Fan Fiction

Tune Mujhe Jeena Sikhaya Chapter 15 and Chapter 16

Chappy 15


“Gauri ..Gauri” Om shouted on top of his Voice..He  had been searching every nook and corner of the house but his Firecracker is missing…He sighs …A Man Finding his Women in A Large Mansion ..Om really hated the idea of Living in a Huge Mansion He loved Small Houses with A Small Garden..If He was in A Small Home Finding his wife would have been an easy task …Wiping the Sweat From his head He thought to go another round again the whole mansion…

He stopped on his tracks when he heard the giggling.. sound of his Chirrayai …he moved forward in the tunes of the melody to see her with Rudy and Ishu …they were so busy  laughing they did not notice him…”Ahem..Ermm” …They Looked at him and He could not decipher as to why Gauri was trying to control her smile not only Ri the whole clan tried hard controlling their emotions …”What” he raised his eyebrows curiously …”O nothing ..” Vehemently making Om more curious but as always The Devil too supported Rudy “Om it is nothing baby ”   …”baby ” Gauri Shouted in a near voice glaring at Ishu …How dare She Call My Om …baby… “Ri…not …” Ishu stammered ..God why did i get into this situation she had always been successful in not calling Om baby since his marriage knowing both are damn possessive …

“Ermmm ..Gauri that..” She fumbled just like A child caught from her parents for using a bad word …”Can anyone tell me the Grand joke which you guys were discussing about ” Om replied rolling his eyes …Ri pushed Ishu and Rudy to aside and ran to Om …in over excitement “Did the girl slap you …or did she create a fuss ?” She asked jumping in the air in over enthusiasm…

“Meri Chirrayai ..What slap are you talking about …and could you stop jumping ..”He replied irritated  …Ishu and Rudy instantly came forward pulling Ri behind their Back “O it’s nothing you know when Ri gets mad she goes on talking nonsence..” ..Ishu too Nodded …Om raised his brows ..”i am not mad okay” Gauri Frowned …”Om They were telling about you Date” She chuckled While Om Furiously Glared at Ishu and Rudy ..”Om Now i know the reason why you are a v…” Om closed her mouth with with his palms throwing daggers at her…Why this Women has to always bring up that topic god …

He dragged her with him too their room and close the door …”What was that?” she glared at him…Brushing aside her question “What about Date?” …She burst of laughing …in betweeen her laugh “om why did you push that girl that she tripped and fell down “…”Gauri Who the hell told you ?…” Rudy bhaiya and Ishu” she replied sheepishly …She pleaded cutely asking him the details …Rudy and Ishu had told her but listening it from her nandhi gave her different feel …He sighed and sat in front of her recalling the embarrassing moments in his life…

He was Forced by his friends to go on a date ..he was never interested in girls that his friends started thinking that he is interested in guys to prove them he went on date…”

“Gauri  you know what She was trying to feed me sweets i was politely refusing her but you know what she did ?” …”What Did she do Om?”…”She forcefully Fed me so i pushed the Spoon back  that she lost her balance and tripped her leg and fell on the floor ” …Gauri shook her head disapprovingly and burst out laughing “Just Sweets “…Poor girl …Om glared at her …”okay so what happened to the next one “…

“The Second date was   set up by my friends ..that girl took me to the dance floor and you know what “…She raised her brows curiously “She was trying to kiss me “…Gauri frowned ..A Girl kissing her Nandi …Om saw her expressions and Smiled …”i pushed her back a little but she was not ready to back out with a kiss…then i pushed her little harder that she lost her balance and you know she was damn embarrassed that she slapped me front of everyone and left “…Om snapped her to bring out of her thoughts “Om why didn’t you ..erm..i mean kiss the girl “she asked softly ..he took her palms in his as he placed a kiss on her knuckles…”Gauri kissing a girl many might have different opinions but for me Gauri I would have myself kissed her if i loved her or infact liked her ..For me Kissing means an action of Love..they may call me by any names but For me  it is an action of Love not lust”…”But you always try to …Kiss me” she bit her lip from blabbering ..He smiled seeing her actions “that’s because” …”hmm ” he mused ..”that’s because you..what ?…”I’ll tell you in another time “…”Waise what was Rudy telling that you were laughing so hard?”…She tried to control her laugh “Rudy bhaiya was telling that he was worried that you would bring a guy home as your wife?” …”What?” he shouted shocked …She nodded vehemently laughing …”So Now” he pulled her closer … he winked “what do they think?”…She blushed remembering how they were teasing her that Om had changed into romantic desperate Nandhi that he could not leave her alone for few minutes…”Nothing” She shrugged…

“So why were you finding me?”…”Shit i forgot ..Come with me we are going out”..He pulled her out of the room with him leaving no space for her to reply  …He was driving her some where but it was a surprise she pouted pleaded but he wasn’t telling her .So she thought to sit in silence which was one hell of task …”Om..Stop the Car” she shouted …before he could ask why she had abruptly had left the Car ..He parked the car in a corner and got down to see her enjoying her golgappe…Her actions …She is making him Crazier…He moved closer Smiling ..She offered him one but he shook her head ..but His firecracker frowned and fed him while he made faces ..he caught hold of her hand before she could pull away .he sucked each and every finger …She stared into his eyes..the feeling she  has right now could not be put into words..being close to him ..She sighed pulling back Only if…



Chapter 16


This was a Place which gave her back a Life she never wanted to Live…She stayed in this Orphanage for a few days..The  Children here helped her to heal her broken heart ..They taught her to Smile…They taught her to Love herself …They were orphans they did not have anything no one yet they made themselves together a family and they included her as a family member in their family .She could not believe that Om brought her to the Orphanage  …She smiled at him in gratitude… She missed being here ..He just gave a nod and asked her to carry on as he sat under the tree Looking at her playing happily …She was herself only here …the mask she wears is put down only when she is with them…

He watched her content Seeing her playing…dancing …
.teaching … Singing ..hours passed by as he sat in the same place looking at her …he could live all his life just seeing her smile…twinkle …

It was almost 7 in the evening ..He got up and moved to her …”Gauri we should get going before it gets late “…Gauri’s face fell “Om just a few minutes “…”Gauri I’ll take you here once a week now we should go baby it is getting late and i got a presentation to complete …” he spoke softly ..”Okay ” She replied sadly and waved Everyone …

“Jaan You are leaving me again ” ..Om heard Someone Crying He turned Sideways but no one to be found …Even Gauri then he looked down to see a Small boy hugging His Gauri  by her Waist …”Jaan ” the boy called Gauri hugging her tightly ..”Om rolled his eyes trying to calm down jaan how could he call her jaan …”Ssh Adii ” Gauri was try to calm down the 5 year old Ved…”Doll how could you go leaving me …i am not gonna leave you ” he hugged Gauri more tighter placing his head on her waist…”Doll  He has the dare to call His Gauri Doll” Om was on the verge of bursting …Om pulled Gauri Closer…She was confused Here Adi is not leaving her and Om is hugging her tighter sideways She felt Suffocated She glared at Om to leave but he did not even look at her…

Adi leaned back to See Om hugging Gauri with his little hands he started pushing Om “Leave her ” He shouted …”Why Should I?” Om replied sternly…”You have no right to touch My Baby My Jaan My Doll “Adi shouted…”What ” Om asked furiously bending down to his level calming his rage “She is my Wife So i have the right”…”What Wife?” Adi gaped and started wailing more …Om was more than confused why is he crying so loudly …”Jaan how could you do this to me” Adi accused Gauri pointing his index finger…Gauri pouted …What the hell is going on ?Om asked irritated…Pushing Om aside Adi moved near Gauri and pulled her down to his level”You said you will marry me and be my wife” he said sadly ..”What ?” Om shouted …Okay he is a small boy Control control Om he kept chanting…

Adi glared at Om and turned to Gauri “Leave him and Marry Me i’ll give you a Palace my Princess”…”This boy is getting into my nerves “Om muttered to himself…”Baby we are getting late let’s Go ” Om got up and Dragged Gauri with him but Adi held her Other hand Wailing “Don’t Go”…They were pulling her from either sides as she was a rubber band…”Stop” She shouted and glared at both of them …”Om you go ahead i will join in few minutes” but Om was not ready to leave but She glared… he sighed and left her…


He was walking in slow strides when Gauri Joined in …They were walking in silence.Gauri started Chuckling …”What?”Om barked at her…She shook her head …”Did you promise him that you will marry him “Om asked insecure…Gauri burst out Laughing …She pulled his cheeks and locked her hands around his neck ..he frowned “One day i was telling him a Story of Princess and prince how they fell in love and married ..So in turn Adi asked me to be his Princess and marry him “…”So you told you will marry him ” Om frowned…She kissed his cheeks “Do you know how cute are were fighting with that small child for me…” She chuckled ..”He pulled her more closer”I don’t like anyone calling you jaan baby etc.. it is my right” …She just stared into his eyes she did not reply instead she hugged him tighter.


They arrived into a restaurant to have Their Dinner …Om was having his Pasta Silently When He Noticed Gauri had Stopped Eating …He was about to question but Followed her Gaze to See a Mother and Daughter Standing in a Corner and talking and he saw the Mother kissing her daughter and taking her to the other members of the family…He snapped his fingers asking Gauri What is it …She just Shook her head indicating nothing and trying hard to hide her tears..he got up and moved closer to her and hugged her sideways Soothing her shoulders urging her to continue…She rested her head on his shoulders “Om can you see that ?” she pointed at that Girl’s table…”Did you see that Mother asking her Daughter and kissing her ” He noded “Do you know what She asked ? She asked him with tears in her eyes …He shrugged his shoulders…


“That Maa was asking her Beti if she is happy with the relationship …Did she like the Groom ..Don’t agree for our happiness are our princess…Do you have someone else in your mind ?” …Om looked at Gauri Sadly ..she hugged him more tighter soaking his shirt with her tears “If My Maa was alive She would have asked me right ?When i am marrying …whether i liked the groom ..whether i have someone in mind?…” She buried her head on the crook of his neck “i miss maa ” she whispered …Om Closed his eyes in despair he felt guilty that  he did not ask Gauri her permission before marrying her ..they sat hugging each other for some time until the waiter came with the bill …paying the bill he carried her as she buried her face on the crook of his neck and took her out not caring about the people gaping at them …


“Gauri wake up ..” Om gently patted her She had dozed off halfway in the car…She opened her eyes hazily to notice that The Surrounding is different ” …She questioned him through her eyes …he just smiled and Got Down …They Stood in front of the Door “this is my Penthouse Gauri “…”Why are we here?” She questioned ..”it is already late so i thought to stop here ..Come in …” he took her hand and both stepped together inside the house ..Gauri left his hand and went to have look at the house .*Knock **Knock” …”Who is it ? Om …” Gauri shouted as she did not get a reply she thought to check by herself …She was shocked when she opened the Door to see Om dressed in tuxedo ..He was wearing Shades and he had his hair tied in a half pony …”Om” She whispered blinking her eyes…”Hey Beautiful..I am here for a Proposal ..Can i meet Mrs.Sharma”He asked Flirting  …She blinked her eyes twice to see that she wasn’t dreaming ..”Ermmm..” before she could reply He came in and sat with full authority “Can i talk to Mrs.Sharma…You are shocked Didn’t you are mother tell i will be Coming …” he asked confused…God I need some sleep i’ll go mad Gauri wondered …“Om What is this? Mother you know My …” …”Gauri call Mrs.Sharma She might be inside…Go go”…he pushed her slightly in …

But nevertheless Gauri went inside a Room To See a Women …Noo not women …Om Draped in a Saree.. Gauri burst out laughing seeing the way he had draped it around his pants and had the veil on his head…She saw him walking Forward and She Spoke , Om Spoke in a Women’s Voice, Cupping Gauri’s face in his  hands “Beti He is here to see you …Did you meet him ?..Did you like him..If you say yes we could go ahead with the proposal..or Do  you like someone”…Gauri stood flabbergasted trying to process the information he was acting like her mother just the way she had told him in the restaurant ..her eyes filled up seeing his love…How could he love her so much …by now she was damn sure he loved her …

“Gauri Jaan Don’t cry i did not intend you to cry ” he spoke in his own voice worried she just shook her head and let out a chuckle and thought to play along “Maa that man Who will like an idiot like him such a pervert “…”Pervert” Om shouted in his own voice removing the saree and throwing away…”haha Pervert you know he was flirting”…Om scratched his head shocked when was he flirting ..”When was i flirting ?” He asked puzzled …”I am talking to my maa why did you come here bad manners” she faked her anger …”Waise you see maam the girl i am gonna marry was so loud i heard someone calling me a pervert so thought to check upon “…He replied nonchalantly  ..”maa see the person you have seen for me “…”What is wrong in him beti?”Om replied in Women’s Voice…”You are marrying him …He is such a sweetheart ..I am leaving” he continued in women’s Voice .

“So you have to marry me ” he winked …”But i’ll make you’re life a living hell “Gauri replied furiously …He pulled her closer and placed his hands on he waist “Achcha no problem baby it is already like a hell …but you will be the best thing happening to me”…She looked at his eyes he was genuine…She hugged him tighter “Thank you For this Om “…”So you are marrying me ?” he whispered huskily placing a kiss behind her earlobe  …She just nodded and hugged him tighter ..He noticed that her mood went off but he let it be…




So Double Update

Hope you guys like it

This is a Compensation As For Sometime i would be able to update as i would be busy with the wedding 

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