Greetings everyone! Ananya here. Thank you so much for your love and affection for my stories!! Happy reading!
Twinj: It’s Always Been You: Episode 17
A quick recap: Twinkle and Kunj meet at their regular spot, both of their minds unsure of the outcome of that encounter. Kunj recalls his obsession over Alisha that made it impossible for him to calmly deal with the idea of breaking up with her. Their conversation leads them to replay the occurrences of that fateful night three years ago in their minds.
Kunj looked at Twinkle’s changing expressions as they quietly recalled their proximity that night, and pulled her into a hug, seeking to comfort her. She sighed as she felt his warmth, indulging in the moment. “I didn’t remember any of that the next morning. I suppose you were in the washroom when I received Alisha’s call. She told me she would give me another chance, and I took it readily. It was then that I realised that I hadn’t been alone the previous night, I just hoped I hadn’t crossed the line. I just shouted at you from right there that it would be better if you kept that night to yourself and never think of it again, that you should think of it as a mistake to learn from, that I only loved Alisha in my entire life and anything else that I might have said the previous night was only your doing, before I got dressed and left.” Kunj’s voice was almost a whisper as he recalled the most dreadful thing he had ever done. Twinkle remembered more than he had voiced. He had gone to the extent of trying to threaten her if he even heard of the previous night ever again, not even waiting for her to come out of the washroom, let alone apologise or try to deal with it maturely. Somewhere in some corner of her mind perhaps, she knew that Kunj would only remain an unfulfilled dream for her, she couldn’t believe she had let all that happen, and by the time she stepped out, she was blaming herself for everything just like he had wished.
“I felt betrayed, Kunj! I had given you my all and got that in response. Besides, I had just managed to get home safely somehow, when Papa told me they had received a letter to my name early that morning. They had opened it, considering it would be urgent, and found out that I had been fired for highly unprofessional behaviour. My two biggest dreams had crashed in one go!” She said, her voice beginning to crack. “I don’t remember much of what happened afterwards. I know I had revealed to Ma with a shaky voice the truth that must have completely shattered her in ways that I can’t even begin to imagine! However, not once did she ridicule me for it. She supported me to her best although she herself was breaking inside.” She continued, not wanting to tell Kunj that when she had tried to speak to him about that night, he had excitedly told her that he and Alisha had decided to make a fresh start. She then told him how her parents had decided to get her a new job in their own company, but she had refused, afraid of what might happen if she encountered him again. What frightened her parents most was that she would end up in a depression. Her refusing the job offer had opened her horizon of thoughts to consider giving her a change by moving her elsewhere, far away from him, the love of her life who had destroyed her completely.
Kunj pulled Twinkle down along with him so that they would be sitting under the tree as she managed to stay strong and narrate RT’s help that got her to move to Mumbai, where he had managed to get her a job. “Papa stayed with me for a whole month before he returned. I knew that he was leaving me in Aparna’s care after being assured of her being the right kind of positive influence I needed back then so that I would at least learn to smile again, for she seemed to be a lovely person. However, all I could think of was you, memories of you, thoughts of you, just you. I knew Yuvi and Chinki were giving you a hard time with their hatred for you, but they had been left clueless when cheerful, bubbly Twinkle had returned home lifeless one day and then left abruptly with no proper reason. As time passed by, Aparna grew close to me, helping me get out of the trauma with her medicines and therapy sessions. She tried to get me involved in several new activities that kept my mind occupied even when I got home from work. But fate didn’t seem to be too keen to let me stay happy even then.” She recollected with a sad smile, stopping to take a deep breath before she revealed the fact that would change everything forever.
A couple of months after RT had left, Aparna had returned home to find Twinkle in a miserable state, with a high fever and severe body cramps. She had immediately rushed Twinkle to the hospital, deciding to keep the information hidden from her parents until she had found out what had gone wrong. Aparna had sat by Twinkle’s side through the night, making sure she was alright. Twinkle had regained consciousness in the morning, a doctor was immediately called in to check on her, and that’s when they found out that she had suffered a miscarriage. The girls firmly believed that it had to have been some mistake on the part of the doctor, but the doctor had confirmed her diagnosis yet again, leaving Twinkle shattered and Aparna feeling horribly helpless.
“I was so troubled with the trauma that I didn’t even know I was pregnant, Kunj!” Twinkle said, revealing that truth to someone for the first time. She was now crying, and Kunj had been in utter shock too, unable to think straight anymore. He tightened his grip around her as tears flowed down his eyes too, cursing himself mentally as it slowly dawned upon him that it was all his fault, his crazy infatuation that had led to their agony. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save our baby.” Twinkle said as she wiped away her tears, attempting to bring her emotions back under her control, but failing to do so as she recounted Aparna telling her that the doctors had told her that the baby had been a boy, pushing her further into the darkness than she had ever been. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for the two of you! I’m sorry I am the most horrible friend, the most horrible person out there! I don’t deserve to be forgiven!” Kunj managed to say, not willing to let her go as she tried to free herself from his embrace. “Please stay!” He whispered, not wanting to leave her in such a horrible state. After all that had happened, his admiration for her had increased, realising all that she had endured on her own and emerged victorious. In his mind, he had already cursed himself repeatedly, feeling so small in front of her love for him.
“We should go our separate ways now.” Kunj said simply and suddenly, surprising both her and himself. She didn’t know why he had chosen that path, or if she would have chosen it, if it was left to her. Maybe she would find that way easier to tread now, he hoped, worried that them being together meant having to relive that horribly painful period over and over again every single day for her. She tried to smile at him nevertheless, her heart stinging as she stood up and away from him, while he nodded at her, knowing that she shouldn’t forgive him ever. Tears streamed down his cheeks as fought his desire, his love for her, despite the fact that over the three years of her absence, his heart had pined for her as much as hers had for him. Although Usha had always tried to make him realise his love for her, he had never accepted it. Instead, he had pretended to erase all of her memories, while in reality he had actually searched for all he could, returning home feeling like a failure everyday, only to watch his mother eyeing him disappointedly. It had broken him completely when he had seen Leela and RT at the Gurudwara one morning, their life had seemed to have lost all meaning in their daughter’s absence.
Kunj had been wrecked when he had found out that the girl he had depended upon to teach Alisha a lesson that night had been Twinkle, and this turn of events had destroyed whatever was left of that wreckage. He recalled the moment he had held her close when he confessed his love to her. Despite the evident hesitation in her eyes, he had seen love for himself in them, just like always. He couldn’t even face himself anymore. It was all over. What could have been their perfect world had been blown apart by him, he thought to himself, the pain he was feeling beginning to numb his senses. “I don’t think I deserve you anymore..” He said in almost a whisper, and was surprised when she rushed to his side. “Haven’t you realised it yet? It’s always been you, Kunj! It will always be!” She whispered back as they looked at each other with undecipherable emotions leading to Kunj pulling her into a bone crushing hug. “I love you, Twinkle! Please don’t go!” He begged, although he knew it would be better for her if she did, so that she could start a new life, he tried to remind himself, but he simply couldn’t let her go. Twinkle smiled at him with teary eyes, a sudden spurt of emotions leading her to believe that them together meant destruction. She didn’t know where that idea even came to her from. All she knew was that whenever the two had made attempts to come close to each other, things had gone horribly wrong. Perhaps it was just the recollection of her resolve to find peace when she had come there that morning, or the fact that she knew she had hit him with facts that he would need some time to even fully process, let alone think over and come to a rational conclusion over, that led her to say, “Maybe we should just take some time apart and decide calmly, Kunj!” He reluctantly let her go, hoping she would choose what was best for them. She watched him longingly for a moment, as if she had been taking one last look at him, and then turned around and walked slowly across the road, so lost in thought that she didn’t notice the car speeding down the narrow road, directly at her.
Whew! There you go. Major revelations done. I haven’t really thought about whether this story will continue beyond this or not. I suppose I’ll decide that when the turn to post this story comes up again after the other two depending on your opinions. Personally I would have loved to write a few more episodes to carry out a few more smaller sub-plots I had in mind, but the response has been poor recently, making me unsure. However, if this was the last episode, I just want to thank you all for staying by my side throughout. It means so much to me. I hope you all enjoyed the story, and if you did, do let me know if you think it deserves a continuation. I’ll be fine either ways. Lots of love!
Hey hey hey, please continue this story. I really love this story of yours and I even read your stories more than once, maybe even 6-7 times. I just love the way you depict emotions. Please please don’t stop writing this story. I really want you to continue writing this and post this ASAP. Because I can’t really wait for this long because I am addicted to reading this story ? Please Post ASAP.
Hi! Thank you so much for speaking up finally! I’m glad that you liked the story, it really means a lot! I will surely consider your opinion for that’s what I’m looking for. This is really very sweet of you, I hope I don’t disappoint you further. More love!
Hey… It was heart wrenching.. But will it be wrong to say that I pitch for the reunion. They do deserve happiness. Even with all the happenings in the past they still love each other isn’t this the indication that their love is eternal.. Honestly I quite small and I don’t that deeply connect with twinkles sorrow of losing the baby.. Though it feels bad…. Anyways I think you are the best person to decide… This episode was amazing and portrayed everything with perfection . I would like to read more chapters of the story…
Loads of love
Hey Vags! I know, it had to be, else it wouldn’t make justice to the long suffering that has been hinted at all along, hope that’s alright. I’m glad the idea that their love isn’t transient got through, and I totally agree that it might be a little too much to relate with. I am working on all the responses I got and will decide accordingly. Thank you so much! More love!!
Heartbreaking epi
I would love to read if you continue….
It was an awesome story….even though I started reading it recently……
I think the story do deserve s a proper end…..
Thank you so much Piya! I know it was really depressing, but I’m glad you liked the story, and yes, I will consider your opinion, let’s see what happens.
Great update ??
Please continue
Thank you Shilpi! I’ll surely consider that.
Finally kunj got to know the whole
Plzz do continue
Thank you Melody! I know it’s been a long wait. Will be considering your opinion.
Amazing as always !!!
It was indeed the best till date !!
Simple yet emotional !!!
Twinkle’s breakdown was perfectly penned !!!!
And i could really imagine all this in my mind !!!
And that’s the beauty of your writing , i was really connected with the story and i could feel each character !!!
Well the story really deserve continuation and plz do it !!
Loved it !!
Lots of love
And one more thing ananya this story cant be this short lived , uh wont believe this is one of my favourite story of yours after my lifeline and i really want to read more of it especially some few more episodes !!!
Plz dont end it so abruptly , and do continue it , uh have a lot of fans of this story , and the biggest one is ME !!!!
I actually find it a little hard to believe that, for you might already know that this story hasn’t been doing well ever since I began writing it, and I did try and keep myself as encouraged as I could. You know that’s a challenging task for a writer. Thank you so much, I will do my best like I’ve always done. Trust me!
And adding one more thing , they do deserve happiness and being a twinj fan i would never want a sad end to one of the beautiful story ever written on twinj !!!
Plz do continue it and post ASAP!!!
There you go, you’ve made my day! Thank you so much! I totally agree that no Twinj fan can bear to have a sad ending for the loveliest couple we’ve ever seen. Rest assured, I’ll surely consider this, More love!
Hey Preshu!! Thank you so much for being there all along consistently! I’m glad the episode served its purpose of depicting the emotions well. I’m really grateful and also flattered by your praises, and I’ll surely consider continuing it. More love!!
I would always love to support uh as i know how much it meant to us as a writer , and thank you for considering our wish , and who told you that the story wasn’t doing good since uh started it , it always did best !!
Never think that way !!
More love
Thank you, that’s really encouraging. More love!
It was fantastic!!
I really felt Twinkle’s pain, how much painful it was for her.
Just loved it.
And most importantly,
This story has been amazing so far and personally one of my favourites.
it do deserve a continuation.
Plz don’t end it,
It’s a humble request.
I really wanna know what happens next.
Rest is your choice.
Take care and
Lots of love
Hey Kiara! Thank you so much!! I’m really glad that it touched your heart, and that you liked the story so much all along. I will defintely consider your opinion and work on it, all I needed to know is if at all there are people who still want to read this. You too take care. Much love!!
Heyy..i have been the silent reader all this while..but i wanna say is that just dont give up on this story …please continue or maybe just give it a nice happy ending.. because i really look forward to read its update…so ya that all
Thank you..
Hey! I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but hearing from a silent reader once in a while is the best thing that could happen to a writer, and I’m really grateful to you for that! I will consider your opinion as well. Thank you!
All ur writings are superb like thdm.pls continue. Pls write their journey we acceot either way u decide as it was verg wrong what kunj did to the girl he spent the night with, no matter it was twinkle or not.
Hello! Thank you so much for speaking up! It means a lot to me! I totally agree that Kunj didn’t do the right thing, although I’m not sure about whether he needs to be punished. Let’s see.
I don’t say kunj should be punished. But if his guilt would melt and make twinkle forgive and forget would be iam also a twinj fan.even i wish twinkle’s unconditional love would blur the past for both of them. Bye
I’m sorry if that sounded like that, I wasn’t saying you said so, it was just my own thought that I was expressing. I’m thinking on similar lines as you, let’s hope it works out!
It was amazing dear ..
Do continue..
Thank you Yashika! Will surely consider this.
Emotional shot..
Please continue this story..
It is beautiful..
Thank you so much Sudha! I will take your opinion into account.
Well,this story has a charm of its own!
This part contained some major revelations.
Twinkle finally told kunj about the abortion thing.
You described their pain so beautifully that I could feel it while reading it.
Also, my apologies for being late in reading this update and commenting on it too. ?
Since, next part of it is already posted, I’m glad that you’ve decided to write it more.
Good wishes, always!