Guys i am back with another part. And cholly for delay. Ok lets go…
Next Day at mm all mf family accept Durga and Ram is sitting in hall and chitchating.
Uttara- Mom why dont fix marriage of laksh bhai along with sanskar bhai. Then i will get another bhabi.
Laksh- Why dont you get marry? Our house will be some peaceful. And listen no common girl can marry Laksh Maheswari.
Uttara- Haan if a common girl marry you she will become mad.
sUJI- You both shut up. We have to talk serious about marriage its not a joke.
Suddenly Kavita enter there.
Kavita- Namaste aunties. Hi uttara laksh. Hi Sansku.
Anu- Kavita you here?
Kavita- Yeah i thought to meet you guys. I lost my family when i meet you i felt like i got a family.
Anu- Where do you live now?
Kavita- Im staying in a rented house. I feel suffocated there.
Anu- Why dont you stay with us?
Sanskar- Yeah kavi Ma is right.
Sujata- How can she? A unmarried girl how…
Anu- change your thoughts Sujata its modern time.
Sujata- ok then fine.
Kavita- Thank you soo much aunty you dont know how happy i am. (herself- Entry is done)
Sujata- Sanskar beta why dont you meet Ragini you need to know each other.
Sanskar- fine mom i also thinking about that.
Uttara- oye hoye kya baat kya baat.
Sanskar glares at her and go away to his room.
In his room
Sanskar- I think i have to meet ragini. We both need to know each other. Let me call her.
He calls ragini and decided to go Ganga riverbank.
At Ganga river Bank
They are sitting beside each other with out talking admiring the beauty of nature. But sanskar thought to start talking…
Sanskar- Ragini do you love the place?
Ragini- Yeah actually me and sona were used to come there when we are in school. The place had lot of memories. Do you have any?
Sanskar- I have a lot also with Kavu.
Ragini- Kavita was your best friend?
Sanskar- Yeah like bff.
Ragini- But you didnt tell me about her at first??!!!
Sanskar- Let it go. Tell me about you… Have any bff??
Ragini- My sona is my bff.
Sanskar- Your bond is amazing. Arre it started raining.
Ragini- lets go to the shop.
They started run but rain become heavy and they get wet. They stand in front of the shop. Ragini opens her wet hair. Sanskar get mesmerized by her beauty. She started to play with rain drops by her hand. Sanskar just looked at her blinkless. He come to sense raginis sneezing.
Ragini- sorry. *sneezed*
Sanskar- Lets go to the car. There is cold and rain is also light.
They went to car and sit. And rain got heavy so they decided to stay for sometime. Here ragini is continue sneezing so sanskar give her a napkin to dry her hair. During drying her hair some hairs are disturbing her coming in front of her eyes. So sanskar put the hair back of her ear. Sensing his touch she felt 440 volt in her body, she look at him. He also look at her and lost in her eyes and slowly put his lips in her and shared a sweet cute lip lock. Lack of oxygen he break it and then ragini get in her sense. She get embarreserd but feels plesant. She smiles and looks away. The rain also become light and sanskar dropped her in gadodia house.
Ragini get in house. Dadi see her.
Dadi- Laado why are you full wet?
Ragini(blushingly)- Woh dadi me and Sanskar went to meet and rain started.
Shomi- See ma ji our Ragu is blushing like tomato.
Ragini- Maaaaa… leave that tell me where is Sona?
Shomi- She went to meet Gaytri.
Ragini- ohh ok i am going to my room. *aanchi*
Dadi- You got cold. You go i will make Kadha.
Ragini- Hmm love you. ( she run towards her room)
Dadi- Aan what happend to her? leave that lets make kadha.
At Raginis Room
She is just like dancing all around her room.
Ragini- OMG!!!! He kissed me. First someone kiss me in my life. How much buddhu i am i didnt responce equally. It is a amazing feeling. I am feeling like dancing now. May i call him?? No it will be awkward. He will think im over exited. But im. Sona come home i have to tell you my jaan. OOOH. Im control less. Lets call sona.
She dialed swara’s no. She pickd up and said di im busy now will call you later.
There is seen swara is sitting in a hospital. A lady call her. She enters in a doctor cabin. She gives the doctor some reports.
Swara- Doctor tell me how much time left?
Doc- Miss Gadodia why are you lossing hope? Its good that it caught it in first stage it can survive.
Swara- But you told me i have to operate for that and its cost a huge amount.
Doc- Where are your family members? I told you to bring one person with you.
Swara- Doctor i didn’t inform them. They must be worried.
Doc- But they need to know Swara.
In between their talk that lady enter and inform- Doctor your friend came.
Doc- tell him to come. Swara im sorry for disturbing i have to give him a diet chart then he will go.
Swara- its ok.
A person enter there and said- Vikram hi bro.
Vikram(doc)- Hi lucky take it.
Swara turn back and see laksh and said- you??!!!
Laksh- What are you doing here?
Vikram- She is my patient. do you know each other?
Laksh- Yeah but What happend to her?
Vikram- She is having brain cancer but luckily first stage.
Swara- Laksh please dont tell anybody about this i am pleading to you.
Laksh- You are hiding it from all gonna mad??
Vikram- She need to operate but she is not agreeing.
Swara- Its a huge money doctor.
Laksh- Dont utter a word Viky you do what she needed i will pay her bill.
Swara- But Laksh you??!!!! (surprisingly)
Laksh- I know i am rude but i have humanity also. Vicky give me he chart.
Laksh sit beside swara. Swara make face.
Vikram- I have to tell you a thing that chances of successful operation is 50%.
Laksh- 50% can be so think positive and do it.
Swara- Laksh i dont need it brain cancer operation is very risky and i want to live the short time of my life.
Laksh- You shut up think positive.
Vikram- Ok continue the medicine and it will be better if you treatment in abroad.
Swara- No doctor i cant go anywhere you do what you can.
Laksh- I will see vicky dont listen to her. Ok bro bye.
Swalak leave from there.
Swara- Please dont tell anybody about this.
Laksh- Okk fine. I will drop you.
Swara- In bike?
Laksh- Lets have fun baby.
Saying he drag her and they left from there.
Precap- Premarital rituals
Guys i know it seems to be less ragsan. I will try better in next. Thanx for your support.
Lots of Love
Superb. .love it.. Update other stories too old
Superb. .love it.. Update other stories too Please
Amazingggggggggg omg swara has brain tumour???
Amazing update. Feeling bad for swara mahan.
awesome. Ragsan scenes are superb.
Superb. Make her perfect but I don’t like her. Ragsan scenes were???????
Awesome di…
Awesome chhhoooooo sweet ragsan scenes. Update soon.
Ossssssssooooooommmmmmmm ragsan first kiss. Update soon.
Awesome sissssssy. So cuteeeee Ragsan scenes. Poor choti feeling bad for her. This time don’t take too much time .
Awesomeeeeeeèèeeeeeee amazing ragsan moments?
Fabulous dr. Ragsan scenes were superb. Waiting to know kavitha’s plan.
Amazing dear. Loved it.
Superbbbb duperrrrrrrrrrr damaka update.
Awesome. loved it.
Superb want more ragsan scenes. Loved today’s part.
Beautiful update
Amazing… Ragsan kissed!!!!
Superb make her fine.
Awesome dear
Simply superb update. Feeling sad for swara.
awesome one little sis