Categories: Tujhse Hai Raabta

Tujhse Hai Raabta 16th July 2019 Written Episode Update: Malhar and Kalyani fail to find Moksh

Tujhse Hai Raabta 16th July 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Malhar requesting to the people in the video to help them find their son. He says I love my son very much, just like you love your kids. He says if anyone gets info then contact the Police station. Kalyani asks the ladies to help them and cries. The lady asks who is this lady then? Sampada’s lady goon runs away from there. The ladies apologize to them. Kalyani tells Anupriya that they have to search Sampada and Atharv’s passport. Sampada holds the lady goon’s neck and says I asked you to hurt Kalyani so that she gets unconscious for the night. She says if you are of no use for me then you shall not be alive. She tries to strangulate her. Atharv comes and pushes Sampada. He asks lady goon to go. He asks Sampada why did you do this? Sampada says I don’t know what to

do and tells that Malhar’s video is viral and Kalyani is after Moksh. Atharv says Moksh is still with your baba. Aparna comes and hears her. She asks what Moksh is doing with your baba and asks if she meets him even now. Sampada closes the door. The ladies enquire about Moksh in the neighborhood. Pawar tells that someone messaged that the baby is found with a man. They reach there. Vaman sees Malhar and runs holding a basket. Malhar asks him to stop. Basket flies in air. Malhar catches the basket and opens it, but Moksh is not inside. He asks Vaman to tell where is Moksh? Vaman says you will raise hand on me. Malhar says you and asks where is Moksh. Vaman says Aparna came and took Moksh with her. She asks him to run diverting his attention. Malhar says do you think that this is a joke, you are hurting the baby. Atharv asks Sampada about Moksh. Sampada says he is safe with Aai. Atharv asks her not to worry. Kalyani calls him and tells him that she has Sampada and his passport. Atharv says how to believe him. Kalyani asks him to check his phone and says she will give him his passport and will give Sampada’s passport after getting Moksh. Sampada comes and asks if Malhar got ready to give their passport. Atharv thinks he shall not tell Sampada and thinks to go and get his passport. He says he got info about Mugdha and going there.

Atharv comes to the place and hugs Anupriya. He appreciates them for taking his passport from Malhar. Kalyani says I will give you passport now if you bring Moksh to us in one hour. He asks about Sampada’s passport. She refuses to give her passport. Atharv says I love Sampada. Kalyani throws a passport in fire. Atharv calls her mad and says keep Sampada’s passport why did you burn my passport. Kalyani says that was dummy passport and says your passport is with me. She asks him to bring Moksh here within an hour and says if he don’t bring moksh then she will get the Police ready at the airport to welcome him. She says I will take revenge from Sampada. Atharv thinks to leave Sampada and thinks to go out of the country. He asks Kalyani to do whatever she wants and says he loves his freedom. He says he don’t have to do anything with Sampada and will leave the country. He leaves. Malhar brings Vaman and Aparna there and asks her, did you see how much Atharv loves your daughter.

A fb is shown, Sarthak says sorry to Malhar for getting Kalyani bailed. Kalyani says we shall give their passports to them. Just then Pawar brings Aparna and Vaman there. Kalyani asks Vaman about Moksh. Malhar says he is with Aai. Aparna says I will call Sampada and says you can’t stop me here. Malhar asks her to support them if she wants Sampada’s betterment. He says do you think Atharv loves her and says he will give proof. Fb ends. Malhar tells Aparna to think what will happen with Sampada after Atharv leaves her. Anupriya asks Aparna to tell where is Moksh for Sampada’s betterment. Vaman tells Aparna that he has seen Kalyani and Moksh’s attachment seeing Moksh keeping quiet hearing Kalyani’s song. He asks Aparna to tell where is Moksh.

Aparna says I will take you there. She takes them to a house where Sampada asked her to leave Moksh. Malhar asks Kalyani to be there and says he will go. Kalyani says she will come with him. Malhar says ok and asks her not to do any foolishness. They go inside. Kalyani says there is nobody here, Aparna is betraying us. Sampada is there with the goons and asks them to take her son and says she will come there. She asks them to remember that nothing shall happen to her son. Malhar opens the door and gets inside. The goons attack Malhar tries to beat him. Kalyani asks where is Billu? Malhar holds the goons’ neck. Kalyani asks Sampada to tell where is Billu and holds her.

The goon is taking Moksh out. Malhar asks Commissioner to give him permission to enquire with Sampada without arresting her. He says if I arrest her then she will get her bailed with a phone call. Anupriya asks her to tell where is Moksh else she will get jailed. Sampada is tied to the chair. Kalyani says she will not tell easily and tells that she will call her lawyer and get bail. Sampada says she will not tell. Kalyani brings rats in the bag and says they are ready to jump on you. Sampada says you can’t do this. Aparna says Sampada is afraid of rats. Kalyani says I can do anything to get Moksh. She asks her to tell else she will open the bag.

Precap: Sampada frees herself and go to a bar. Malhar and Pawar go inside. Kalyani is outside. Sampada escape from there.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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