Tu Sooraj Main Saanjh Piyaji 31st July 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Kanak reminisces Maasi telling every year they send handmade Radha-Krishna Jhoolan from their house, this year she has to prepare it on sandalwood frame with pulses/daal. She thinks how can she prepare it being hungry all day. She imagines Uma telling she has to clear one more exam, rambha pariksha. She shouts no…thinks she has to clear dhairya/courage pariksha and have to look at Uma’s good qualities and forget how he married forcefully. Uma calls her and says she has to prepare portrait by 5 p.m. She says coming swami.
Suman provokes Palomi that she is preparing gum for Uma while Kanak has taken over her place. Palomi says she has to prepare gum for Uma and does not have time for her chat. Suman says she has become Meera here and Kanak has become Radha, she will ruin Kanak’s dhairya pariksha at any cost.
Kanak prepares portrait on sandalwood frame with Uma and says he is so famous in Ladnu and can win if he stands in an election, he must be feeling proud of himself. He says they should boast about god’s given gift. She says even then he must be feeling proud of himself sometime. He says yes when people say his wife is so beautiful. She stops and feels nervous. Serial’s title song..Diya aur baati hum..plays in the background. She says she will decorate Radha and he can decorate Krishna. He raises hand and it sticks with Kanak’s hand. He forcefully pulls it and gum splashes on Kanak. She angrily shouts what is it, then calms down and says he did right. Suma comes and says Uma that a patient has come. Kanak says she will wash her face by then. Suman says even she is needed there. They both walk to patient. Patient holding crying baby says baby’s mother went to temple, so he had to bring baby alogg. He is feeling severe stomachache. Uma asks him to give baby to his family member while he examines him. Suman says only Kanak Bhabhi can handle baby. Kanak tries to pacify baby. Maasi says baby should be handled gentle and asks to hold her hand under baby’s neck. Kanak does same.
Vansh waits for laundryman to deliver laundry and hopes Meena picks letter. Laundryman comes and Vansh asks Meena to take laundry and do math. Golu also insists Rani to take laundry. Meena and Rani fight for clothes. Golu continues insisting Rani and thinks why Vansh bhaiya is spoiling his love story. Rani sees letter in her bunch of clothes and runs happily. One letter falls from Meena’s bunch. Vansh says this letter is for her, she should read it carefully. Golu thinks he will be punished now. Meena reads it and gets emotional.
Kanak and Uma decorate portrait again. Kanak gets very hungry and thinks how Uma tolerates hunger so easily, she cannot though. She imagines food in pulses and smells bowls. Uma asks what is she doing. She says she saw stone and clearing it. She then smells food. Suman brings food and says it is smelling very pleasant, but Kanak cannot even smell it during fast. Uma goes away to get something. Suman keeps food in front of Kanak, walks aside and watches hiding with Palomi. Kanak gets tempted seeing rasgulla and thinks nothing will happen if he eats one, Suman must have not counted them. Suman smirks.
Precap: Uma scolds Payal that her one mistake spoilt Kanak’s hard work and their ritual. Kanak says ritual will not spil, she will refix portrait.
Update Credit to: MA
Awesome precap
it is not uma dream sequence confined . uma break all tie with kanak because he come to know kanak real motive that is why he put fire on bed angrily. i have shocked to see uma angery avatar.
It’s Uma dream sequence.but Kanak didn’t do what he think.and one segment is there Kanak vidai(Kanak goodbye to everyone)
Well, an entertaining episode. Kanak Uma interaction was sweet. His indirect compliment to her about her beauty was a little heart-stopping. ? Why must TV shows portray household women as so vicious and evil. That to a young girl like Suman. The way they show her going out of her way to make Kanak fail. Up till now Palomi was shown as a passive listener. But today, she also participated with excitement hoping Kanak would eat and fail. They show no goodwill in Suman even after knowing that Kanak did not take her name when caught with the cell-phone and that she saved Maasa. How poorly Suman’s character is shown. Bitter and devoid of softness. Maybe all those harsh rules have killed her softness and conscience. She is more jealous than Palomi!! Worse,as viewers, if Kanak does eat or lose patience, we all would be disappointed in her…since we are so involved now. How what they show changes our mindset…she must prove her worthiness to us viewers as well…In the precap, I am sure that frustrated by her failure to break Kanak, Palomi and Suman did something to make Payal ruin Kanak’s work so that Kanak would lose patience and yell. But again, our heroine will be shown the ideal woman who can keep patience even in the face of such treatment. And whoever is not like that is unworthy and ordinary! Huh! May this track end soon for a new beginning. BTW, based on what I read about another scene shown, Bhabho throws stuff around the shop in an upcoming episode. I don’t think Bhabho will appreciate that Kansk got her shop back. She might hate it that Kanak saved it and will therefore destroy the shop. I wish it will be because she feels bad what her granddaughter went through for the sake of the shop but unlikely that’ll happen so soon.
Hello tsmsp addicts …..
I hope all your’s Sunday gone good…..
about serial
today’s episode good ….. :-):-)
kanak and uma fevicol seen hahaha…
uffffffff ye suman aur paulomi kya h ye??
aur payal ko to bsss “paisa paisa krti h Ku psise pe mrti h ??
kl lagegi ki payal ki class…… .hahhehehhahaha…..!!
Sportiveness of kanak make the epi good to watch.Everyone want to test kanak, being small in the house suman is not scared of maasi n uma n trying to help her frnd paulomi to suceed in evil things to snatch a married man.Suman should b corrected at this point.y r they interested in remainding ramba test again n again, adding mirchi to a good story.
I love this episode.
I am waiting for Uma to change his dual personality and realize that he need to protect and support his wife in front of his family. If he disagrees with her he should do so in private. I need to see more romantic scenes between Uma and Kanak. Whenever the Diya Baati Aur Hum song plays since the alcoholic sweets incident I get very annoyed. I have started to dislike Uma Shankar. I did not like how kanak had to run after him, how he left her alone in a strange place with the door open she could have been raped, how she had to lie on the ground and he drove the vehicle towards her, what if his break failed. I disklike his so call tests to prove she is a perfect mate. kanak should be giving him tests because he has yet to prove himself a perfect husband. I am sure ladies that none of us would marry this person. He needs to apologize to his wife for his rude behavior. I am happy that she will leave him. I did not like the tears. the only person i personally think deserves those tears are Shiv. I love him so and his unconditional love for kanak. I want Uma to to be on the hedge of going crazy with the relization of what he had and loss because of his actions. they should not reunite until the end of season 3. he needs to do a lot of begging and crying. Kanak should put him in his place as soon as the property papers are transferred to her name.
Please watch this new promo. Uma his just fueling my hanger seeing this I hope it is Kanak’s dream and not Uma.
Please see link below.
Oh God!! That’s horrendous. Ok, time to take a break from this show. I quit the last one when the nonsense hit the limit. Now I need to take a break from this one to remain sane.
Another link with santosh destroying the shop.
I think viewers need to realise that the whole point of Uma’s character is to highlight the behaviours & atrocities some women have to face in the name of religion- the fact that the writers portray it in a negative manner highlights how dated & disgusting this type of behaviour is …. hats off to the show makers for raising awareness around these issues, roll on more love & understanding between Uma & Kanak, really enjoyed their romance today
If anyone is looking for some lighthearted fun.
Just saw these clips the whole family is retarded thought they believed in dharma & righteousness but all what is shown is beyond that kinda sick all these women in UMA life are insane guess this is the result of no entertainment in that house Potraying religion & dharm as pathetic & sad Kinda disappointed
Nice episode. Kanak is childish but strong,
I didn’t understand onething that Palomi still trying hard for Uma, she knows that he follows dharm-rules more than anything and he’ll not going to marry again even if Kanak leaves him for ever.
Saras should be a good a friend a Kana, should have girl talks with baabi and should warn Suman as a older sister…
Someone asking Paayal’s real name: it is Shefali Singh Soni from Indore; she acted in short films like Minki
Baabo destroying the shop may be because the shop is now belongs to Kanak…very stubborn
I Don’t under why Bhabho thinks Kanak is the reason Sandhya and suraj died. It is not Kanaks fault she was kidnapped and every parent will give their life to save their child which Bhabho should understand. She should put herself in Sandhya and Sureaj’s shoes to save her own son and see how she feels. The character of Bhabho may be portrayed as being a very loving woman but although she loved Suraj and Sandhya, she did not understand them at all or their feeling. How would a father feel seeing his daughter treated so horribly by his own mother. Does Bhabho ever think of what Suraj would tell her for treating his daughter the ways she treats her.
As for Uma Shankar, I hope he goes through the hell he is putting Kanak through. He does not deserve her.
Last episode was very beautifully shot that scenario was superb uma and kanak cute moments .Kanak is very childish but strong at heart I think this one character which made uma impressed .Hate suman at this age she is doing like this .That gum sequence was very nice.Makers are very creative .The way uma said indirectly that she is beautiful was so sweet .Precap first time she is going to get nice scoldings from uma.So I think she will pass in this test.But I wonder why uma is giving rambha test if she pass in all the test that is becos he came to know about the true intention
Yes Madhu i accept your point uma will never marry anyone kanak is the only women in his life becos he strongly believe in dharam and bholenath signs.So paulomi cannot succeed in her plan.The new video where bhabho destroys the shop knowing that it belongs to umashanker is little shocking so after getting the papers also she won’t accept kanak .that means kanak lost the love of both the sides .I think maybe uma will realize that she didn’t cheat her she was trying to get bhabho ‘s love .Maybe just a wild guess uma will bring bhabho and kanak together.This may bring a change in kanak towards uma .I think like dabh soorya supported sandhya to fulfil her dreams .Right from first kanak’s only ambition in life is to get bhabho ‘s love this was her ultimate dream so uma will fulfil her dream and then they will slowly become diya air bhati
I love the tender romance of this show. A breath of fresh air. Uma flirts with Kanak indirectly and it is incredibly sweet. He basically told her that her beauty is the only reason he ever becomes too proud. So that’s the plus. The problem is the completely unnecessary Palomi and Suman angle. I am ok with seeing Kanak face challenges with old way of thinking. I know she will overcome or leave it all and go back and Uma, who is now deeply invested emotionally in Kanak will be devastated. But this Palomi Suman aggravation writers have written is becoming unbearable and viewers will turn away if this prolongs. It was completely not needed. Palomi saying I’ll become Rambha and lusting after Uma, I mean seriously, what was the need for such cheapness? It does nothing to enhance the show. We already know Uma is hot without showing a desperate woman ogling and drooling after him. They virtually keep the poor man shirtless 50 percent of the time. If female exposure is so frowned upon in our culture, there should be some control on male exposure too. Why the double standard? I have a feeling though that all of Palomi’s Rambha plans are in her dream. She can’t possibly think that Uma will mistake her for Kanak. Suman will probably really lock Kanak to prevent her from performing Rambha charitra(ridiculous! Entire family knows they are going to do it, chi chi!!) But Sara’s or Maasisa might rescue Kanak in time. The fire and all is probably Uma’s dream, if not, go to hell you f-i*g b@#$*”& and damn you writers for ruining his characterization. Kanak at the last moment might withdraw from Rambha test and confess all to Una(fingers crossed, please writers, be sweethearts). Coming to that insane Bhabho, I have a feeling that Uma and Kanak will reach there while she us creating that maniacal havoc in the shop. Uma will stop her and slowly understand the whole matter and what Kanak has been through since her babyhood. That would be awesome. So hang on just a bit more Friends. There still might be hope for this show.
Yes navi my assumption of the story is same as yours i think the plot will go like this
Nice Episode! Have many cute uma-kanak moments! I really hate suman and paulomi, they are really irritating! Exciting precap!
Enjoyed both Sundays & yesterdays episodes, and agree with you all Suman is nasty piece of work, but I guess this is Asian society , she cannot accept that her brother is married & maybe be happy or the fact that she will not come first ( have experience of this)
As for Paulomi , well what can I say, she claims to understand Uma, but has not realised a simple thing like his dharma. Whether Uma or Kanak stay together or not he will never marry pauliomi , as Kanak is his choice & sent to him by God.
Am also getting fed up with BHabo’s character & attitude. She claims her son & daughet in law meant / mean the world to her, but she hurts Kanak every step of the way, perhaps her families need to remind her that Sooraj & Sandhya would be very hurt & upset with her in heaven , seeing her do this to ther daughter, who they gave their lives for, as any parent would do so for their child.
Not sure what to make of agnipariksha episodes coming up, too much hype &a reporting. I think that this will be Uma’s hurt & frustration , as well as his anger at being deceived . He may well be fighting his devil within and therefore playing through how he feels in his head.
Anyway can’t wait to see what happens next, I am still hooked on this soap. (I think Kanak does like him ! But the shop mistress is coming between them, once that goes things should look better.
How come Uma got to know about Kanak and the shop?……..Hoe he know that she is Sandhya’s daughter………..
Frnds did any of you saw the new video finally kanak achieved her goal uma registered the shop in kanak’s name kanak was very happy .Then kanak showed the CCTV footage vansh ask for clarification as we all assumed that person was adithya not uma kanak got shocked hearing this adithya character is going to enter the show.Finally bhabho accepts kanak becos of umashanker and massisa fully supported kanak to get bhabho ‘s love .So will kanak go with uma after sorting out the misunderstanding or not or bhabho ‘s insistence she will go
Love the way the story has progressed. Few days back it was so predictable but from last one week its really exciting especially the special episode on Sunday. Was missing Uma-Kanak moments and the serial title track but they play it more often now. I am so much in love with this song. I hope Kanak passes this test. I hate Suman since beginning. I hope Uma throws Palomi out of his house and Suman gets some sense. And whereas Payal, she’s become too much money minded these days.
I think Meena will get Golu’s letter and come to know that Golu is married to Rani……….
Hi TSMSP fans…. last 2 episodes where Awesome!!
Arpita I feel Uma ud hv asked to find out details of shop vd Gabbasa.
I saw dt YouTube video in vh babho throws things around in shop, I feel dt babho has given that shop to Misri n Misri has pledged it to Uma.
I sometimes feel Palomi is Misri.
It’s my vague guess guys….
Ok saw that and feel better that they won’t drag out problems. Nice to see Ved Vansh Kanak and Uma all in one frame.
@pii , I feel the same palomi is mishri otherwise what’s the point in hiding the identity of a dead person plus when kanak’s family was there , palomi was nowhere to be seen right ?
When the promos of the show were being shown it was shown that kanak was returning after some 5 years or so , so most likely she won’t know how mishri looks like so that’s why she’s not recognising her , what don’t think @Mii am I right ? do correct me if I’m wrong please
Yes… I completely agree vd u love Kanak..
Dhy had not shown Palomi when Rati family came for treatment..
Hope everything goes fine n problems btvn KanUm gets sorted..
If this serial need any negative character in aditya role then suyyash rai, namish taneja or ankit gera will be good then uma shankar double role. …dont show him negative for aditya role n uma look good with kanak not with greedy payal..if it ll happen then show ll hv low trp..
What about mohammad nazim n vishal singh for aditya role……dnt show double role plz..