Fan Fiction

Twinj- Being My Husband’s Mistress (chapter 17)

Chapter 17

Twinkle’s pov.

It has been a week till everything sorted out. Things started to fall back in its place. Kunj is taking care of me as a princess, helping me in every small work just like few months ago. The pain which was in my heart started to vanish.

I feel complete once again and love for him is increasing day by day.

I was feeling bad about Alisha but her words make me feel good..


Next day after Alisha left.

Twinkle called her to know about her whereabouts.

“Alisha when are you coming back?” Twinkle asked being concerned.

“Twinkle, actually I have got some work so have to rush back. I wont come. I am sorry.” She replied sounding low.

“Alisha. Are you okay? I mean. I know its awkward to you too even as you are his wife. I dont know. But I am sorry. I feel I am responsible for…” she was cut off in middle.

“Twinkle. You need not to feel bad or guilty. He was never mine.. he was only your’s from forever. He clearly asked me to refuse but I chose to marry him even after knowing that this things may happen. So you are clearly not at fault and morever I am more than happy for you both. As I thinks Love is bigger then marriage. Isnt it? If there is no Love in marriage and your partner is already into someone else then there is no future of it ever. And stop worrying about me. Enjoy your time with Kunj?. I will send divorce papers soon and please I want a small baby too soon who will call me Massi?.” Alisha was speaking continously not letting her speak.

“Ok. Bye. Twinkle. Gotta go. My flight arrived. Take care.” She said hurriedly.

“Bye Alisha.” Twinkle replied.

As soon as the call ended. Alisha break down into tears.

***flashback ends***

I was brushing my hairs thinking all this when I felt someone staring me from behind. I looked into mirror only to find Kynj staring me with a smirk on his face and eyes full of desire and LOVE.

I blushed lightly and lowered my head in shyness.

I felt him coming closer to me and felt  my heart started beating faster then usual.

He came closer and hugged me from behind, leaving his hot breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine.

He placed his lips on the side of my neck and started sucking it along with the waterdrops from the showers. I feel weak in my knees and held his hand which was on my waist for support.

He slowly started to undo the belt of my bathrobe and placed his hand on my bare waist and started rubbing it slowly yet sensously.. while his lips never leaving my neck. I bit my lower lip in pleasure and a little moan escaped my mouth with a simple gesture of his.

My one hand went in his hairs and I started caressing it gently while he was massaging my waist.

He removed the bathrobe from one shoulder and placed his mouth over it sucking the region and leaving red marks over there while I was moaning with every action of his. My heart was beating fast.

Suddenly he stopped and left me and stepped back.

“Twinkle.We have to leave somewhere in next 2 hours. Its important. You start with packing. I will be back soon.” He said and left the room while I just nodded.

Twinkle’s pov ends…


Kunj’s pov…

I saw Twinkle standing near the dressing table and combing her hairs while she was still in her bathrobe. I felt attracted to her and my legs automatically moved towards her.

We were in a perfect blissful moment but everything came back to my mind.

I left her and moved out of the room saying her to pack the stuffs.

It has been a week that everything is sorted out but still the guilt in my heart is not going. The way I treated her in past, the way I destroyed our special moments, how she would have felt at that time? And now with my touch again. She must be feeling disgusted.

I know she deserves someone better than me. Much better then me. But I am selfish. Very selfish. I can never let go off her. I wont be able to live without her.

So someday or sometime, I will get rid of this and will give her happiness she deserved.

This is why I arranged this trip for us..

Kunj’s pov ends…


“I know Kunj. You are still hurt and feeling guilty for whatever happened in past. I know how much ever I try. It will take time to heal you and recover yourself from your guilt. But I promise this time I will be there by your side always. Wont repeat the same mistake of leaving me. Even if you will ask and force yourself I wont leave you.” She thought to herself while packing the stuff..

Kunj came back inside after about 15 minutes and saw her struggling while packing the bag.

He chuckled a bit seeing her irritated face with a cute pout sitting in the centre of bed crossing her legs keeping her chin on her hands..
While all the things were scattered on the bed near her.

“KUNJ TANEJA.” She called out for him in a serious tone.

“Yes.” He replied trying to supress his laugh and moving forward.

“First of all you gave me a very less time to pack the things then you were gone somewhere and now you are standing there and laughing at me. Huhhhhh…” she said complaining him and then pouting again.

“Oh” he made a sound in response.

“What ‘Oh.’ Haaan…??? After listening me you just have to say a ‘oh.’ Stupid. Idiot. Help me. Otherwise I am not going anywhere. Get that clear in little brain of yours.” She said getting irritated.

“Ok baba. Wait. I will help you to pack the stuff. In only 15 minutes you are this much frustated. Dont know what would have happened if I took more long.” He said in between picking the clothes and foldig them and placing in the bag.

“Kiddo Wife.”

“But you only love this kiddo.” Twinkle said and chuckled.

“Yes. More than anything.” He replied with a smile. Twinkle placed a quick kiss on his cheek when he bended a little to pick another cloth.

He smiled and then get busy in the packing while she was seeing him lovingly.

“Stop Staring. You know Staring is Rude.”

“Huhh. Whatever. I am just staring my husband.”

“Ok. Then continue.” He said sighing accepting his defeat in front of his Nautanki wife.

After some time both left the place, driver was driving to the airport while Twinj was sitting behind holding each other’s hand.

Finally they arrived and left inside while their luggage was brought by a man behind.

“Where are we leaving to kunj?” Twinkle asked curiously.

“Wait. Twinkle. You will get to know.” He answered.

They both headed inside and was soon standing in front of a private plane.

“Dont tell me we are going in this?” Twinkle asked kunj.

“No. We are not going in this. We just came to check if its working or not. Huh Twinkle. Ofcourse we are going in this.” He replied and held her from her waist and made their way inside the plane.

Twinkle looked shocked and surprised and then at him lovingly.

To be continued….

How was this guys??
Please comment if you are reading and liking this.
That means alot to me???…
And finally a Romantic Holiday coming up??..

Thank you.
Love u all??

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