Fan Fiction

Mr and Mrs Perfect Kumkum Bhagya Episode 31

Hello my dear silent readers….. How are you all???.....I am extremely sorry for disappearing for months…… but here on I…

3 years ago

Imlie TS [Two Shots]- Maybe Someday… (Part I)

All Bad Qualities centre round the Ego. When the Ego is gone, Realisation results by itself. There are neither Good…

3 years ago

True Love Never Fades (A Riansh SS) Chapter 10

Hello all... I am back with the 10th chp of this SS... Sorry if there are any grammatical errors. Proof…

3 years ago

True Love Never Fades (A Riansh SS) Chapter 9

So hello everyone... I am here with the 9th chap of this SS.... Sorry if there are any grammatical errors.…

3 years ago

Laal Ishq3..Red Love…RoSId,DhEera,TanShi,SamAya,Siddharth Puri-Helly Shah SS Part 12

Laal Ishq3...Red Love... Part 12 Vikram walked away.Anjali became upset. Vikram reached home.He was upset thinking of Anjali's words. Devyani:You…

3 years ago

Laal Ishq3..Red Love…RoSId,DhEera,TanShi,SamAya,Siddharth Puri-Helly Shah SS Part 11

Laal Ishq3...Red Love... Part 11 It was Vikram who saved Annie. Arjun held his hand:I can't thank you enough for…

3 years ago

Bound To You – (Book Two) – Chapter 8

Link to the previous chapter : * Vansh trudged carefully through the village lanes. Normally, these very lanes would be…

3 years ago

Resolving: The Legend of Confused and Tangled Lives Part 1

Starting with a new fan fiction today! First up with the characters - 1) Professor Malini Chaturvedi: A professor in…

3 years ago

Love is riansh (Part 4)

Thanku so much guys for your love. Sorry for my mistakes. Let's start In RV Interprices vansh try to hold…

3 years ago


FLASH BACK CONTINUES After a few  seconds Gauri was able to wake up slowly and Om finds blood clotting from…

3 years ago