Fan Fiction

Twinj- Marriage, betrayal, love (89)

Friends soo sory for the late but my exams are still going on… i had a break in this exam so thought to write something to calm down my mind..

Twinj and family did the last rights of adi pari… and came back home..
The home which should have been filled with the happiness of marriage functions and post marriage rituals is now all sad and gloomy in grief of loosing their child..

Aadit and piya were crying continuously not understanding what is hapening in their house..
Little 2 year old piya has just lost her parents of which she has no idea..
Mahi was handling piya nad twinkle is with aadit trying to calm them down..
After few hours of continuous crying.. Both children slept… and now this is the time to cry for elders.. They couldnt stop their tears for the loss of their children..
Mahi became second mother for piya… uv was also with her in handling the little girl.. because they are releived from the tension of their son.. because of aadit.. because he was easily handled by twinkle along with kunj..

Its been 15 days after their demise.. the family has completed all the rituals to be done after the death..
But no one has any idea of what should be done now..

Whole family was sitting in hall having their dinner…
Everywhere was just silence..

This silence was broken by kunj’s mobile ringtone..
He received the call..

OP- Hello dear kunj…

Kunj- yes who is this..

Op- your destruction…

Kunj- what?? who r u?? what do u want..

Op- me.. i want ur destruction.. ur whole family’s destruction..

Kunj- what?? byt why?? what did i do with u??

op- oh shut up mr sarna… now do i need to tell u what u did?? (angry)
So listen… u killed MY SON…

Kunj- ur son?? what are u saying.. i didnt do anything like that..

Op- oh… so u didnt?? (angry) how can u easily forgot Raghav… because of u only my son is not with me… now u and ur whole family will face hell… ha ha ha ha.. (laughed cruelly)

kunj- but … but itv was his fault… we didnt do anything…

op- ha ha… what do u thoink u will say me that u didnt killed him and i will believe..
U know why ur bhai n bhabhi is not with u today… because of me…. only because of me… i failed the breaks of ur car… for u and ur lover but unfortunately.. instead of u ur family suffered …
but now iu got to know.. ur life is in ur family… so i will destroy ur family only nad u wont be able to do anything…
Do whatever u can??

And yes… first destruction starts now..
In next 1 hour.. one person from ur family will face my warth… do whatever u can to save ur family..

He laughed cruelly and cut the call…

Kunj became numb for a few minutes after the call untill twinkle shacked him n asked him about the call..
He told his family about the call n how he wanted to kill me n twinkle but instead he likeed bhai bhabhi.. He cried telling this..
All eyes were filled with tears..

He also told about.. his warning to harm one family member in one hour..

They them come to know about uv being out of town for some business purpose..
Mahi panicked and tried to call him but his call was unreachable..
Everybody was freaked out.. its been 50 minutes to the call n there was no information about uv..
Mahi was continuously crying n twinkle was consoling her..
Kunj was just about to step out of house to find his bro.. in the mean time.. he saw uv came back having bandage on his head n some scratches o his hands..
mahi rushed to him nn hugged him … n cried.. amnd asked him about his this condition..

Uv told about how his car striked with the truck comming in opposite direction..
Everybody looked helpless.. n kunj told him everything about luthra’s call and about fa,mily destruction..

Afetr a painful and hurtful 2 hours of discussion… kunj suggested a way..

Kunj- i think bhai… u shold leave for london with mahi n kids.. n maa papa..
After few day nad after wrapping everything here.. i will too come there only with twinkle..

Uv denoied to his offer as it can be risky for kunj n twinkle to remain in this place for so long as luthras are the real danger to them only… but kunj being admant give him the kids wow.. to leave from there as they cant afford anything to bve done to children..
After a night thinking about this matter uv mahi agreeed to leave the country for the children’s sake.. (Mahi-uv have officially adopted piya as their daughter)
But manohar and usha denied to leave with them..
They had to bow down in front of their stutborness..

Next day morning only Uv Mahi along with both children left from there… after a whole emotional family time..

Now it was time for kunj to think something…
he has already sent aliya back to amritsar to stay in her college hostel so that no one will come to know about her but unfortunately.. luthras was more smart than kunj…
When she was on her way to college, he kiddnaped her.. and informed kunj too..
He was freaked out listening about her babay’s sister’s kidnap..
When twinkle came to know about this.. She asked him to handover her to mr luthra so that all this drama will end..
But kunj became angry listening ehr n shouted at her for being soo dumb..

Kunj- Twinkle… how can u think like this?? have u gone mad?? (angry) I m already very tensed.. plz dont increase my tension … please leave from there…
Twinkle’s eyes were filled with tears not because he scolded her but because she is the reason behind her family’s miseries..

Usha talked with twinkle n make her understand that she is equally important for them as aliya is..
Twinkle cried hugging usha and blamong herself..
All were helpless.. no one could do anything.. But kunj was making some plans to get her sister back at any cost n was cursing himself to let her go alone even when he knew that luthra is soo dangerous..

Next day with the help of detectives and police, he tracked the location where luthra has kept her sister..
he left for the location without letting him being noticed by mr luthra..
But Luthra was too intelligent to get ytrapped..
He came to know about kunj’s plan… Before kunj could reach the place.. He set the place on fire along with aliya..
As kunj reached there… he saw the place burning in fire…
Just then he received luthra’s call..

Luthra- tch tch tch… told u not to double cross me otherwise u will face hell.. but u didnt listen to me now bear the consequenses.. By loosing ur dear sister..

Listening this phone silpped from his hands and He sat there on ground itself and cried his heart out by screaming her name..
He cried and cried untill he fainted and police which was comming after him getting the news took him to hospital and admitted him.. And informed his family..

Twinkle usha n mahohar reached theren found him crying badly sitting on bed..
Usha came to him n hugged him tightly and started crying badly along with him..

twinkle was standing there numb liustening the news about aliya n mahihar cam etowards her n she tightly hugged manohar n cried..
All of them were crying there.. The atmosphere was gloomy..

After discharging from hospital.. Kunj went to the same fire area to know about her sister but didnt found anything.. not even her body..
This created a relief in their mind may be his sister is alright, may be someone saved her.. but didnt get any clue about her and left home disheartened.. but he still has some hope left that may be she is alive..

Screen freeze on the gloomy atmosphere in the home..

hello friends… i know i m late n i also dont know when i will post next so gave a long chapter.. hope u like it..
i know it is getting boring but dont worry i will soon end it that’s why i m showing fast scenes..(i think so)

Thak u soo much for ur support till now.. hope u will support in future too..
Ok bbyee..
Need to prepare for next exam..
One again thanks for ur lovely comments..
Byee.. hope to see u soon..


There are lots of people I admire and respect, but I don't necessarily want to be like them. I'm too happy being myself.:) ?

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