Hey everyone
I am posting after a long time. Thanks everyone who commented on the previous part. Aditi Sharma and Sameera you both wanted to see Kunj as a villanthis will probably be the last part that he is a villan, but now its time for him to suffer. Sorry can’t let Twinkle get tortures anymore.I have also changed the name to Beauty and her Beast
Niki Room
Niki Di we defiantly have to do something about Bhai as half the property will go to him and when he has children Papa will give all the property to his children. Mahi said to her elder sister. Don’t worry Mahi until Kunj don’t have children we are safe and to be honest I don’t think he will have children so quickly as he has never taken up any responsibilities all he knows is partying life. He only attends meetings and office so Papa thinks he does work. Niki said to her younger sister. If Twinkle becomes pregnant I am sure Bhai won’t take up the responsibility of the child and will ask her to take an abortion. Mahi said. They both looked at each other and smirked.
Usha was making food in the kitchen and Niki and Mahi entered. Niki= Maa we have a good news for you? Usha= what? Mahi= You are going to be a Dadi she lied. Bhabhi is pregnant. Usha= Really she said in excitement Yes Maa Niki said. Usha= but how do you know? Mahi and Niki looked at each other=Maa my friend Simar told me that she met Bhabhi as she went for a pregnancy test and she is her gynecologist. Usha smiled= No wonder I asked her the other day as she was feeling dizzy but she never told me.(Twinkle was dizzy as she was weak cause of Kunj tortures)
Kunj arrived from office in a few minutes and saw that his mother and sisters were smiling at him. Usha feed him mithai and congratulated him as he was going to be a father. Kunj was shocked. Twinkle came downstairs and was shocked to find hear pregnancy rumors. She tried to deny it but no one was ready to listen to her. Kunj smiled at Twinkle she understood that she would have it. Kunj then thanked everyone for congratulating him shocking Twinkle. Everyone sat down and had dinner. Kunj held Twinkle hand right hand tightly she knew that Kunj would torture her again. Usha= Twinkle why are you not eating beta. Kunj held her hand even more tighter so that she doesn’t eat with her right hand. Twinkle= I am not hungry mummy Ji. Usha smiled= ok, make sure you have milk before you sleep. Twinkle nodded her head.
Twinkle entered the room and saw Kunj angrily looking at her. He pulled her closer and slammed the bedroom door behind. “ Whose child is in your womb?” he asked seriously “ I am not pregnant Kunj I promise” Twinkle said :Ok if you’re not pregnant why is everyone saying your pregnant ?’ Kunj said I don’t know Kunj when I went downstairs everyone just said I am pregnant, mummy ji said he cut her off. Don’t blame my family especially my mother he said and threw her on the floor and began his tortures on the poor soul. Twinkle didn’t ask him to stop nor did she cry as she was used to his Tortures
Next Day
Everyone apart from Kunj and Twinkle were sitting down in the living room having tea. The doorbell rang and Mahi opened the and was shocked to see a bandage on Twinkle head and Kunj holding her shoulders and guiding her inside. Mahi= Bhai what happened? Everyone else who saw them stood up and rushed towards them. Usha= Kunj what happened to Twinkle? She asked worriedly. Kunj= Maa let me drop Twinkle to the room then I will tell you. Everyone nodded their head and Kunj took Twinkle upstairs. He asked her to lay down on the bed and rest. He went back down. Usha who saw him quickly ran towards him and asked him what happened. Kunj spoke= Maa in the morning at 6.00am Twinkle woke up and went to the washroom she somehow feel and became unconscious. I took her to the hospital and they said she had a miscarriage he lied and cried. Everyone was shocked. Niki and Mahi looked at each other and smirked.
A few days later
From the last couple of days Kunj and Twinkle didn’t communicate. Kunj also did not torture her in the last few days. He was going upstairs to his room when he heard Mahi, Niki and UV talking. UV= I can’t believe it babe that you and Di lied to maa that Twinkle Bhabhi is pregnant and she was actually pregnant. Kunj was shocked to know that his sisters spread the rumor that Twinkle is pregnant. He was shocked even more with what he heard further. Mahi= We were shocked to know that Twinkle Bhabhi was actually pregnant she denied it but then Bhai also stayed quiet and smiled at Bhabhi that’s when we all understood that she was actually pregnant. Niki= We thought that Kunj would ask her to take an abortion as he is not responsible but luckily she had a miscarriage. Mahi= Now we have to think about how to get rid of Bhai so that all his properties come to us and we can divide it amongst us too.
Kunj who heard his sisters talking had tears in his eyes. He loved his 2 sisters so much. He couldn’t believe that they only loved money. He went to his room and slammed the door behind. Twinkle was scared as Kunj seemed angry. She thought that he would hit her again. Kunj who looked at Twinkle saw that she was scared.
He realised Kunj in his head= Oh God she is so scared. Have I been that bad that when I just look at her she gets scared. Am I really such a beast? What have I done to her? All she asked was for some time. But no I always tortured her as she refused to have s*x on our wedding night. I have turned into a beast.
To be continued
I hope you all enjoyed it
I know I said that I will post from the 26th but I just found out that we are having to do another exam that I had originally had to do in 2018 but it has got pre-phoned to mid june. So now I wont post until after that unless I get time. Also Ramadhan is coming soon so I don’ know how regularly I will have time to post. Sorry if I don’t comment on any FF/FS/OS
Hope you all understand.
Fabulous episode
Make kunj suffer more
Felt bad for twinkle
Waiting for the next update eagerly
Do continue
And all the best for your exams
Hey simiyy…
Just loved it…
Felt bad for kunj…
All the best…
Post wen u r u…
Amazing finally it seen like beast kunj is Turning into real person and iam shock that twinkle is actually pregnant ??? And kunj sis should go to hell and hope now twinkle make sure that kunj will pack to all this.
awesome and nice to see the beast turning into a man
waiting for punar vivah also
all the best for exams
Wow yaar simmy amazing it’s okay ??kunj villian role has stopped ???but I am too much happy to see a changed kunj yaar huh this mahi n Nikki huh what will happen now. ???
fabulos epi…pls post soon..
thanks simmy for d epi.happy to see that kunj is changing.
all d best for ur xam
Hey di.the story is very interesting.all the best for ur post the next part wen ur free
Superb episode simiyy plz post soon
Awesome simiyy amazing
Finally kunj is changing
I hope everything sorts out
Post when I r free
Love u keep smiling
Pls uaar not in june mere holidays will get over plsssss jaldi post karna
Huhh..u didn’t recognize me simmy ??
Acha anyways it was amazing
Awesome episode
Loved it
Omgggggg simmy m I dreaming,,???..

.. Plssssssssssssss post next soon if u get time,,??.. I’m waiting impatiently,,??
U posted ufffff I’m soooooo happy to see ur post,,??.. Amazing… Fabulous… Awesome,,??????.. Yarr I Love this episode sooo much,,
Load’s of Love,,
Its awsome simmy. .post asap.. r on insta?
Hey simmy
It was fab…..finally villian role is finished but can’t see him suffering…he did torture Twinkle a lot n now it’s pay back time…..really was shocked to know Twinkle’s pregnant but overall a fab epi….post asap…
This was so Amazing simiyy! I can’t wait for next! Beautifully written!
post soon
With Love,
Urs Tamanna
Amazing awesome
ohhh my god simmy amazing……♥
speechless….sooo cute sooo emotional……..♥
jst sooo touching loved it….♥
lods of love……..♥
all d best
was sooo happy dat u were returning but……..
will miss u a lot…….♥
love u lods…………………♥