[2/28, 3:13 PM] neha: ?TU MERI MOHABBATH?
Episode 5
In car
Swara was driving, ragz was blabering about lucky
R-??hw dare he to c another girl other than me that flirty idiot ahhh i wil kil him tat stupid
S-(casually)we reached(she parkd d car and left)
R-(shouting ran behind her)are i m telling u imp thing and u r just ignoring
S-watever dnt u think u r over reacting? He was just flirting thats it wt a big deal
R-wt a big deal? R u kidding?
S-no nw stop talking and work(left to her cabin)
R-??me b kis se bat kah rahi ti(tuk a breath and left to her cabin)
After some time swara was going out of her office but dashed with a hard chest(i knw u all already guessed)
S-(shockd to c d person)u(shouts)
Person(naughty smile)-s its me oly ur one nd oly lover sanky aka sanskar maheshwari
S(irritated)-stop saying that u idiot r u following me?
San-haha no jaan(swara angrily glared him)look its my ofc i mean our ofc after our shaadi(winks at her)
S(angrily)-wt is ur problem mr? Y dnt u leave me alone ah? How many time i told u ki(interupted)
San-(immitating her)ki i dnt believe in love its just a word for me dnt follow me i hate u.
S(dangerous voice)dnt u dare to do that again
San(got scard a little bt gulping it nd act normally)-jaan k i dnt immitate u bt stop saying that dialogue and i also told u that i wil never leave u and i lov u(peckd her cheek and ran away????)
Swara was shocked by his sudden act bt soon come to sences after hearing phn ring
Phn coversation
S-ha ragz bolo
R-shona cme to xyz restaurant i m waiting
R-wt y to have lunch jaldi aao lucky v hai mere sath we all have lunch together
S-u have i m nt hungry
R-no u r cmg or ?? ha i wil break up wid laksh
Laksh (shock to hear dis)-wt r u mad? If ur shona dnt cme to wt is my mistake that u wil broke up wid me?
R-i dnt knw all that(to shona)
S-ragz u cn do whatever u want i dnt mind bt i m not cming(lucky again shock phn is in speaker)
L(to swara)-swara ji plz dnt do that with me plz cme baht mushkil se apke is ragz to manaya hai plz is bachhe pe zulm mat karo me to barbad ho jaunga if u dont come plz come(extra sweetly) swara ji
S(left a big sign)-nw i got it y ragz choose u as life partner(raglak confuse)both r same a big nautankibaaz.(raglak shock)wt a perfect jodi(mockingly)
L(sheepishly)-i was nt like that (saw ragz) sangat ka asar hai
S-ha u r right k i m cming u guys start(cutd d cl)
[2/28, 3:26 PM] neha: In xyz restaurant
After phn conversation
L-bhai ur juliet is coming
San-thanks dude wt a performance guys
R-are bt wt wil we do when she wil cme here? And c u she wil kill me for sure
L-ha bhai rago is ryt
San-dnt worry when shanky is here y to fear? I knw how to handle my jaan’s volcano
Raglak(teasingly)-my jaan ha
R(happy tearz)-bhai tq after knwing abt swara’s past also u love her äccepted her, nw i knw u wil heal her wounds oly u can bring my bubbly shona
San(side hugd her)-rago i love my swara and her present matterz me nt her past(broke d hug)its hurt me cing ur love hurting herself. Its kil me when i c her neglency towards her life. And i promise soon i wil heal her wounds by my love(determined) my love is enough for both of us
R(overwhelmed by his words and his love towards her shona)and i wil help u
L-me 2
Precap-sanky’s pov
Cholly for late update plz cment and ha hard ur heart becoz swara’s past going to reveal soon nd i bet u guys wil kil me
And plz cmnts last update oly 1 cmnt my ff is that bad then tel me i wil discontinue
Super and sanky character is nice I want this type of hubby.
uughhhh.. don’t show that swara’s past soo bad…
Awesome dear