Fan Fiction

Twinj:A Never Ending Lovestory (intro)

Scene 1

A girl is shown sleeping in her room and it is none other than twinkle taneja. And a lady is coming towards twinkle’s room and it is twinkle’s mother leela.

L:utt jaa twinkle puttar
T:maa just 5 mins
L:your 5 mins is 1 hour…..utt jaaa..

Twinkle comes to have her breakfast … and mahi was already having her breakfast

M:good morning dii
T:good morning mahi

After having breakfast they both got ready for going to college.

Scene 2

a guy shown exercising in his room and it is kunj sarna and lady is shown sitting in his room with a glass of milk and its kunj’s mother usha
U:bas kar kunj ….drink this milk milk and get ready and go to college
K:haaa maa by taking the milk from her hand

After getting ready he came downstairs and went to college after taking blessings from his father.

Screen freezes on twinkle’s and kunj’s face

Sorry guyzz for a small FF

And chinki’s and uv’s chareter will be introduced in the next part

Precap :not decided yet……….


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