Hello everyone! Ananya here. Thank you for your love and appreciation for my stories. Happy reading!
Twinj: It’s Always Been You: Episode 12
A quick recap: Kunj and Yuvi get involved in a scuffle, ending in Aparna bringing them to the Taneja mansion. Kunj is more severely injured than Yuvi. However, he flees on regaining consciousness, leaving behind a note for Twinkle. Yuvi and Chinki apologise to Twinkle for trying to take decisions for her.
“But he ran away like a coward!” Twinkle heard Yuvi argue with Chinki and Aparna when she brought them coffee. They had gathered in her room early that morning, appearing like they had a well defined plan in mind, they had preferred to keep Twinkle ignorant of it though. “He was probably too shocked to be able to think!” She protested, being fed up of listening to Yuvi bash Kunj for almost a week now. “Are you trying to tell me that he still hasn’t gotten over the shock, Twinkle?” Yuvi retorted, rolling his eyes. “Stop it already! I fled for three years!” She shot back, making Yuvi chuckle. “I hate this love sick Twinkle, man! Someone please put some sense into her!” he said, earning a glare from her, but Aparna and Chinki couldn’t agree more with him. It had been a week since Kunj and Yuvi had had their fight, Kunj hadn’t even turned up to work ever since, disappointing them. Usha had told Aparna that he simply wouldn’t get out of his room, causing everyone to worry for days before Manohar had decided to step in and coerce him to get back to work, lest he should have to snatch away his job. “Whatever!” Twinkle said finally, hoping she would at least get to catch a glimpse of him that day.
“This one!” Chinki said excitedly as she and Aparna held up a top for Twinkle to wear. The two girls had spent an hour to decide on it. “Not this one!” Twinkle protested, remembering wearing that one the day Kunj had confesses his love for her, but they wouldn’t listen. “I only wear this on special occasions!” She tried to reason with them, but they definitely knew better than to believe that. “Yuvi will drop you.” Aparna declared as she walked out hesitantly wearing that top. “What!” She exclaimed, wondering what they all had actually been thinking. “At your service, mam!” Yuvi said with a little bow; Twinkle had noticed he had changed his clothes too, that dressing style looked familiar, but was definitely not his own. Chinki had given Twinkle’s hair a different look too, and she had to admit, it looked really good, although she still wasn’t sure if she wanted to go along with their plan, for whatever it was, didn’t sound right at all. “Can we go now?” Twinkle asked as she looked at the wall clock for the fifth time in the last minute. It was way past her regular time. Right then, Aparna received a call and once she had taken it, she finally permitted them to leave.
“You better tell me whatever on Earth you guys are up to!” Twinkle warned Yuvi as he stopped the car in front of her office. “We are just making your lover boy realise that if he keeps running away like this, he’s going to lose you for real this time around!” Yuvi said uninterestedly, holding up a magazine to cover his face as he saw Kunj get off his car and walk towards the building, staring at Twinkle. “Are you serious? You actually think these stupid tactics will make him realise that? It’ll push him away farther!” She almost screamed, snatching the magazine from his hand and hitting him with it. “I don’t think so!” Yuvi said calmly, his eyes following Kunj as he walked away quickly. “He’s jealous already!” He added matter-of-factly, shrugging his shoulders. Twinkle got out angrily, slammed the door after her and rushed in, without even turning to look at Yuvi.
Kunj had had a really hard time coming to terms with himself. He had begun to hate himself as little by little, different realisations had dawned upon him. He had been embarrassed by his obsession over Alisha since he had realised it was futile three years ago, and now he didn’t even know what to do with himself anymore. It scared him to even think of how Twinkle would have managed by herself when she had left, carrying the burden of his mistake over her heart along with the trauma of her biggest dream getting shattered like it was delicate glass dropped to the ground. It had all been his fault, he had repeatedly reminded himself, thinking of how he could make it up to her, but he felt his heart getting crushed when he realised that it was probably impossible. He had tried his best to stay away from her, hoping that she would be able to move on and be happier if he wasn’t around, but seeing her with someone else that morning, looking prettier than ever caused him so much pain that it was getting unbearable. Sitting at his place, his mind brought back flashes from that night when she was sitting on his table, her eyes had held so much love for him that it was overwhelming. He wondered if time had actually passed by so quickly that things had changed beyond his hold over them. He watched her walk through the glass doors, speaking to someone over the phone. His eyes followed her, threatening to burst into tears as he overheard her say, “You sent me flowers?” She then picked up the bouquet of lilies on her table and continued to speak over the phone, walking over to the large window behind her table and looking down.
Kunj had had enough of sitting quietly and watching Twinkle continue to talk on her phone for ten minutes. He banged his fist on his table angrily, making all heads turn towards him. He apologised quickly and pretended to be busy looking at some papers, his eyes returning to Twinkle every few seconds. “Damn, she’s pretty!” His heart told him, his mind reminding him that she had probably found someone better than him. Unknown to himself, he stood up and followed Twinkle into the corridor, although he figured she might have realised it. She still had the bouquet in her hand as she walked leisurely, starting a fire in him. She suddenly stopped and turned to him, and although he tried to make it appear like he was there for some other work, it turned futile. “You like lilies, now?” He asked, trying to make small talk. She wondered what she should say, for so far Aparna had been telling her exactly what to do over the phone and she had given in when she had seen Kunj eyeing her all the while, hoping he wouldn’t run away from his feelings, but now she stood clueless, blinking at him. Her heart wished she could drop all the pretence and just run into his arms, but his eyes made it evident that his guilt wouldn’t let him give in.
“He’s sent you lilies today? How sweet is that, Twinkle!” Aparna spoke, coming to Twinkle’s rescue. She then sent her away on the pretext of something RT needed to speak to her, watching Kunj quietly. “Were you trying to snatch away her happiness again?” She asked him just as he was about to leave. He swiftly turned back, shocked at the accusation. “Why would I do that? Don’t you know I love her?” He said in a single breath, suddenly realising that he had compromised with his resolve to hide away his feelings for Twinkle so that she wouldn’t have to suffer again. Aparna let out a forced laugh as she saw his face give away his thoughts. “Remember the day you had come to me, asking for help to recollect that night?” Aparna’s question jerked him out of his dilemma. He nodded simply, recalling how he had managed to catch her alone so that he could find out about Twinkle, but they had ended up agreeing on trying to help him recollect rather than Aparna disclosing anything. “Hadn’t you promised me that you would apologise to her and make everything right?” Her tone made it evident that she had begun to regret helping him out since he had gone back on his words. “I’m afraid I’ll end up hurting her again!” Kunj voiced his fear, his voice almost a whisper. “Well now you will, if you try interfering in her life!” She hissed, a clear warning for him to stay away from Twinkle. “I still love her, Aparna! I cannot tolerate this anymore!” Kunj whispered, unable to take it anymore. “Do something then! Act before it’s too late, Kunj!” she replied, taking one last glance at him before walking away.
That’s it for now, guys. I know this wasn’t much, so I’m open to the brickbats too. Lots of love!
Nice one
unka plan ulta na pade
Thank you so much Melody! Let’s hope plan kaam kar jaye!
Amazing but I wished it was little longer.
Please post soon.
Hi Dhara! Thank you so much, it’s just that this story hasn’t been doing well, which is why I hadn’t thought of longer episodes yet, but I’ll surely work on it. Next episode out soon!
Amazing one ,!!!!
JEALOUS kunj is so much fun!!!
Now that aparna has cleared his mind j hope he will do something real soon before its too late !!
Post soon
Love uh
Thank you so much Preshu!! He’s a treat to watch (or rather read) for sure! Let’s see if he’ll actually do something. The next episode will be out soon! More love!!
Dude, this plan is definitely gonna work.

The “jealous Kunj Sarna” is surely going to leave no stone unturned to win his love back.
Eagerly waiting for this
Keep writing!
Take care ?
I think so too, Vibhu! I hope he acts quickly and that you have fun reading that bit! Thank you so much! Take care!!
Nice shot
Thank you!
Loved it.
Post soon
Thank you so much, Kiara!! Next episode out soon!