Fan Fiction


*****#TU_MERI_MANNAT PART-75*********


(thanks alot for response nd nextly ur feeling that in this whole world this girl got jail only ah for romance 😉 sry ah but i had no time so added such thrilling part now start the ff )

recap; sathvik reentry nd swasan break down

**********episode starts ***********
maheswari mansion

Swara came to mansion she left directly to there room she left to washroom nd locked the door nd stood under shower she is crying badly by rembering all the incidents happened in one dayy all her dreams got faded out

she had fallen down on knees nd crying under shower by hugging her knees

suddenly her ph rings swara shivered by the ring she is sure its sathvik

she grabbed the ph from her pocket nd answered the call

sathvik; hi swara wt ur doing darling

swara; (gulped in fear she did not answer anything just crying

sathvik; (heard the sound of shower ) oh ur under shower shall i come for company

swara ; (felt disgusting ) hold ur tongue don’t you dare to think of such things i belong to sanskar only sanskar (she pressed the name twice )

sathvik; (ragged in angry ) shuu dont you dare to raise ur voice ok its my time swara

i can do anything or say anything nd you cant stop mee you remembered my condition naa or else shall i remain by killing ur love

swara; (scared out )noo sathvik plz noo

sathvik; be a gud girl swara you know two months back an accident happened in ur site na its not accident its my our plan to kill sanskar but he missed this time i wont miss

swara ; (crying badly ) no sathvik plz dont do anything plz

sathvik; shuuu dont cry baby save some tears for tomorrow nd dont act smart ok i had my men around ur sanskar nd ur lovely family too

swara; (pleasing him in tears ) plz stop all this plz i will do wat ever you want but dont harm my sanskar or family plz

wt ever angry revenge u have u show on me not on my family

sathvik ;(evil smirk) thats like gud girl tomorrow evg 6 hotel key come fast ok i will be waiting (ended the call )

swara ; crying badly by crushing her faith

” how can you swara how can you do this

You have ntg left now you need to save ur love

I should be only for sanskar ND you need to give his right first

Swara took a shower

ND dressed her self in blue jeans ND pink formal shirt ND she wrapped a beautiful pink scarf around her neck ND she took 2laks from her locker came out of room

Ap: Swara where ur going now

Swara: Woh maa I had some office important work so I will be with Kavitha whole ngt

Ap: Really you had work

Swara:( nodded fadely)

Ap: Ok swara you don’t need to answer mme but remember this here we all will be waiting for you

Swara gulped her tears ND pain ND left out by grabbing her key

ND left to police station


swara got in there us only two constables ND the inspector

Swara: Sir I need to speak something personal so plz can you come out

Inspector seen asides ND left out to swara

Swara: I need ur help

Inspector: Wt can I do my whole family is in danger

Swara: Dont worry they will be save ND can you sent sanskar out

Inspector: Nooo its impossible if he knows he will kill my family

Swara: Ok I had a other option

Inspector: Wt

Swara: Arrest mee too

Inspector is shocked ” wttt

Swara: Yes arrest me for thus one ngt I wanna be with my husband plz

Inspector: Ok but

Swara: But wt kuch nahi do it I say ( she gave one lakh rupees)
Inspector: No I dont need money

Swara: Oh really but ppl beside you need it so have it ND help nee now

Inspector : Ok I will manage come inside after 10mins

Meanwhile inspector left in nd managed everything ND swara entered inspector took swara to the Vip cell where sanskar been opened the lock ND sended swara in

Swara: Thank you so much

Inspector: Its ok sister I will come in mrg 7 still then noone will come this side all cameras in entire are off to

Swara: Thanks alot bhai

inside the cell

(guys its a V IP CELL its full luxurious its covered up room only the bars are visible its only way to look inside perfect bed an water cooler nd attached bathroom too its all avaliable really if ur excited to nd see i seen once for thrill as my uncle is police officer money can buy anything but not life,happiness nd relation )

Inspector left sanskar is shocked to see swara in jail

Sanskar: Swara ur inside the jail y u got arrested oh no inspector ( he shouted out )
Sir plz listen she is innocent y u arrested her

No one are there to listen him on swasan are alone in a VIP cell

Swara trying to stop ” arey sanskar wait ”

Sanskar is freaked out he didn’t wanna listen” y u arrested swaraaaa ”

Swara pulled him ND gave a peck on his lips by shock sanskar lost his words

Swara: Omg patidev u got melted finally

Sanskar: Swara wt ur doing here y ur in jail

Swara: Where ever ur are its my place too hubby do I followed

Sanskar ; really but its not gud go out

Swara: No still tomorrow morning I wont go

( she moved close to sanskar )

Sanskar moved back ” swara we are in jail someone may see as ”

Swara: Oh really wait ( she removed her scarf ND tied it to bars of cell by covering it completely )

Now its ok na no one can see

Sanskar: Wt are you got crazy how your behaving so happy like this ntg happened

Swara: Wt happened now ah ntg every thing will be fine by tomorrow evening

Sanskar sat of floor in tears ” no ntg will change

Swara : No my love I will change everything

Sanskar: But how

Swara: ( in mind) I cant say you sanskar really I dont know wt is gonna happen may I leave or not also so I wanna live a life in this one ngt only

Sanskar: See even you don’t have a answer

Swara: Ha may I not have but I will

Sanskar silently nodded

Swara anyway its amazing plz more thrilling too

Nice bed air cooler an celling fan gud mattress comfortable
Water filter ND its like a royal suit my love

Sanskar was shocked by her causal talk how could she react so normal in such hard times

Swara: Answer na hubby

Sanskar: How can you be so normal swara

swara you now wt its more costly then a presidential suit i paid on lakh for one ngt

sanskar is hell shocked wt you pay money to get arrested also are you crazy

swara; ha where ever ur are i will follow ur my hubby na i am scared to live alone in our room

sanskar; oh noo ur really mad

Swara: Hmm hoo its really hot ( by saying this she removed her shirt she had t- shirt inside � 😉

Sanskar was hell shocked he is strucked to see swara

Sanskar:( he got up with a jerk ) Wt ur doing

Swara: Ntg patidev casually ( she walked towards him where as sanskar took few steps back he hitted the bars of cell

Swara: ( she came close to sanskar) y ur moving back I am ur wife sanskar

Sanskar: Ha ur my wife but plz not now ur provoking me I cant control nor I am in mood of romance too

Swara: Who said you too control

Sanskar: ( shocked) swara its not a place for romance

Swara: Oh really Pati dev but you know once my love said that ” there is no specific place for romance its just chance ”

Sanskar : Is shocked by her answer) swara are you serious

Swara : Removed her belt ND threw it on floor ND moved towards sanskar
Sanskar just gulped he is unable to control he just gripped the bars of cell

Swara moved close to him ND placed her hand on sanskar jeans its still wet ” Ho u had not even changed the dress also na I got it change ”

Sanskar : Wt now ah noo

Swara: I am ur wife only na sanskar ( she just unpinned his belt)

Sanskar pushed her back ” hoo hello wt ur doing yar I am dying here stay away Plz

Swara:( laughed out aloud ) sanskar y ur dying to control do whatever you want

Sanskar: (pleasigly ) Swara Its not right place or time to decide that Plz go ND sleep

Swara : Sanskar I had decided this we will take our relationship to next level right now

Sanskar double shocked he opened his mouth ‘o’

Swara moved close she removed his hand on the bars ND placed it on her waist

Sanskar is just staring her in confusion

Swara pulled him down ND stood up on her toe’s ND moved close to kiss him

Swara captured his rough lips where as sanskar is shocked by shocked by her sudden act
He did not react for kiss

Swara pulled him close towards her and again gave a peck on his lips ND swara landed on foot

She about to move back but stopped bcoz this time sanskar tightened his grip on her waist he lifted her in by pulling towards him ND kissed her back swara is a strong ND wild kiss swara to reciprocate it

Sanskar hitted ND sucked her lips but swara did not react any thing she is quite. Which made sanskar shock he broken the kiss when he felt he need oxygen 😉

They both stared each other while breathing heavily

Sanskar could clearly witness in her eyes that she is been crying from mrg her eyes are red due to tears he could see the love she had for him
She is feeling his pain

Sanskar took swara on his arms ND placed her on bed romantically ND kissed her on forhead nd covered her with bed sheet ND about to leave

But swara held his hand ” sanskar Plz don’t goo I need you ”

She whispered in tears

Sanskar : Swara I am here only I won’t go anywhere

Swara: No not today sanskar I don’t wanna postpone this again

Sanskar 🙁 confused y she is feeling so ) really u think so swara

Swara: Ha

Sanskar lied beside her on the bed ND moved towards swara ” swara you know wt we will do it but after our relies from jail

Swara: Noo y not today

Sanskar: Its so painful so I am saying you cant handle

Swara: I am ready to bear any pain for you sanskar

Sanskar is shocked confused � he us getting mixed feelings he don’t know wt to doo now

Sanskar (monologue) let me start this kiddo will fall in starting only then she will sleep

Sanskar: You can bear let mee see how far you will

he went near her And cups her face and pecks her forehead romantically while caressing her back

Sanskar removed his shirt ND came on top off her ND kissed her lips its so hard he bitted her lips

Swara :(moaned) sanskarrr

which had even started bleeding too but she did not stopped him

Swara smiles in the kiss and reciprocate equal to his passion.

Sanskar after a while he broken the kiss ND stared at her by expecting that she could take step back

But swara is so stubborn now

Swara kissed him again

Sanskar understood wt she is upto so he carried on further

Sanskar removed her shirt ( she had another sleeveless tshirt

sanskar started giving wet kiss on her bare shoulder.swara shivers bcoz of his touch

Sanskar is caressing her back both lot in kiss

Swara pulled back when she is out of breath

Sanskar is un controllable now he kissed her neck sensuously.while his hands are exploring her bare back inside her shirt

Swara digged her nails on his bare shoulders out of pleasure

Sanskar about to move her shirt but sanskar wannted to ask her again

Swara: Sanskar i wanna live a life in this one ngt make me urs sanskar

Sanskar is speechless by her confession he covered themselves with a thin bed sheet completely he removed her shirt ND throwed it aside

Sanskar could clearly see her without any barriers

Swara could feel his gaze on her she hugged him by feeling shy

Sanskar made her lie
Then he slowly caresses her waist while giving open mouth kisses on her nape
back ND kissed her neck sensuously by caressing her body

Swara slides her hand around his neck

sanskar kissed her every inch ND inch

Swara rolled over on him and started romancing him While giving love bits in his body and passes wet kiss sanskar is shocked to see her this shade he is enjoying

He travelled to down towards her navel ND kissed her while placing wet kisses on her swara clushed his hair

Sanskar unhooked her jeans ND caressed her bare legs ND kissed her

Swara pulled him top nd kissed him on his chest she bitted his collar bone

Sanskar couldn’t resist anymore he again came on her top ND he removed his wet jeans ND trowed it a side

Both are naked sanskar in nick of tum enired her

Swara cried out in pain tears just rolled out

Sanskar looked at her for a while

Sanskar: Shall I stop swaranodded noo in tears ” noo I want you to be first ND last person to tounch me sanskar

Sanskar he kissed her continuously to suppress her pain ND shout too

ND finally sanskar landed beside her he is so happy

They even forgot that they are in jail its like heaven for them

Sanskar: I love you swara

Swara: I( semi-conscious) I love you more sanskar

You know Ho much I love even If i die I will again born to get u ❤

Sanskar: Noo I cant live without you we will die together swara if soo

Swara : Noo sanskar some ppl cant live long

Sanskar : Ur all mine only mine I wont let anyone harm you nor touch you

Swara did not answer him

Sanskar bitted her nape ” say me that ur mine

Swara still did not answer him

Sanskar angry is building up he is very possessive of her he bitted her lips wildly he came on top of her ND again he started teasing her with his rough kisses

Swara is accepting everything she is speechless

Sanskar kissed her again nd again again this time its hard he is rough swara even could not breath by his force

Sanskar whispered ” ur mine swara

Swara whispered ha everything is urs my love my hubby my soul mate my life

Sanskar : Happy he is fully satisfied he just fallen on her ND slept by hugging her tight like a child that he don’t wanna lose her even for second

Swara smiled at him

Swara( monologue) I am sorry sanskar i don’t know wt tomorrow is nd it will be worst nd last day of my life i am leaving you forever sanskar forever
but one think lasts that is my love i love you sanskar ur my life

tu meri mannat ho ,hai hamasha rahegi

After marking their love to each other by crossing lot of barriers swara too fallen asleep after crying a lot

*************to be continued *******

Precap:sathvik cruelty nd finally swara commit’s suicide :'( :'(

Its last but one part so plz break ur silence ND if so if I get perfect response I will come back with new ff orelse I will quite writing

Keep reading ND keep supporting 🙂



i always run for success but now i started running for thrill nd craziness i was an writer of ff "TU MERI MANNAT" I.e Mannat series .. writing ff gave me lot of thrill

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