Fan Fiction

Twinj- Marriage, betrayal, love (72)

@Next day Morning..
Everybody is sitting on dinning table for breakfast.. everyone’s face is gloomy n all were quite..
tension was clearly sen on their faces.. only sound in the whole house is just of cute aadit trying to grab everyone’s attention by his cute antics..
N our little piya was looking at naughty aadit with her big doe eyes sitting in her mommy’s lap..
Everyone smiled a little seeing their antics..

After a while .. twinkle came down all ready..
usha- puttar.. are u going somewhere??
tw- ha ma.. i m thinking to join hospital again n i have already talked with doc singhania.. n he asked me to join from today only..
usha nooded..
manohar- par beta.. u r not completely well yet.. (cut off)
Tw- papaji.. dont worry.. see..(rotated showing herself) i m perfectly alright..(she said this with fake smile)
Everybody know that she is faking to be happy in front of them but still they are happpy that she is trying to overcome this situation..
Manohar- ok ok .. baba.. i know u r fine.. but i will permit u to join hospital only when u promise me to take care of urself.. n will take ur food n medicine on time.. got it..
tw- sure.. papaji.. (salute.. in fun) jo hukum..
he laughed seeing her antics..

everybody was talking and laughing but kunj was just observing her every action with moist eyes..
He interrupted..
kunj- twinkle..
she looked at him but avoided him..
he felt bad but didnt react..
k- wont u forgive me ever??
tw- (stand up from chair ) i need time.. (calmly)
tw- (to all) chalo.. i think i m getting late.. i need to leave.. (hugged usha n manoher n left)
Everybody was sad.. seeing their both children in pain..

twinkle came back from hospital all tired .. her eyes were showing her tiredness..
nobody was in hall..
Ladies of family were in kitchen.. mahi with aadit and piya…
uv n aadarsh were in their office.. n manohar in study..
Kunj entered just afyter twinkle n saw her sitting on sofa all tired placing her head on side with closed eyes.. he could easily guess that she is tired..
Kunj hurriedly bought a glass of water n bought it in front of her.. twinkle saw the water glass n grabbed it quickly..
tw- (without noticing) thanks maa.. i was in no mood to even get up n take water..
Kunj smiled seing her releived..
As she was about to drink water.. she saw upward to find kunj with water…
She placed the water glass on table n left to her room ignoring him..
Kunj felt really bad n left from there..
Usha observed everything.. n she too felt bad..
usha- (monologue) I cant see my children in pain.. what should i do god?? so that my children will always remain happy.. plz solve their every problem soon..
n she too left from there n took snacks for twinkle in her room…

Twinkle was sitting on bed having her head rested on headboard.. eyes closed..
usha reached upta her n put the tray in front of twinkle n sat there only..
She was her face clearly showing tear marks as if she was crying..
She extended her hands n wiped her tears.. Sensing her touch.. twinkle opened her eyes.. n composed herself..
She just hugged usha n sobbed a little and composed herself..
Usha feed her n left her alone to give her time to think about her decision..

@kunj’s room
Usha entered kunj’s room with tray of snacks.. afterall he is her son too.. n she cant ignore her child..
Kunj was sitting on couch with his head palced between his palms..
Usha reached upto him n settled herself beside kunj.. n placed tray on table..
Sensing some movement.. kunj looked up and find her mom sitting ther.. Kunj eyes were filled with tears..
Usha nooded in no n wiped his tears with her dupatta..
kunj hugged her n cried for sometime.. Kunj placed his head in her lap still being on couch n sobbed..
No one spoke anything .. usha was just caressing his hairs in order to make him calm..

After a while when kunj felt something good.. he started speaking..
k- maa.. m i that bad that she is ignoring me completely..(water still flowing from his eyes).. (usha too was crying seeing his son in such situation)
maa.. i .. i i cant tolerate her ignorance.. maa tell her to punish me.. beat me.. plz maa plz ask her to speak to me.. plz maa. plz.. i cant tolerate her ignorance..
upto yesterday.. she was my bestfriend.. my best buddy with whom i could share anything.. she too used to share her every problem with me.. but see .. now.. i became a stranger for her..
no no.. not stranger.. i m her culprit.. but maa.. when i did something wrong with her.. then she should punish me ma.. why is she doing this.. i cant maa.. i cant..
in last few months.. she became my everything maa.. everything.. i .. i cant live without her.. i will die maa.. i will DIE..

Usha mde him stand.. n cupped his face.. n wiped his tears..
usha- do u think it is the only solution..??
Kunj was blank..

usha- u too know taht she too had some feelings for u n i too know.. what do u think will she be happy if u will die?? (kunj was just staring her)
nhi puttar.. its not done..
when u have done some mistake then u should ask forgiveness.. u should repent.. but DYING is not the solution..
n what about me? wnhat would i do when something will happen to u?? kabhi socha h..
Kunj puttar.. she is not the only one in ur life.. others are ther too.. who care fro u.. even she cares for u.. but now she is just upset.. she need time..
u give her some time to overcome this.. but u should not stop ur efforts to make her forgive u.. when she will be in a state to think wisely.. then she will only punish u.. n u should be ready for ur punishment..
i hope u understood whta i said..

kunj nooded..
chalo now.. wipe ur tears n be happy for me n complete ur snacks.. freshn up n after resting come down for dinner..
Usha left.. not before pecking his forehead with utmost love n care of mother..
Kunj was left alone in thoughts..

Hows the episode friends.. i hope u like it..
After so much thinking about what should be the next.. i wrote something..
i m thinking a new twist in the fiction.. i hope u will support me in that tooo…
bbyee … take care..
sorry sorry by mistake i posted it in swaragini page… but now again i m posting it here.. sorry for delay..


There are lots of people I admire and respect, but I don't necessarily want to be like them. I'm too happy being myself.:) ?

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