Wait what!! finally i reached my 50th episode.. i cant belive that i can write upto this.. all thanks to u gys for the support.. he he .. i m happppy..
its goledn jubliee… yipee.. finally… hope u r liking this .. if u r getting bored plz do tell me.. chalo chalo.. jyada excited ni hote aur apne next episode pe chalte h..
After 1 month
Now everything was back to place,Twinkle’s health is improving day by day, Sometimes she is so stutborn but kunj handel her so well..
Usha is now close to their sons but not normal like before..she cares for them, Wait for them n prepare one time food for her sons n dil..
Kunj n uv was happy after gaining their mother’s love onvce again but still cant share everything with her like before..
Twinkle always take care of mahi’s baby n Mahi take care of twinkle like her baby.. Usha is here for their sons.. So in short, everything is going smooth…
Today is the naming ceremony of yuhi’s prince.. Hall is decorated perfectly… Everything is set for the pooja..
Manohar n adi with pari n their daughter are comming for the function.. whatever their relations are but still everybody cared for each other..
N today is the most wonderful day of yuhi’s life.. as their prince is going to get the name..
Pooja rituals are going on Yuhi are together performing the rituals
Manohar is still upset with their sons but cares a lot abt jher both dil.. n pamper them a lot..(remember twinkle dont know them being uv;s family, ahe is hidden from any such info.. which can effect her health)
Mahi is gradually becoming part of sarna family.. the love which she was craving from childhood, she is happy to get it now from manoher n usha..(parent’s love as she was an orphan,… ther is a story behind mahi also.. dont worry will reveal it soon.. hope u will like the new twist..)
But she is upset by cold behaviour of manohar towardskunj n uv..
Time of naming ceremony..
BAby is in twinkle’s ap.. he is more connected with twinkle than mahi.. afterall she takes care of him a lot n mahi is happy with their bons after all tw is his massi.. maa jaisi..
Twinkle also remain normal when she is with him.. otherwise she start getting some emotional attacks.. but with prince.. her happiness has no bounds..
Pooja rituals are being performed n Yuhi are performing rituals..(i dont know what exactly happens in this pooja)
They are doing what panditji is telling them.. At last pandit ji announced to name the baby in his ears 3 times n then announce his name in public.. for this ritual bua should name the baby..
UV- but panditji.. baby’s bua (aliya) is not present here..
{twinkle was just known that his family is getting close to mahi uv n kunj n they consider themselves as part of family thats why they are saying ki baua us not present)
pandit ji- No issues.. Baby’s father’s sister or mother’s sister can name the baby..
Twinkle became happy listening this as she considered herself as mahi’s sis..
tw- Sacchi.. means i can name my prince na..(excitedly)
m- why not!! afterall u r his masssi.. u have the right..(happily)
kunj interrupted in between..
k- its not fare.. i m also here.. afterall, i m his chacha.. i too have the right.. (making faces.. funny cute)
tw- hey sadu!! havn’t u listened what panditji told.. only bua or massi can name the baby.. (angry pout)
k- hey miss syappa..(interrupted in bw)
u- now just stop u both.. u just need a hint to fight, u can start anywhere anytime.. (fake anger)
i dont want any delay in my grandson’s naming..
Both looked at each other being angry indicating that they are resopnsible for this scolding from maa..
tw- but maa. seee na he only started first..
k- nhi maa.. m ..
u- i said shut u both ur mouth ..
k- (scarastically) no one loves me her.. i m not given any rights in this house.. all because of thsi syapp aqueen..
Twinkle was passing him dearth glares..
u- (slight laugh) Accha accha.. now stop.. do one thing.. u have 5 min.. both mutually decide the name of the baby asap.. n tw will say the name in baby’s ears..
Tw put the baby in craddle n both started thing the names..
After telling so many names to each oth.. they reached at conclusion n decided a perfect name for the baby n became happy..
Twinkle went near bay n said his name in his ears.. Baby smiled n giggled at his name..
TWinkle became excited..
TW- (excited) see mahi.. he is smiling.. i think he liked the name.. aww my baby.. (slightly pecked baby’s forehead with love)
m- Yr.. bas now tell us the name of our prince..
tw- are ha.. i to forgot..
to our prince is named at as AADIT means PEAK..
Pandit ji- So its decided that name of the baby is AADIT… everyone is happy with the name..
Poors are given clothes n sweets..
pandit ji is given Dakshina..
Everyone settled in the hall n playing with the baby…
Suddenly twinkle was not feeling well but she dont wanna trouble anyone at this happy ocassion do she headed to her room.. but kunj noticed her change in behaviour.. n he went behind her to check whetehr she is alright or not..
As she reached her room she stumbled n her head went heavy.. she was going to fall but at the nick of time kunj saved her.. n took her to bed..
He gave her water n asked her abt her health..
k- i think u r not well.. i should call the doc.
tw- (comforting herself on bed) n.. no sid.. i m fine,, its just a little headache.. nothing else.. i m fine..
k- vo to i can see.. how much u r fine..(said scarastically)
tw- (got angry at his taunt) i m telling u na.. i fine fine..
Kunj understood that she is not in his senses n he tried to calm her..
k- okk ok meri maa.. m samajh gaya..
aacha ye medicine to le lo..
Twinkle nooded.. n took her medicines n kunj made her sleep n went back in hall..
Mahi asked him through eyes where he went.. he nooded in nothing as he dont wanna panic them in this auspicious ocassion where his whole family is together after a long time..
Today manohar is talking n laughing normally with uv unaware of his act.. n uv is soo happy with this..
Screen freeses on happy family… kunj admiring them n twinkle’s sleeping face…
how’s the episode..
i know its getting boring day by day.. but u have to tolerate it for some days.. he he..
but i m happy that today i completed 50 episodes.. n u supported..
thank u.. keep reading n supporting..
Monaaaaa. Very nice! ? one request for you and that is please post the episodes regularly! Its sooooo nice!
Woah congratulations n celebrations awww golden jubilee mona loved the epi sooo much yaar aadit name so cutee yaar loved the epi do cont asap
Congo for golden jubilee!?? may u complete century??? going to the episode it was amazing, just wanted to see more twinj scenes as we crave for that only
do post next one asap?
congratulations for completing 50 episodes…..epi was shaandar….amazing
Awesome and cute epi.. loved twinj’s cute fight??.. and Congo for golden jubilee?? and many more to come
do cont soon 
Hey monaaa awesome loved it n congratulations for golen jublieee n episode was amazing dear Loved it n love u
Hey Mona congo for golden jubilee ?? the episode was damn cute loved TwiNj cute fight ?? expecting for more TwiNj scenes…
It was really amazing! Btw, congrats for completing 50 episodes ? I wish to see many more of this coming. Post the next one soon
Mona darling episode was awesome….
Congo for golden jubilee re
Awesome awesome
U rocked
And no
You’re off is NVR boring
Loved it from the core
Congrats di…..waiting to see centuries nd double centuries…..
The episode was fabuloussss…… wonderful…
Jst one word …..
Plss keep writing…
Love u
Amazing and one request plzzzzz give some twinj scene and congratulation for completing 50 episodes plzzzz try to post nxt Asap
Awesome the family bonding was nicely explained do continue
It’s amazing. Congo for golden jublie???. Loved. Wish to read this more. Plz post soon?
Mons darlo Congo….superb
It’s 50.
Next one soon.
Congrats for completing your 50 episodes
Post soon
Love the episode it was very cute Twinkle’s tantrums are so cute
Congrats for completing your 50 episodes
Post soon
Love the episode it was very cute Twinkle’s tantrums are so cute