*********** #TU_MERI_MANNAT PART-61*****
recap; sathvik evilness towards swasan on peaks
swara pushed him aside nd dragged the gun from sathvik nd pointed towards herself
sathvik; (shocked) wt ur doing swara give me the gun
Swara: No I won’t :'(
Sathvik: No swara give it see I moved back give na
swara; once i trusted you its like stabbing myself :'(
i thought you as my frnd but i am wrong
so i cant do same mistake again
i said you many times i love sanskar but you never cared “i love sanskar i cant live without him i cant
he always loved me unconditionally but i am fool i belived you on that day if not we used to be one
its all my mistake so i was doing this
(pointed gun towards her ) if anyone wanna marry me or touch me it should be sanskar only sanskar :'(
sathvik was shocked by her confession
swara;( stammering tone) “swara is for sanskar only for sanskar, if sanskar is no more then swara can’t leave anymore ”
“hum saath mai jeena nahi toh kya hua saath mai marjavugi ”
she pulled the trigger nd
Swara shoot the bullet in nick of time sanskar moved her hand with a force but it missed her head but it got hurted on her forhead from a side swara fainted in shock nd blood is flowing out
Sathvik moved towards swasan but I nick of time sanskar took the gun nd shoot sathvik on his shoulder to save themselves
Sanskar shocked to see swara unconscious on his had
Sanskar fully bleeding from his head he himself so week due to injuries he has) swara swaraaaaaa :'(
Sanskar took swara in his hands nd lifted her with lot of difficultly nd started walking out of farmhouse in tears
when swara is running away from sathvik sanskar tried to take his ph nd dailed raglak nd he said place
raglak understood its wrong so they took police too nd rushed to farmhouse
sanskar legs are so week due to injuries’ he fallen on floor
In mean time raglak arrived nd they are shocked to see swasan in such a condition blood I flooding like river from both
Sanskar in tears crying badly ) bhai bhai plz save my swara Plz bhai see my swara
Sanskar falls on ground by holding lucky shirt ” my swaraaaaa ” ( he shouted out in tears )
Lucky : Ha I will Ragini concealed sanskar lucky took swara ND made her back seat nd sanskar ND Ragini got In car nd rushed to hospital
Hospital swasan are rushed to ICU
Both are in critical condition due to heavy blood loss
Sanskar is holding her bracelet in his hand
Raglak treated due to heavy blood loss swasan pulse rate is falling down :'(
Both the families reached hospital
Sathvik is also having his treatment on same hospital under police custody
Kavitha, Kavya , Santosh ( sathvik twin Bhai both look alike) Where rushed there
Ragini: Lucky we need blood to swara also how can we get its so urgent only sanskar ,dad, me are same group b+
Lucky: Shekhar uncle had already given to sanskar na
Rags: Ok I will give then we don’t have time I already enquired all blood banks
Lucky: Then you will be week how can we complete swara surgery its already late ngt our co-doctors are out of town
Rags: Its true also now wt can we do
We had low time we need a specialist or blood
In the same time Santhosh heard there conversation nd he came towards them
Santhosh : I am sorry for wt my bhai did
If you don’t mine I can help you
Rags:( angry) its enough we can trust u back so Plz get lost
Santhosh: ( sad ) I never expected this from sathvik plz I know its all his mistake so Pl give a chance to help you
Rags: No anyways wt help you can ah
Santhosh: I can give blood for swara my blood group is b+ only
Rags : No we not needed ur help I can save my sister
Lucky: Rags its not time to fight plz lets compromise
Rags:( angry) how can we compromise ah they tried to kill our sanskar ND swara
Lucky: Ha but its sathvik na
Rags clam down lists once we had no time we need to save swara na
Plz accept
Rags nodded yes
Finally raglak completed surgery successfully
Swasan are out of danger
Its utmost two days they are unconscious raglak where being in hospital only all this two days (both had plasters on there forhead
Mrg 7am
Swara got flashes of past incidents she seen
Sathvik hitting sanskar swara shouted out in fear she cried ” sanskarrr plz leave as Plz ”
Rags seen swara in worry tried to make her come in sense but still she shouted” sanskarrr sanskar ”
By swara shout sanskar who is sleeping on side bed of swara in ICU woken up with a jerk
Sanskar : Swara swara ur fine ( he tried to get up but his body did not let him
Sanskar : He removed his all equipments attached to him to come towards swara
Lucky holded him no bhai Plz don’t do this ur not perfect to move now take rest she is fine
Sanskar is still trying to me he raised his hand to hold swara
Raglak seen there pain for each other
Lucky called the staff nd they moved sanskar bed nd all equipment towards swara bed they attached the bed
Sanskar holded swara hand ND whispered in tears” swara I am here”
Swara still semi-conscious her fear is fully made her week whispered out loud ” plz leave me plz
I love sanskar plz don’t kill him ”
Sanskar jerked swara by which she opened her eyes
Sanskar: Swara see me I am fine ntg happened now we are together we will live together swara
Swara cried by seeing him swara hugged him from side ” I love you sanskar I can’t leave without u”
I am so sorry bcoz of me you faced this much pain
I am bad I am really bad :'(
Sanskar:(holding her cheeks) swara its not ur mistake plz forget it now everything is fine
swara is still thinking about all this incident in meanwhile police arrived to take statement from swasan against sathvik
(swara holded sanskar hand so tight in fear )
police; how is ur health now
sanskar; ha its fine
police; ok if you both give statement we can file fir against sathvik varma
swara; (*shivered by hearing sathvik name she did not speak anything for her shock she seen Santhosh whi is present behind the door he is speaking with Kavitha
swara; shouted out in fear “sathvik sathvik she hided her face by hugging sanskar )
everyone are shocked bcoz sathvik is in too in same hospital but he cant move for few days bcoz sanskar shoot him
laksh ; no swara sathvik is not there here he is under police custody
swara; (crying in fear ) sanskar loo at there its sathvik only
sanskar raglak nd police seen towards door they seen Santhosh
lucky; its Santhosh….. sathvik brother swaraaaa
swara fully scared her mind is not supporting her to believe it she is crying in fear like a kid
sanskar; (singed lucky something )
lucky left out towards Santhosh nd he took them aside
lucky; i am sorry Santhosh but swara is in shock so plz dont stay in front of her still she be normal plz
Santhosh; its ok laksh i can understand nd kavitha you be with swara i can handle
in ICU swara is still in fear sanskar tried to make her normal
sanskar; inspector if you don’t mine we will give statement after 2days plz leave (everyone left only rags swsan left )
sanskar; (swara is cluthing his shirt nd she is still wiping ) swara u seen this
swara; (innocently starred at him) ha wat
sanskar; see we both are wearing same colour of dress (hospital patient uniform;-) ) same pinch swara
swara;( laughed in tears) same pinch choclate
sanskar; ha i will give you for sure darling nd by the way my short has no buttons now then wt ur triing to pluck
swara laughed nd hitted him on shoulder playfully raglak are happy by seeing them happy
screen freezed on happy faces of swasan nd raglak
( guys done this part sry its small but I have no time actually I got promotion accidentally yes u read right accidentally only bcoz I never tried for it nor I don’t even want it but still I got it so my responsibility increased I was working like Robert whole day office ngt studies ND mrg ff I was hardly getting 4hrs time to sleep
So I asked shall I end it but u guys loved my shocks alot u wanna bear me more so you will get more fun nd rare shocks still end
Enjoy reading nd thanks for ur love towards my ff nd me
Keep supporting me ND share ur views on today part
Awesome……. Continue soon……
Hufffffff!!!!???.. finally feeling relieved…good chappy..
awesome….love swasan. Congratulations on promotion…
Please don’t finish it soon and it iseems a awesome episode
Wow superb bhanu…. ?Atlast swasan are saved…..
Awesome dear
thank god no no thank u. evrythng is sort out. im so happy.
congo 2 ur promotion. if u r bzy & cdnt write more im nt presherlising u. bt still i want u 2 continue ur ff. bt if its hard 4 u then its k.
be happy always
Congrats dear..n thanks for continuing
Congo fo promotion dear…….n loved d epi……n finally feeling releived dat swasan r alive…..n make sathvik feel d same pain which swasan felt…
Loved it