleep )

swara moved back nd caressed his hair on his forehead nd kissed him with teary eyes

swara to herself ” i will make everything as old sanskar ‘

she freed her hand nd left room by seeing her care lucky felt happy nd he rushed to meet rags

scene3, mrg 7am

swara woken up to meet sanskar she got freshen up nd rushed to meet him but sanskar is still sleeping

swara peeped into his room nd took baby steps towards him

sanskar in sleep felt down from bed nd woken up

swara went towards him nd tried to pick him up but she could not so she too fallen on him

sanskar slowly opened his eyes his hand is paining due to hang over

swara; “so sorry

sanskar; swaraa (shocked he could not trust his eyes )

swara; ha gud mrg

sanskar; placed his thumb on swara to know its true or not

swara; its not dream come out (she about to get up but again fallen she accidentally gave a peck on his cheeks )

sanskar; (shocked ) swaraaaa (he hugged her hard in tears )

swara; arey sanskar leave me i will die with out breath first get up

sanskar ; (released hug nd both stood up ) swara you here

swara; last night i came

sanskar; why

swara; why wt its my home too

sanskar; now ur in my room (both are showing full ego to eachother )

swara; i will speak later bye she runned out

sanskar stood confused

screen freezes

**to be continued *****

precap; swasan tom nd jerry fight nd swara slaps sathvik in office for mistreating sanskar

(i love criticising too it helps me to grow as i promised i gave episode sry for short update i had a huge reason but next time i will increase )

plz leave ur comments


i always run for success but now i started running for thrill nd craziness i was an writer of ff "TU MERI MANNAT" I.e Mannat series .. writing ff gave me lot of thrill

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