Title – Mohabbat ya Tohmat ( Love or accusation) Characters – Aalisha Panwar as Tara Kashyap / Aarohi Kashyap. Arjun…
Browsing: Fan Fiction
This section contains all the illusory, imaginary stories written by fans.
Undying Trust The beautiful hills, cool winds, dusky sky and romantic atmosphere of Ooty welcomed Sameer and Naina. They had…
This part is dedicated to the shivik who feels hell to watch edt because of current situation that make…
Part 3- Vivaan reached home and rushed to his room to check where Meera was from last night. He entered…
Oberoi house Tanya tells Rohan to arrange bachelor party for boys in the club Rohan : but bhabhi why me…
Chapter – 19 – Nautanki and Novio HAPPY READING! KUNJ (POV) I paced around the room clenching and unclenching my…
Hello guys..first of Neetu and Nive..yes ragsan got engaged indirectly in 25th episode of Two hearts..and Rikashini dear…in that…
HEY BUDDIES!!!….. This is luver of Moonlight back with the next part! Thank you all for all the love and…
note: ranveer and gauri have no lovey dovey connection. story: three days later: om: gauri, wake up na. gauri: no,…