Fan Fiction

Twinj (Friendship turns to love) Episode 55

Hii guys I’m so sorry but I wl upload as much as episodes I can today I love u all….I’m so sorry….and I have been reading all ur FF sorry for not commenting….and congrats Anushka ur episodic analysis has reached to around 600 comments..

Recap-UV comes and tell Twinj to help him in rescuing Chinki and tells the plan which is muted.Twinj disguise themselves as Chinki’s parents and request UV’s gang to leave Chinki.Kunj runs to untie Chinki’s ropes and Twinkle sees the wire and puts her leg before Kunj.Kunj lifts her and runs.

Yuki run away to a hut and sit there and lock the door.Kunj carries Twinkle and keeps nxt to the tree and lifts her leg and she winces and says ouch!…Kunj says sorry and puts his hand in his pocket and takes the ointment and applys it on her wound and ties it with the bandage.
T-U carry an ointment with a bandage in ur pocket.
K-Yes bcoz if a siyappa queen is with u then u need to carry a full box with u and smiles.
T-What did u call me.
K-Siyappa Queen.
T-U…U..are Mr.Khadoos Sarna.
K-No prob until u r Siyappa Queen.
Twinkle gets irritated and says there’s no use of talking to u.She says:
T-So what r we goin to do.
K-Well we have to spend the night here and get up for the nxt bus in the morning.
T-I have to spend the night with u.
K-Come on Twinkle I m not a goon,I am ur Childhood friend.
T-K come with find something.

Twinkle gets up and is about to fall,Kunj holds her and says Twinkle sit here for sometime.Twinkle says no it’s so late and dark let’s find some place to spend the night.Kunj holds her with one hand for support and she gets up.Kunj holds her waist and pulls her closer to him and she says Kunj what r u doing,Kunj pulls her even more closer and puts his hand on her back and she says Kunj..Kunj lifts her and says I am lifting u.

On the Way.
K-Twinkle u put on so much weight it’s like I am carrying my Dumbbells.
T-Me first of all I am so light my stomach is not like a ball it is like a plate.
K-I have to check ur weight tommorow at home and come with me to the gym in the morning everyday.
T-U don’t need to check I am light I might be in 40kgs(joke).
K-40 u might be 100 kgs(joke).
T-Kunj see that.

They see a cot and They run toward it and Kunj makes Twinkle sit on it.Kunj:
K-Twinkle if u don’t mind Twinkle I want to sort out all the problems.
T-Kunj u have loved Chinki with all ur heart so u marry her not me.
K-No way Twinkle she has used me and tells Twinkle that Chinki wanted to take revenge bcoz she thought that UV had betrayed her before she thought when…Twinkle says when…Kunj how can I tell this Twinkle….What u and UV did in the room that day.
T-Kunj how can u think like that.That day Chinki gave me some drink and I went to sleep and UV was playing video games.(Funny tune plays but she is still angry that Kunj though something else).
K-But he came out with a banyan.
T-That bcoz it was hot.
K-Si this was all a misunderstanding.
T-Yes but I am still angry with u bcoz u thought the other way.
K-But Chinki told me this.
T-Chinki did this bcoz
Twinj at the same time bcoz they love each other.
K-That means UV.
T-And Chinki.

UV cares for Chinki and she stares at him lovingly.She says I don’t love Kunj anymore in her mind.She thinks that I have finished my revenge shall I tell UV.UV thinks the same.Yuki at the same time I need to tell u something.

C-UV I don’t love Kunj I just did that bcoz of something.
Y-Me too…I don’t love Twinkle I just wanted that 10 crores.
C-But I don’t think it’s Twinj fault.
Y-Ya Chinki they r not at fault but I still need my money.
C-We’ll leave in the morning.

Kunj lifts Twinkle and lays her on the cot and sleeps on the side with her.Its becum a cold and Kunj turns to see Twinkle and sees her shivering and takes his Jacket and puts it as a blanket for her.They go to sleep.

Precap-Twinj r leavin for the bus.Kunj sees UV and says UV and runs behind him.UV starts beating Kunj and says u and Twinkle wl never become one.Twinkle stands behind them shocked.Twinkle comes to UV and says u just wanted my money.He screams and says yes.Twinkle goes to Kunj and sees him beaten.At home,Twinkle throws the money on UV’s face.

Thanks for commenting and God bless!??????


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