Twinkle came to dinning table wher everybody was having breakfast..
twinkle- vo .. m .. actually..
everybody saw towards her..
usha- bol puttar.. what happened?/ do u wannna say something?
twinkle nooded..
tw- vo actully.. i wanted to stay alone for some days to overcome this and to give time to myself and think about my n sid.. (kunj looked twoards her) sorry kunj’s relation..
kunj’s face fell down seeing her asking for living alone..
kunj- twinkle.. see if u wanna go from here because of me.. then no need.. i will go from here.. u need not leave..(hurt)
twinkle interrupted..
tw- (to usha) nhi.. vo i want to live alone.. plz ma.. just for few days.. i promise.. i will be back soon.. (with pleading eyes)
usha looked towards manohar..
manohar nooded..
manohar- but puttar .. how will u live alone?? ur health is also not good.. how will u manage?/ are u not happy with us??
tw- nhi nhi papaji.. nothing like that its just ki.. i want to spend sometime with myself.. hope u will understand.. (looking at him with pleading eyes)
manohar- haa.. beta par..
usha- theek h .. but i will stay with u wherver u will go.. if u r ok with it then we have no problem..
usha assured manohar through eyes..
manohar too nooded..
twinkle agreed…
Both usha n twinkle left from home towards the same flat where she used to live before comming at mahi’s house..
later chinki too came to live with them on insistence of twinkle…
–flashback ends–
thinking all this tears rolled through his eyes..
he gently wiped them and left from there.. bidding bye to his dad..
Kunj was back in present.. he heard a knock on the door..
kunj- come in
servent- sir.. food is ready
kunj- hmm.. u go i m comming..
he goes to washroom to get freshn up and was getting ready for office meanwhile aman came..
aman- morning kunj
kunj- hmm morning.. ready to leave??
aman- kunj.. what i was thinking ki u shoyld also come with me to mumbai..
kunj- yr tu fir shuru ho gaya.. ek bar bola na .. ni jaana to matlab ni jaana.. why dont u understand?/ (frustrated)
aman- yr tu samajh ni ra.. i have a friend there.. he said ki vha ladkiyan..
Before he could complete, kunj looked at him in such a way that lucky was afraid…. and he just left from there bidding him byee..
Seeing this he was not able to control hs smile.. but the smile didnt reach his eyes..
Aman didnt leave. he was outside his room. he was happy to see his friend smiling after so much time… He knows very well the pain from which he is suffering! to loose someoe you love kills u deep inside..
Usha was preparing breakfast for twinkle n chinki
usha- twinkle chiki .. come beta..breakfast is ready
twinkle and chinki were already in argument about twinkle’s past..
chinki- just comming aunty.. only two minutes.. (n continues to talk with twinkle)
chinki- twinkle i know what u r going through.. but atleast just talk to him once.. by staying away from him , u are giving pain to urself and to him also.. vo sab bhul kar tumhe aage badhna hi hoga..
twinkle- (angry) chinki!! please.. dont talk about same thing again and again.. u know i dont wanna talk about it.. it only gives me pain.. plz for god sake just stop all this!! plz i beg u.. plz go..
maa bula re h .. plz go.. i will come in a minute..
chinki nooded and went down..
Usha was standing just otside their room.. listening their conversation.. and was feeling sad for her and for his chid too..
After chinki left.. she enetred the room to confront twinkle..
Chinki- (from downstairs) aunty i m going early today.. plz ask twinkle to come late as today her shift is in noon.. byee aunty..
usha- byee beta..
sorry friends for small update.. but dont worry give u next episode soon.. bbyee..
n yes remaining flashback will shoiw in next episode..
Too emotional but what happened to other family members
Ohh so sad one it was and what happened to uvi mahi and others will be waiting to know that……
See u soon with next part.
Yaar just loved it …

I have a doubt how much time has passed since that incident?
Bechaar Kunj … and Twinkle too …
Usha … feeling bad for her too she is staying away from her family… just for Twinkle … so caring …
Love you post soon
Emotional epi ….bt baaki k members kaha h family k…n manohar ko kya hua h????
hey monaa awesome yaar i just loved it,……
No my exam is tommorow
I m very sad…very scared
If they failed me in retest also then
Retest me pakka fail nhi krte hai na retest me pass 100% kr Dene hai na
Pakka pass kr denge na
I want to cry ……??????????????
Ohhh god monnaa di sooo emotional painful…..bt doeant usha know about manohar being in dis position since 1 year…..cant wait foe nxt love u losa dii….amazing marvellous speechless full of crying

Post soon di
Nice and emotional
Ohhhh God MONAA
Ffull on suspense track per hai yeh thoo
Awesome amazing Superb
Post aoon
Love u keep smiling
Too good
Ohh god monaa di..! I m crying.. it was too good..
Plss unite them soon.. can’t see them like that