Fan Fiction

TU MERI MANNAT by bhanu-part6

Thanks alot for ur valuable appreciations here we go on part-6

Recap:raglak confession nd sanskar proposes swara but swara rejected nd swasan past

*************episode starts******

Sanskar;(to himself) I was not such a cheap person swara ,u know mee from my childhood how can u misunderstand me swara I did so,becoz I know kavitha had crush on mee,she is increasing feeling for mee by spoiling her career, if say i don’t love her she may take it so serious nd she may hurt herself, so i wanted to make her hate mee ,if I do this ,she had started hating mee nd can move on her life towards her dreams so I had did it swara plz understand mee swara

Swara in her room sat on the floor nd crying loudly Deep down from her heart she is completely broken down by saying I trusted u more then mee sanskar but ur a wrong person in my life I hate u sanskar I hate u .wt i had seen from my childhood is just a lie i hate u sanskar

Next mrg maheswari mansion

Dp;(shouts angrily) sanskarrr sanskar come open the door fast
Sanskar:(got down from his bed nd opened his room door) dad wt happened y ur shouting

Dp;(angrily slaps him) how shameless ur sanskar ‘aye sanskar Diya Maine tum koi’ I know everything wt u did yesterday
Sanskar;(shocked)woh dad I have done ntg its not true dad

Dp;I had seen everything with my eyes I had done video call at that time with swara
Sanskar;(shocked)dad trust me its a prank
dp;(angrily)i cant trust my eyes i had grown such a shameless person sanskar wt u had done is very wrong we cant trust u or forgive u
Sanskar;is shocked to listen this nd left heart broken

3days passed swara is in her room only not even came out nd dp had stoped talking to sanskar .swara took a promise from dp that no to say this issue to anyone as they can bear it .
Swara too left heart broken nd started avoiding sanskar completely nd dp also avoided sanskar completely this hurted sanskar alot so he decided to leave mm nd left to Atlanta,us by writing a letter to dp” if u forgive mee nd trust mee then only i will be back in this house” nd left …
swara had got hurten more by this nd completely lost her smile
2yrs passed ap had depressed alot by sanskars absence so swara decided to speakout with dp ,so she tried hard nd finally dp had forgiven sanskar

****flashback end***

Swara;(near car weeps her tears by seeing sanskar nd raglak coming towards car) ragini come fast i am getting sleep its too late 10.30pm
ragini;(excitement hugged her)let it be swara i was so happy today its my lifes best day

swara;(smile hugged her back)finally i was happy for u, u had chosen a right person in ur life(said by looking at sanskar)
Sanskar;(don’t speak a word )he starts driving car swara is beside him but lost in thought y she rejected mee(suddenly a vehicle had came towards him he applied sudden break everyone are shocked)

Swara;Mr.sanskar wt are u doing ur trying to kill all of as haaa

sanskar; i am sorry i had not seen vechicle

Lakskya;bhai y ur so dull,what happened, anyway I will drive u come sit back

Both swasan settled in back sit as raglak wants to be one always all 4reached mm swasan sleeping in each other embrace comfortably

ragini;(signs lucky)see both of them are so comfortable with eachother but i dont know y she is avoiding him from 2yrs

lucky:ha ,but i was sure they are in love but not relising it may be one day they will
ragini;i was also waiting for that day our 2families frndship should be convert into a relationship
lucky:(holds her hand nd moves close to her)rags any way we had converted our frndship to love then we can move one more step front na
ragini:(blushes)ha lucky but not now bcoz becoz
lucky; bcoz………..
ragini;bcoz we are in our mm if anyone sees we cant take risk go wake them 1st
raglak shouts gharrrrr agaya romance band karooooooooo
swasan wakeup nd shouted what nd see there position and felt awkward
ragini; some one told mee they both hate eachother but they are in such close
sanskar; i had done nothing rags just sleeping
raglak ; we thought it may bee love
swara; no its just infatuation
raglaksan:( shouts)infatuation wttttttttt

swara; ya,Infatuation is only an attraction between male and female. And its a state of being completely carried away by un-reason passion,foolish examined feeling and unappreciated often completely unwanted unwarranted emotion.

ragini;(smile)from where u learned such a big definition beta

swara;(smileS)ur a doctor nd dont know this, u can find it in human psycology book,oxford dictionary,or in goggle also

raglak nd san are shocked

ragini: Mata Saraswati infront of ur book knowledge no human being can survive so plz leave it

laksh:ohh swara i know u think love is waste of time may be u nd sanskar has infatuation but mee nd ragini love its my life ha dont make her again confuse i will die to convence (they both get down)
sanskar; i truly love you i dont have any such stupid infatuations
swara:(whispers ) i dont have anyfeeling for u nd will never come its better to stay away from mee
sanskar:(tesingly)acha i will show u wt feeling u have from 2mmrow u will fall for mee again swara
swara; acha i will see (nd left)
raglak:(teasingly)wt u both are whispering anyway swara come
sanskar;nth(in mind)i should not say about my love to ragini nd lucky

Next day ,
swaras room

ragini;swara its mrg9 wt happened ur still sleeping get up

swara;(sleepily)rags plz let mee sleep for some more time its sunday na plz

ragini;(excitigly)haa sunday so i was waking u, u know maheswari brothers are planing a surprise PARTY for as in evg so we need to know before they show come get up
swara;(shocked)wt ,who told u rags
ragini;lucky told mee that u both get ready by evg 5 we will come nd pick u
swara;are u sure we are going
ragini;ha we are,nd swara u ur sad from yesterday again is everything 5n
swara:(tensed)ha ragini everything is 5n
ragini:(sad)i dont know swara i was seeing u from last 2yrs ur not even talking properly i was continuously asking u say the reason but u kept avoiding ,i was ur sister swara u can share anything with mee
swara; (hugs ragini )not like that rags actually let it be past y we should dig the past let it bee
ragini:(teasingly)acha past then y ur continuously avoiding sanskar then past na forget it
swara: acually sanskar told that he loves mee yesterday
ragini: (shocked nd shouts) wttt are u serious he had proposed u?
swara: ha rags but i know he is not a serious person like lucky to say yes ,he is a flirt so i said noo
ragini: are u gone mad swara y u rejected he is a good one swara how can u
swara: i know wt kind of man he is let it be
ragini: (thinks for a while) as ur wish i know u may have a reason nd wt about evg party
swara; no i was not interested u go na i will make all arrangements
ragini :u should plz plzzzz
swara :oka i will be there by 6 okay
evg 7pm,fram house

its a grand party as finally raglak got there love they invitated all the frnds of sanskar nd swara also grand arrangements are made by swara as she is so happy for Ragini
swara;(saw sanskar in rosy pink shirt nd blue jeans felt happy in mind)y this sanskar had wearing this shirt which i had gifted him 2yrs back anyway i dont mind

All the frnds had arrived in including sathvik

Sathvik;hi Ms.swara how are u the arrangement are awesome

Swara:5n ND thank you come nd join the party (gives a drink)
both kept on speaking more then 10mins

Sanskar;(saw them nd got angry that he know sathvik is flirting with swara)swara I need to ask u something personal
Swara;(hesitated) no I cant nd I wont

Sanskar:(drags her to an empty room ) swara u don’t love mee its fine but y ur taking with that idot sathvik I hate him I will get angry if u repeat it

Swara;(angrily)wt u will anyway its my wish I like him so I was speaking nd its none of ur business

Sanskar;if u do so I will show u, wt the punishment u will get (locked the door nd started moving close to her by unbutting his shirts)
swara:(nervous nd closed her eyes )wt are u doing sanskar plz stop it
sanskar; how can i u only asked me to show na
swara; just stop flirting with mee ,i will kill u
sanskar:(changed his shirt nd laughing by seeing her
expression)open ur eyes,look how is my new shirt riya had gifted mee

swara;(opened only one eye slitly nd shouted angrily )wt are u think ur self mr.sanskar( pushed him )on 1st day u tried to kiss mee later u told we are frnd nd yesterday u told u love me nd now all this stupid thing y u always try to take advantage of girls ah!!!!! i am warning u dont mess with mee i was black belt in karate

sanskar;(tesingly)i have all colour belts in my room i dont need urs anyway u dont know how it will be if i take advantage of u ,u will see on day nd how is my new shirt its gifted my riya today (winks at her nd gone from there)

swara :(to herself)i should not even speak to a boy but he can flirt nd do wt ever he want with all the girls how shameless he is(moved out of the room )
everybody gathered round nd started to play truth or dare

Swara sat beside sathvik so sanskar sat on other side of swara its sathvik turn nd lucky asked truth or dare
Lucky;in all girls present here with whom u wanna go for a date
Swara felt uncomfortable nd sanskar got angry

Again they spin its sanskars nd Neha questions

Sanskar;dare with a truth

Neha;acha wt u will do if u get a chance to spend a ngt with ur lover

Sanskar;(looks towards swara)I will cross my minimum limits

Swara;(got angry ND stood up and shouted)I will kill u sanskar

Sanskar;(teasgly)y ur worried I told i will do with my lover

Swara;(relised all are staring at haer)anygirl will do so

Swara had started talking with sathvik to irritate sanskar

sanskar;(got angry ND placed his hand on her waist from back)

Swara;(shocked nd unable to speak a word by his touch nd whispers)how dare u to touch mee,just leave me if anyone see wt they think just leave mee sanskar

Sanskar;(moves romantically)i told u na i cant see u speaking with that stupid if i want to leave u then promise me u won’t speak with that idiot

swara: (shocked)its none of ur business ,nd anyway how I sanskar he is a partner in our new construction business i need to

Sanskar;(moves his hand inside her jacket but on her t-shirt moved his hand romantically) then i can’t leave u swara u have to pay for it

Swara; (shocked by his moves nd speechless)sanskar plz try to understand leave mee its so uneasy nd embarrassing plz

Sanskar; no u promise u will stop talking with him or else i will cross all my limits today

Swara;(no other option)ok i won’t talk any personal but as a internal auditor i have to speak as for my profession plz understand
Sanskar;(he takes his hand from her wasit)ok that’s 5n

Swara;(fully sweated nd nervous)

Ragini: swara are u 5n y ur sweating that much, ac is on but still y (

Swara; (tensed)wohh nothing its suffocating i will come in while nd (she left to poolside where she saw Riya sanskars classmate in engineering)

ragini:(in mind)i will clear ur thoughts today swara nd she msg riya something)

**********to be contiued*************
precap:swara finds herself in sanskars shirt in sanskars bed nd got shocked to see sanskar shirtless
-bhanu chowdary
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