Fan Fiction

TU MERI MANNAT by bhanu – Part 47

****************#TU_MERI_MANNAT PART-47*******


RECAP; swasan in office everyone are shocked to see sanskar and sanskar prank on sathvik shocks for sathvik STARTED

*******EPISODE STARTS ********

scene1,sathvik cabin

he threw his blazer a side in frustration he is shouting madly in angry nd started breaking things on his table

sathvik ; (twisting his fist in angry ) how dare you sanskar i won’t let this all happen

shouted out “i want swara i want her at any cost ”

(he thrown all the papers nd messed the cabin completely
at last he sat on floor by holding his head )

sanskar after hearing some sounds from sathvik cabin he came near the cabin nd peeped to see that “whether sathvik is alive or dead’

sanskar saw sathvik condition nd gave an victory smile

“i will book an bed for you in mental retardation center bcoz so soon u will get mad ”

scene2, swara is standing near coffee maker which is present in middle of office but in corner

swara took a cup of coffee nd had an slip of it nd she about to leave that place with the cup sanskar rushed towards her nd he pined her to wall adjoining to coffife maker which made swara shock

swara; (hitted him playfull) cant you come slow y u always scare mee
sanskar; ohh just for thrill nd anyways by seeing you my speed raised

swara; acha stop fliriting with mee i had already fallen for youuu

sanskar; i was saying facts darling (he pulled her towards him )

swara; (blushing ) we are in office so stay away its better

sanskar; its ok i don’t mine (he moved more closer)

swara; stop right there may bee u wont mine but ppl aroung as may

sanskar; (nuzzled his nose in her neck ) let them

swara; pushed him back arey mr. sanskar its office time go get back to work

sanskar; (teasingly moved towards her ) ho really then wt ur doing in office time here ms.swara

swara; i was having coffeee after this i will get back to work

sanskar;hooo gud let mee to taste once

swara; wttttttttt

sanskar; i mean coffee swara coffee

swara; ok i will get u one wait

sanskar; (grabbed her cup nd had a sli[p of it ) i want this only

swara; stop it sanskar (blusing hard )

sanskar; don’t blush yar i will loose my control too

swara; ok let me go now i had some work

sanskar; wait i had a work now you help mee

swara; ha wt work

sanslkar; hold this cup first i will say (swara holded the cup )

sanskar; he slowly moved her hand nd pinned it on wall ) woh darling in mrg i helped you by saving you from our dads naaa

(moved close towards herrrr )

Swara: Soo

Sanskar: U wanna thank me na then

Swara: Oh really

Sanskar: Ha absolutely say me thanks then

Swara: Oh k thanks not go back to ur work

Sanskar: Noo I will take my thanks in my way ( he moved more closer which made swara shiver by his closeness)

Sanskar: Don’t move my coffee may fall be sincere towards work swara

Swara: Sa …sanskar we are in office stop teasing mee Plz

Sanskar: Chup let me do my work ( he moved close towards her hugged her nd he slowly nuzzled his nose on swara nape by caressing her waist nd her hands are busy by holding cup nd she crushed the cup

“cup is in hand but coffee is on floor ‘ {its a walking path towards exit tooo }

after long hug sanskar broke the hug

sanskar; (gave a peck on her cheeks ) thanks for the thanks

swara; (poked her finger to move him back ) now enough get back to work

sanskar; about to node yes but he seen sathvik coming out of cabin by setting himself ,sanskar got a naughty idea he look the floor nd swara twice nd thrice

swara; (hitted him on shoulder ) wt ur staring moveee

sanskar; (raised his voice to gain attention ) ms. Swara Mitra can’t you even do a work properly

Swara gave a look at Sanskar (wt i did now

sanskar; can’t you even hold a cup properly i don’t know how my dad appointed you as auditor

swara; (got angry ) hello mr.sanskar Maheshwari u said me hold the cup only cup so i did it (she placed crushed cup in his palm )

sanskar; i wont accept this i want my coffee

swara; ok i will get you another one

sanskar; no i want that only (he is fighting on silly issue )

everyone in office are staring them in surprise nd shock sathvik seen this

sathvik ; (to himself) arey this sanskar started again wow they are fighting gud
this is the chance to divert swara towards mee

sathvik rushed towards swasan nd sanskar seen this from his corner of eye

sanskar continued his fight happily sathvik the fool of decade unseen the coffee on floor nd stepped on it nd his legs got skipped on floor he lost his balance nd fallen on floor where as his chin kissed the floor which made his teeth change there place 😉

swasan stopped fighting by seeing this everyone are shocked to see sathvik sir on

sanskar ; (moved towards sathvik ) app ke tooth paste mai namak aur neem nahi hai kyaa ( dont you have salt in ur tooth paste )

everyone present there laughed aloud by sanskar silly question even swara is laughing like hell

sathvik gave a angry look at sanskar

swara controlled her laugh nd gave a hand to sathvik to get up from floor

sathvik raised his hand but sanskar came in middle in stood in b/w them by covering swara

swara; (surprised look ) sanskar wt ur doing

sanskar ; (winking smile nd said pressing the word ) frandshippppp

u go swara i will help him na

swara left the place by laughing only

sanskar; (made him stand ) oh sathvik you see every my dream is coming true oh my god

dont worry next time if i get dream on you i will say u first

sathvik ;(gave an angry look) don’t act smarttt

sanskar; (picked his cheeks ) i don’t need to act i am smart already

sathvik; you will pay for it sanskar

sanskar; hoo i had already paid now its ur turn so i was taking everything on EMI basics as u can’t pay at a time na soo

sathvik ; (left the place in furstration nd insulted too )

sathvik in car to himself “i will drag everything from you sanskar ,i will kill you but before that i will give you so much pain nd later i will kill you

trust me i will make ur life a hell

sanskar;(himself ) sathvik wt a great day i will show you how pain which i felt bcoz of you once left me know wt is there in ur stupid mind

scene3,swara cabin

swara is busy in blushing nd smiling by remembering sanskar

some one knocked her door after brushing her thoughts she turned nd found dp near door

swara; (got up from her chair ) uncle y ur asking permission its all your come in uncle

dp; wt are u doing swara

swara; (surprised by his question ) woh woh i was checking IT RETURNS of our company

dp; ho really ok come to my cabin now if ur free

dp left nd swara followed him after few mins

swara; uncle y u had asked me to come

dp; swara wt the thing ur doing from mrg

swara; woh i was busy in some work

dp; dont waste ur life on useless things

swara; (shocking look ) wt does it mean uncle

DP; (gave a file ) check it

Swara; wts this file uncle

DP; its the file of IT returns of our company

swara shocked she is speechless as DP caught her lie

DP; (turned a side ) swaraa i don’t need any explanation from you on this but at least you know the reason for wt ur changing in this way

its been week u came back from london but ur not even for hour in office
today ur but ur mind is somewhere else
1st time u said that ur late

it ok may me a mistake but say me this” i asked you to come to my cabin a hour back”

Swara; (nervous nd tense ) woh uncle i forgot

DP; from when u added this word in ur profession

Swara; no uncle on other work I forgot this I am sorry

dp; i never heard a word of sorry from you but today you said

DP; Swara I know it’s a small thing for all but not for you “bcoz i don’t want you to waste ur time on worthless things )

swara; no uncle sanskar is changed

dp; he will never change swara u know in last 10months this is 1st day he attended a meeting

he not even seen face of office too

swara; but today he did na he will change more

dp; oh really swara now you go nd see sanskar wt he is doing

swara; he may be working (about to go )

dp; i will say you ” he may be wasting his time on jokes with office staff ” go nd

swara opened the door to go out but for her shock sanskar is having fun with other staff playfully

swara came back to dp

dp; you seen na wt he is doing

swara; woh he may be getting refresh

DP; oh refreshment he do 24 hrs refreshment only no work

swara is speechless

dp; i hope you can understand wt i mean now get back to work

swara lets out cabin nd she just stood numb nd watching sanskar
screen freezes

********to be contiued *******

precap; sanskar tries to meet swara at late night but dp caught him on way next day sanskar revenge continue for sath

( sry for late but after long time i got a half day break so i used for ff kindly give you feed back it helps me to give my best in next part)



i always run for success but now i started running for thrill nd craziness i was an writer of ff "TU MERI MANNAT" I.e Mannat series .. writing ff gave me lot of thrill

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