Guys guys im back. Today no bak bak lets stat the part…
Gadodia House
Entire Mf came to gadodia house for fixing the apropriate date for ragsan’s engagement.
Dp- ji i think you have no problem with wedding date?
dadi- no ji no. I wish this all rituals should be happen in peace.
Suji- nazar na lage mare chode aur mare bahu par.
Dp- Shekhar ji we have to fixed their wedding date.
Uttu- Take care that i have to shopping a lot so i need that much time.
Swara- i have to also
Shekhar- ok baba. dp ji what about a week later?
Sharmi- that much hurry?
Anu- We have to invite relatives and also have a lot of work.
Rp- bhabi we should do the engagement with our close ones only so dont worry.
swautt- what about our shopping?
Dp- dont worry beta we will arrange all things.
Shekhar- so date is final.
Ayu- lets known to our dulha and dulhan.
Sharmi- leave them alone sometime let them talk personally.
at raginis room sanskar and ragini is sitting face to face and shipping coffee.
San- Ragini do you ever think in our first meet we will become that much close?
rag- nehi j.. sorry sanskar.
Sanskar- There is no sorry nor thanks in friendship.
Rag- But when we become friends?
San- not still now but lets do it. Ok miss Ragini will you become my friend? (he forward his hand)
Ragini shake her hand with him and said- ok mr maheswri. So what will you gonna do to celebrate our new friendship???!!!!
San- fine. let me think… hmmmm… what about a long drive?
Rag- good.
Sanskar- so lets go today.
Rag- no tomorrow, i have some work today. But say one thing why do you want to do friendship with me?
Sanskar- because i think a couple should be first friend of eo then they should provide a relationship.
He take her hand in his hand and give a assured smile.
There in a big house in a dark room a girl is sitting in a swing, only a candle is is giving light which reveals half of her face. There is a photo of sanskar in her hand. She is uttering to herself- Sanskar you always said friendship is only way of love. You said that you will be love only who will be your best friend. Sanskar I was also your best friend, you shared every thing with me, but what did you do? You left me… you left me(shouted). just because i raped. What was my mistake(crying)? Just loving you. i well never forgive you never.
Fb shows
That girl is walking in a silent road. Suddenly a gang of boys come in front her, she become afraid.
girl- Who… who are you??
boy1- you have no work with our introduction.
boy2- Let have some fun with us.
Girl tries to run away but they catch her and raped her.
Next day at hospital Sanskar came and meet her and said- i cant meet you after, please forgive me if you can but leave me. Saying that sanskar left the hospital and she break down in cries.
Fb end
Girl continue- You left me in this dark life Sanskar. I thought you will become light of my life but you didn’t. And society didn’t accept me and my life became dark. And here you are having fun. You are marrying another girl. I cant bother it,I cant. You are same culprit as those rapist. I will destroy you Sanskar Maheswai, Its a promise from your best frien friend no ex best friend KAVITA SHINGHANIA.(played by nikita shama)
Here our cute couple is in long drive. Ragini is wearing a frock after lot of request of swara.
Sanskar is sitting in driver seat and Ragini in passenger seat. He is continues starring her. And here ragini is blushing.
Sanskar- Ragini why dont you try driving?
Ragini- sona told me a lot but i didn’t have that much courage.
Sanskar- Lets try today.
Ragini- no no not today.
Sanskar- Ok tell me one thing you call swara sona but what she call you?
Ragini- Ragu who ever love they can call me ragu. You also can(blushingly)
Sanskar smiled at her but some scene strike in hi head.
Sanskar and Kavita is sitting in a bench in collage.
Kavi- Sanku i Call you sanku with love but you all time kavita kavita hmm.
San- So what should i call you?
Kavi- Kavu you can call me kavu. Who ever love me they call me kavu understand.
San- jo hukum malkin.
They laughed at their silly act.
Fb ends
Ragini- Sanskar where are you lost?
San- nothing lets enjoy.
Ragini noticed a old couple is sitting togather in loving pose.
Rag- look at them how much they are charming!!!!
San- yeah we will be also.
Rag- do you love someone before?
San- hmmm yeh there was one.
Rag- tell me about her.
San- She was something like you very innocent but i don’t want to talk about her.
Rag- Its ok. hmmm lets have some ice cream.
Sanskar- sure.
Here in a atm swara and laksh come ate same time. they don’t give attention eo. After sometime the man who was in atm comes out. They both head to go in atm.
Swara- What!!! you are breaking rule. I came here first.
Laksh- Checked up your eyes with your mind also. so let me go.
Swara- oh mr. where are you going? And check your eyes. I came first.
Laksh- just shut up. i will go first.
Swara- no iwill.
Laksh- no i
Swara- no i
Laksh- i
Security- madam sir stop between your argue two men already enter and came out also.
Swalak- you shut up.
Security- fine continue but go away from here.
Laksh- ok madam go.
swara- alle lelle babu lost tchh tchh byeeeeee.
Precap- blossoming love between ragsan. Swalak cute fight romance. kavita’s attempt.
guys im done here. sorry for being late i have to study also na. tell how is the part. Thank you soooooooooooo much for your comment. take care
Thank you
lots of love
Thank you di
Lovely !!fabulous!!
Thank you di ?
Lovely !!fabulous!!
Thank you di ?
Awesome Update soon.
Thank you di ? will try asap
Ossssooommmmmmmmmm here also kavitha???
Thank you di ? yeah kavita is here with a new turn
awesome one dr
Thamk you so much di
Awesomeee. Waiting for ragsan love story.
Thank you di ? that will happen soon
Thank you di ?
Thank you di ?
Awesome di… Now villan is on the way to ragsan…
Thanx dear
yeah villian in the way of ragsan with a new turn
Thank you di ?
Superb dear.
Thank you di ?
Thank you di ?
Thank you di ?
Omg sissy now kavitha is here to torture our RAGSAN oh noo sissy. Don’t hurt my RAGSAN sissy. Plss update ASAP.
Thank you di ? dont worry she cant do they are for eo
Amazing dr. Ragsan moments were lovely and swalak scenes were funny. Update soon.
Thank you di ? will try asap
Thank you di ?
Thank you di ? will try asap
Superbbbb duperrrrr update.
Thank you di ?
Thank you di ?
Awesome yaar.
Thank you di ?
Awesome dear
Thank you di ?
Thank you di ?
Thank you di ?
Awesome. Try to add more ragsan scenes.
Thank you di ? will give in further episodes
Thank you di ?
Thank you di ?
Awesome. Loved it.
Thank you di ?
Superb dear
Thank you di ?