*****#TU_MERI_MANNAT PART-72*********
recap;swasan haldi nd bachelor party fun
**********episode starts ***********
swasan left inside lucky seen this nd rushed at there back to stop then
they got in accidently an vase had fallen on floor by that sound dp nd ap came out from there room
where as swasan they are off sense they found a water small pool its for flower decoration only in middle of mansion
sanskar got into water its upto ther ankles ; wt is this rain is inside hom,e
swara; arey sanskar its pool
sanskar; (shouted ) who is the fool built this pool in middle of home
swara; (by placing her finger ) shuuu ur papa my here
sanskar; fool, nd pool wt a rhyming na
they both laughed aloud dp heard every thing there are shocked to see them in drunken state nd dp is angry tooo
dp; (shouted) sanskarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
swasan seen dp nd ap who stood infront of them
Dp: Wts this sanskar
Sanskar : Hugged dpby shouting ” papa
Soon dp broken hug ” wt is this sanskar
ND swara you too go ur mansion first
Swara nodded a ‘nooo
dp; swara come on sense i said go to home
swara; noddedd biggg nooooo
dp; (angry look at sansakar ) u spoiled her also she os not listening my words alsoo
sanskar; haa woh meri hai soo she can change like mee
dp; sanskar first you stand properly then you change swara
Sanskar: ( in unstable tone) papa your bad y u always sent swara away from me I hate you i hate youuu (he fallen on floor )
Meanwhile raglak came in the are shocked to see swasan in this way
Infront of dp nd ap
Lucky: Oh noo stop them first rags ( they runned towards swasan )
Dp: ( shocked ND angry) wt the hell
Sanskar: (got up unstabile) Haa its like hell only for me ,
In swara absence
I cant live a minute without seeing her
Dp:( folded his hands) I made you na from 2days
Sanskar:( laughed) ha ha poor papa how its possible ahh
I seen her ND even romanced with her mrg you all got trapped in my prank
Dp ND ap are shocked raglak are scared as sanskar is saying the truth
Lucky: Bhai shut up lets go ….. ur not gud now
Sanskar: No I am gud
Dp: lucky wait , How you meet her sanskar
Sanskar: Ho you wanna know listen then
” yesterday you ND Shekhar uncle seen Krishna nd Baldev na its we sanlak only
Dp hell shocked by knowing his naughty prank he fool them
Ap: Then how today mrg
Sanskar: Ha maa today mrg u seen sanskriti muskan ND Lakshmi muskan its too we only
Lucky closed his face in fear ” ohh no today I am died”
Dp:(angry) Is it true laksh
Lucky:( nervous ) ha papa I am sry its all his plan only ( in tears utmost)
Sanskar: Chi lucky ur 26
u grown like neem tree in our garden still ur crying in front of dad
Swara laughed aloud ) neem tree ahh then my di palm tree ahh
Sanskar: How sad Bhabhi ur marrying him How boring he is
Rags gave a angry look at lucky ” swara come we will go it late
Swara: No I won’t come ( she holded sanskar)
Sanskar: I want swara
Rags: Swara plz come I will give lot of choclates
Swara: No I want sanskar only
Rags: Be a gud girl swara he will come later now you come
Swara:( innocently) oh really
Rags: Ha come ( both left
Dp: Take sanskar to his room
Sanskar: Noo I won’t come
Lucky: Plz come sanskar
Sanskar: No u take me ( he raised his hand in order to lift him )
Lucky: Oh no I need to carry you ha
Sanskar wrapped his legs around lucky ND lucky carried him to his room nd trowed him on bed
sanskar fallen a sleep due to hangover
swaragini room
swaragini entire room
swara; where is my sanskar
rags; ahhh sanskar sanskarrr always shut up nd sleep now
swara; (started crying ) ahhh its cheating ur too bad i hate youu mummyyy dadyyy look at diii
rags; (panic ) oh no this girl will wakeup dad nd mom also noo stop first
swara is crying loud like kid “mummy dadyyy ”
rags; swara chuppp dont cryy now ur gud girl plz stop crying
swara; my sanskar then
rags; (seen entire room nd showed huge pink teddy ) ha there is ur sanskar goo
swara ; she took teddy nd sleep by hugging it ) sanskarrrr di y is he so soft
rags; woh he is in diet for ur marriage after marriage he will be hard only now sleep
swara; i love you sanskar (she fallen asleep )
rags msg lucky ” u stupid idoit cant you dare for anything in love i hate you nd you dont be over happy that i am marrying you
untill you impress me i wont let our relation forwards ”
after seeing msg lucky fallen on bed ” this sanskar again blocked me oh noo after shaddi also i need to impress my wife ”
sanskar room
sanskar is still sleeping dp waken him up
Dp: Sanskar take this ND get ready
Sanskar: Wt is this
Dp: You had important work so you need to leave for London
Sanskar:( shocked) shaadi
Dp: Oh I had postponed you can have later
Sanskar: Noooo papa plz plz I want marriage plz Plz ( he fallen on dp feet
Dp: Arey y sanskar
Sanskar: No papa plz I want marriage
after marriage I am ready to leave for amazon forest also but not now plz
Dp: Oh but y ur only 24 y hurry ah
Sanskar: Papa woh look at my bed its laughing at mee that I am still sleeping alone
Dp: Ohh I will change bed
Sanskar: Change ur decision papa plzzzz
Dp:( laughed at his reason) oh ok I will do ur shaddi on one condition
Sanskar: Ha wt I am readyy to do anything
Dp: Oh promise me that you wont play anymore pranks on as
Sanskar:( surprising look) oh dad
Dp: Ha I will give swara na so deal ha
Sanskar got up ND hugged dp in happiness ” I love you dad ur so sweet ”
Dp: Ho ngt you said you hate mee
Sanskar: Oh sry dad but you k ow ur great prankster then mee
dp; ok take this tickets
sanskar; (shocked ) marriage na
dp; ha ha this tickets are for honeymoon
sanskar; (hugged him in excitement ) i love you more dad
Dp: Ha ha be happy always now get ready evg is ur marriage ND don’t sleep again ok
Sanskar laughed out
Rp sathvik dad called to Shekhar) Shekhar ji I need a help from you
Shekhar: Ha wt
Rp: Can you plz make swara to sign on bail papers
Shekhar: Wt I am sry rp but no I cant risk my daughter life
Rp: My son had changed completely he wont harm ur daughter plz
Shekhar: Maybe but my swara she had faced alot of pain due to those incidents right now she is moved in so plz I cant help you
Rp: Y cant you forgive my son he did a mistake but he too had a life you said ur daughter moved on she is happy then y not my son should be happy plz understand father pain for my son
I am also a father like you
Shekhar:( thought for a while) ok rp I will talk to swara ND in 2days I will inform you
Rp: Thank you so much
They ended the call
Evg mitra mansion
grand venue fullly decorated like a heaven
Marriage rituals started and after the pooja by the grooms
now its time for the varmala (garlanding) ceremony
Sanlak are standing on the stage, waiting anxiously for their brides
Sanskaar is wearing a grey and golden sherwani
Laksh is dressed in a royal blue sherwani while
Both are looking e handsome…
Just then Swaragini enter the mandap along with their friends
Ragini dressed in blue n golden lehenga… n Swara in red lehenga with golden thread work throughout… their dresses completely
Now both the couples are standing face to face with each other
First, SanLak put the garlands on Swaragini respectively…
Now it’s the Swaragin’s turn Ragini puts the garland on Laksh
nd next swara she is short nd she could not reach him nd her dress is heavy too sanskar bended down upto her height swara placed the garland on sanskar with loads of happiness
Swara adorns Sanskaar’s neck with the garland…
Everyone laughed ” arey sanskar if you bend now u need to bend life long ”
Sanskar: I am ready to place my heart under her feet for rest of my life
Swara felt very happy she is speechless after seeing his love
Everyone present there claps and cheers for them…
Swasan and Raglak are sitting next to each other in the mandap with their hands onto the other’s Sharmishtha does the gathbandhan for Raglak and Swasan
Panditji: Now, all of u please stand up for the pheras
And both of them complete the seven rounds around the fire with Swara by holding each other Sanskaar’s
Then Sanlak fill Swaragini’s hairline with the sindoor and adorn their necks with the Mangalsutra (its gifterd by sanskar only )
Swara is having happy tears in her eyes
and the panditji declares them husband n wife
Its time for sendoff ( I know its funny for then there mansions are side by side its not a distance but routines naa need to perform
Sumi ND Shekhar with happiness gave a sendoff traditionally she is about to get in car
Swara stop ND looked at sumi ” maa y ur nit crying”
Everyone are shocked with swara question
Sumi: Y should I cry
Swara: Maa woh I seen in a serial where girl is going to her Sasural her mom cried ND even girl too then y ur not doing ahh
Every one laughed out aloud ” arey they cry bcoz they are parted away but here in our case its normal place for you both you romed in that house too from childhood soo
We are happy that ur got gud Sasural
Swasan ND raglak left to maheswari mansion ND they performed all rituals of gruhapraves nd all they took blessing from god
After sometime they had dinner sanskar seen swara beside him she is not eating anything
Sanskar: Swara eat y ur not having
Swara:( nervous ) woh I am so happy so I am not hungry
Sanskar: Ho but eat you need energy as tonight is our suhgraat na soo
Swara got fully nervous she is happy for marriage but she had some nervousness too
All had dinner ND about to leave to there respectively rooms
Dp ND ap left to mitra mansion as they wanna give privacy to both couples
Sanskar: Bhai one minute I had gift for you both
Raglak ” wttt gift
Sanskar took a pen drive see this tonight its a gift
Raglak: Wt is there in this pen drive
Sanskar: Ur past now turn it into further babhi
Ok gud ngt happy ngt bhai
Sanskar left to his room
Precap: Swasan half suhgraat ND a huge shockk for all
Keep reading ND keep supporting
awesome. but precap? and shock? update soon
Yaaar its amazing
I was laughing like an idot
It was too good !!
No words…. Out of dis world
Wow loved it plz don’t seperate swasan

Hahehe omg swasan wr awesome.. livly chapie..
yay….swasan finally got married
Hey your ff is awesome and the shocks you gave are super awesome ?.I was a silent reader till today sorry for that but today I want to say I Love you? more than your ff and one more thing I don’t know how I missed last Chappy so I request you if possible please give me the link
Hey your ff is awesome and the shocks you gave are super awesome?.I was a silent reader till today sorry for that but today I want to say I love you ?more than your ff & one more thing I don’t know how I missed your last Chappy so I request you if possible please give me the link.
thank you so much for breaking ur silence
guys i am really very happy with ur response due my busy i am unable to rly for comments individually so sry but really u mean alot
i’m crying lake hell.. omg.. bhanuu!!!!! love it soo very much.. ty
hiks,, precaaapp!!!!!
Hey it waz just fab……n swara’s question to sumi wz really funny….bt precap z too scaring dear…
Awsome epi as always
swasan r hilarious. ?
Keep writing dr
be happy always
Wow!!!!! Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome episode…….. loved it soooooo much. Plzzzzz update soon as soon possible. Just cant wait for swasan’s suhaagraat and The SHOCK you will be giving us. God knows what it is……. but plzzzzzzzz I beg update very soon. I loved the episode and cant evn eait for a second for the next episode……….Loads of love to Your writing skills♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Dont forget to update plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sorry for being late dear !! xtreamly sorry …
chappy was beautiful Bhanu … both SWASAN r just impossible… huhuhuhu… thnk u..