Greetings all you lovely people!! Thank you so much for all the love and affection you all have been showering this story with! It means a lot to me, and I hope I’ll be able to keep this up to all of your expectations as well! Happy reading!
Twinj: Meant to be: Episode 13
A quick recap: Twinkle tries to hide her disappointment when she overhears of Kunj being in love, unaware of who the girl is. She later discusses her helplessness at Leela’s demands with Yuvi, who ends up confused. Leela does turn up to meet Twinkle, but nothing seems to ever go right between the mother-daughter duo.
“Mam! You’ve got to see who has come!” Maya’s excited chatter distracted Twinkle from the cupcakes that she had been setting in their display. She looked up at her assistant and flashed her a genuine smile despite the fact that she sounded extremely childish to her. “Kunj Sarna!” Maya stated when she realized that Twinkle was in no hurry to follow her to meet him. Twinkle glanced over the counter and saw him sitting at the very table that he and Yuvi had occupied on his first visit there. However, just as she was about to walk to him, she recalled the mention of a special woman in his life, and for some reason, she didn’t think it was the right time for her to encounter him. So, she instructed Maya to get his order while she handled the kitchen.
After giving Twinkle a skeptical glance, Maya went along nevertheless, and the next Twinkle saw, Maya was pointing in her direction to Kunj. Before she could slide into the kitchen, he had spotted her too and was now waving at her with a bright smile. She waved back, but made no effort to move. Perhaps that had made Kunj think that he was to go there himself if he needed to speak to her. ‘Darn it, Twinkle! Wrong move!’ Her mind chided.
Kunj, Twinkle found, was as warm and cheerful as ever. Something she found she hadn’t been ever since she had left home. She listened with rapt attention as he explained that he had been out of town for work and was now headed back home. And that since it was well past lunch time, he was hoping to find something there that would douse his hunger. She nodded at him and he took the hint, heading back to his table. She sent Maya there with their special noodles, and a message that she would join him there soon.
Twinkle was surprised at how happy Kunj seemed at her arrival a few minutes later. She pulled the chair beside him for herself, choosing to ignore the thought that she only set aside the gesture of giving a customer company at their table if the customer was Yuvi. Well, that had changed even before she had figured. She laughed as Kunj praised the food with unusual phrases, her eyes sighting Maya smiling gently at them. She shook her head at Maya, knowing exactly what her employee-turned-almost-friend had been thinking. Maya shrugged her shoulders, throwing Twinkle a knowing glance before getting along with her work.
“You were supposed to come home and meet Ma today, right? In connection with the changes in plan that the wedding planners suggested?” Kunj’s voice jolted her out of the daze she had been put under when Leela’s message had popped up on her phone. She answered in the affirmative, sliding away the notification, and explaining, “I can’t make it now, though. It’s peak hour, and…” She trailed off, gesturing vaguely at the seating area that was beginning to get more crowded now. “Absolutely alright! What time are you planning to get there?” He quipped in immediately, realizing a little too late that he sounded too desperate. “Around 7 30. I’ve informed Usha Mam of the same.” She told him, straightening out her apron as she prepared to get up and lend a hand to Maya, when he added, “I could wait for you. It’s only a couple of hours anyway.” She glanced at him, not knowing what to say to that. She had always assumed Kunj Sarna was a busy man. Why would he want to waste his time like that? The two had then got to a conclusion with much difficulty a few minutes into an apparently serious discussion.
“Twinkle? Is that really you?” Twinkle heard the all too familiar voice when she picked up her phone after ignoring what had to be at least a dozen calls from that one number alone. She froze, crashing into the kitchen counter behind her, her eyes welling up as a wave of emotions that she didn’t know still existed in her washed her over, and she had to remind herself to keep breathing. She glanced at the café bustling with activity, forcing her to recall the purpose that had kept her going for so long. There was no way she could break and let a weakness overpower her now, after so many days and nights of incessant suffering. “Wrong number.” She said in a fake voice before cutting the call.
In a fit of rage, she opened the messages that Leela had sent her, to find that they were pictures of prospective grooms. The last thing she needed right then. “You don’t have to do this.” She texted back, and was about to put the phone away when she saw that her message had been read immediately, and now Leela was replying. “I know you aren’t seeing anyone, and that you won’t be able to do this all by yourself!” Even on text, Twinkle could feel Leela’s temper, but she was enraged too. This was just another incident where a Taneja had questioned her ability to survive if it hadn’t been for them.
“I have found someone already.” She typed back furiously and shut the app before another message could pop up. She put the phone on mute and stuffed it in her bag, leaving the café in Maya’s care for a couple of hours, promising her that she would be back to lock it in the night.
“Twinkle, isn’t it?” Twinkle heard a voice call out to her the minute she stepped into the Sarna mansion. “Yes Mam. Good evening. I’m here to meet Usha Mam regarding the wedding.” She told the woman that she had remembered as Kunj’s Bebe, stepping towards her cautiously, as though worried that she might get thrown out for walking in without permission. “Of course.” Bebe said sweetly, offering her a glass of water that she accepted gratefully.
Twinkle put down the glass when she heard Bebe ask, “You are the one that runs the café, aren’t you?” She nodded with a small smile, a little confused at the reasoning for that question. Didn’t the older woman remember her? “I assume you inherited it from your parents?” Bebe questioned next, earning a blank look from Twinkle. After the deafening silence that both had held onto for what was easily a minute, Twinkle replied, “No, mam. I’m only the manager at that place currently. The owner inherited it from his parents though, and I am buying it from him in instalments.”
It had been the most generic answer Twinkle could think of right then. Had things gone right, she wouldn’t have had to suffer that way for each little thing. She would have been able to buy it in one go, and there would be no need to convince Mr. Sen every month to give her a couple of days more to pay her instalment, she reckoned. But that wasn’t to be. Instead, her mother was bent upon getting her married, after having left her helpless and desolate for two whole years as though she had meant nothing to them.
Twinkle had been stunned when Bebe fired her next question, “Is there a possibility that I have seen you before? Perhaps at one of those parties that are hosted for all the big names in town and their families?” She had never had to face anyone she knew from her old life than Leela before, and although she couldn’t recall seeing Bebe or any of the Sarnas, or even Yuvi back then, she knew that there was every chance that she might have been spotted. The Tanejas had never been known to do anything without great show after all, and neither had they shied away from introducing their daughters to the world. “Do you belong to one of those families that I ought to know of?” Bebe enquired, and Twinkle was a nervous wreck now.
As though just to save her from the awkward, identity-threatening situation, Kunj walked in right then. While Twinkle sighed in relief, Bebe seemed to be annoyed at her interrogation being interrupted. Kunj explained that he had brought Twinkle there himself, for he had some work in that part of the town and both their time schedules had ‘coincidentally’ matched perfectly. It only took him one look at Twinkle to conclude that something had gone utterly wrong, and he was bent upon fixing it. He sent word for Usha that Twinkle was waiting for her even as he carried out a casual conversation with Bebe, and Twinkle’s admiration for him only grew.
The graces of God had to be upon her that day, Twinkle mused as she wrapped up her discussion with Usha later that evening, without too many of the embarrassments or taunts that she had been dreading ever since Yuvi and Aditi had requested her to help Usha coordinate with the wedding planners. Just as she greeted Usha and turned around, she tripped over the carpet, but a firm hand helped her regain her balance. She turned to find Kunj looking down at her worriedly. “Thank you!” She heard herself murmur involuntarily, and as if on cue, his worry made way for a teasing look on his face as he spoke, “Watch where you’re going, Twinkle! I won’t always be around to save the day!” While she smiled at him despite it all, her mind couldn’t help but fixate on his last statement.
That’s it for now, guys. I hope you all had a good read. Take care and stay safe. Until next time, lots of love!
God, every time I read the chapters, I’m left in awe of your writing skills. The episode perfectly explains all the emotions perfectly. Well I see your plan now about the groom(only if what I’m thinking is true). Just loved how kunj is putting some effort in impressing twinkle and to try n spend time with her. I’m hating leela even more now. But I’m just waiting for the further episodes.
Much love,<3
take care and stay safe
Hellooo!! Whoa, that is really high praise yet again! Thank you so much!! I’m really glad that I could get my thought clearly across in this one. Do you, really? You’ll find out soon, don’t worry!
I agree that Kunj is being real sweet. About Leela… well, I understand your feeling right now. Stay tuned, the next one is on its way! More love!! <3 Take care, stay safe!!
Please please please post the episodes asappppppp, I keep checking the page minimum 10 times a day just to see whether you have posted the episode or not . Please post the episode early
I loveeeee your writing skillllssssss 

I’m sorry about the delay. I usually have the next couple of episodes written each time I post an episode, but most times the response I get is really disappointing initially, so I wait until it gets at least some decent reviews. I hope you understand, but I do promise to try and increase the frequency despite it all! Thank you so much!!
Amazing as always
Just loved it
So she does feel something for kunj.
Was it Mahi on the call ??
Why do i feel there is a lot to come in the future updates??
What was the reason that twinkle was disowned by her parents?
I loved the little cute scenes btw Twinj!!
Waiting for the next one eagerly…
Post soon
Take care
Lots of love

Hello Presh!! Thank you so much for your unending love and support! I can never find the right words to tell you how grateful I am to you for every single thing, big and small. She does, and she will accept it too, it’s just a matter of time. Keep your guesses coming for who was on the call and what Twinkle’s past actually is, we’ll find out in some time. I’m glad you enjoyed your read! Stay tuned, the next one is on its way! Take care, stay safe! More love!!
Thank you!
Good one
Thanks Pragati!
Looking forward for the next one
Loved it
I am too, Arin! Thank you, stay tuned!
Thanks Melody!
Great update
Post soon
Thank you Shilpi! Stay tuned, next episode out soon!
Its getting intresting…
Totally hooked to it..
I’m really glad you thought so, Arohi!! Thank you!
Nice one
Thank you!
Its just getting more amazing
Totally enjoying it
Thank you so much Asmin!! That’s really encouraging!
Superb shot..Luved it..
Post soon..
Thank you so much, Anamika!! Stay tuned, next one on its way!
Fantastic episode.
Enjoyed it.
I am so excited to know what Twinkle is gonna do about the little lie she told Leela and she surely have feelings for Kunj.
Please post next episode already.
Hello Harshita!! Thank you so much!! I’m really glad you thought so! Yes, that and a lot more and coming your way in the next couple of episodes, stay tuned!! The next one is on its way!
Seems like I m late to hell with this one …
But, I can’t help it since I’ve been busy to hell..
Kunj’s Bebe is really after twinkle to know about her real identity.
I hope she doesn’t create any problems between the two.
And, now I’m heading towards the next part that’s already out.
See u there!
Hello!! I got here only after reading your reaction to the next one. Thank you so much for both though!! I get it, no issues at all! I should tell you that I don’t intend on including too many not-so-great characters in this story, so let’s see? Perhaps Bebe’s doing will bring out some good eventually? I’ll look forward to hearing from you on the one after the next one!! Much love!