Fan Fiction


When the whole world seemed to slip into the world of sleep accompanied by fantasising dreams and illusions, the king of the nights: Moon and his court stars were busy guarding the mortal’s illusionary dreams and trance of sleep. But one twinkling star was busy searching for an eternal thing called ‘LOVE’. 

14th Feb 2018 Delhi

 After the wonderful Valentine’s day party in college I reached back home with a contended heart listening to my friend’s never ending saga of love. I feel really sad for my parents as soon as I reached home, I saw them fighting. I donto know how they got married…I know it’s an arranged marriage with no love I it. For dad,mom was just a substitute for his responsibilities and for mom me and mahi is everything. Even after 24 years of marriage, I wonder how my parents or together in their NO – LOVE RELATIONSHIP . Can two person be together without love between them??  Does love really exist?? This is the question that pops into  my mind everytime i see them quarrelling but I also have  a best answer for this question. Yes love do exist!!! I believe in it coz of my elder sister Mahi and my jiju Yuvraj,  they got married 4 years back which is an love cum arranged one. Till today when ever I see them they still look like the same lovers they were,  before marriage. He loves her a lot and pampers her all the time and in the same way always tries his best to keep her happy. Ya that’s the reason I believe that love exists…..but….even after that we see soo many heartbreaking loves and ferns break ups that’s because eveyone is not destined for True love. We should be fated for True love!!! I hope I am destined for such love!!! 

– Twinkle

She finished her journal and reading through it she dozed off. Twinkle is the youngest in her family but was never  pampered like others. She always loved books and that made her knowledgeable and more matured than her age, Mahi is her elder sister who is married. Twinkle is a cute, friendly loving person who holds greater ambitions in her life and and the same part quote desperate for love of her life.

Another side under the same cover of sky, which is headed by only moon in the early hours of morning, a loud musics are heard and a masculine mortal who follows the saying “THE NIGHT IS STILL YOUNG” is seen gulping in the drinks and dancing.

‘Kunj, aren’t you done yet??’ His friend Aryan questioned.

‘Cmon Aryan, let me enjoy anyways this is the last day of mine in India so let me live this momemt’ He smirked gulping in the drinks. ‘Kunj…enough for now!! Tomorrow you have to leave, come lets leave orelse you will miss your early morning flight’ Aryan dragged him out of the pub.

Kunj is a rich guy, whose family is settled in London as he loved to be in India he got graduated in Architecture, which is his passion. But now it’s time for him to fly back where he won’t be having this freedom.


Twinkle with higher expectations for love!!! Kunj with opposite attitude!! Can these two persons cross eachother’s  paths???


Hey guys… are you all?? How’s the story??

Do you people remember me?? Even though you forget it’s okay I remember you all….

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Do share your views and show me your support my hitting like and this share tory ll continue only on your demands.


Never try to judge me, you will fail miserably....☆☆☆

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