Fan Fiction

TWINKLE twinkle our SHINNING STAR – Episode 9

hi guys shocked to see me so soon
so this is for sohi and and BIG HAPPY WALA NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU
so here i syour ff.
guys tommorow is my practicals paper soo plz pray for me

a big hall is shown decorated is decorated by lots of lamps and fires.poeple were dress up well(sorry but i dont know well do give all details about all this)

twinkle was ready in her room when jodha came with some other girls as well and sheee did her tika while twinkle was confused as always

on the other hand kunj was brought to the main hall companied by some men and salem,akbar.he was looking breath taking.everyone gathered near kunj while jodhas dadi did his tika and tilak and pulled his nose as a ritual while a voice came from behing

“dida dont do this or else his nose will became more long as it is now.”

kunj glarred and said”ruk twinkle ki bachi.”
T “hey i am not married till and you are thinking about kids,must say so fast”

A “jas,sid stop it atleast today stop it.why you always keep fighting like cats and dogs.what it gives i am like being old seeing fightng you both”
T/K “he/she started it ”
A “i said just stop it.all this gueats had came for plz let them go home safe”

while twinj made a big hawwwwwwwwww wala face

after that evryone sterted chit chatting as the mahuraat had still time while kunj was with twinkle at every sec.suddenly twinkle pulled him aside which made kunj land on her by th eside of the wall and both have sweet eyelock which was broken by yuvi as soldiers coughing watching them.

K “what is this princess.if you wanna romance then tell me.we will go to room(winks)
T “shut up and stop calling me should call me TWINKI MY SHINNING STAR she said while having tears in her eyes as if she remembered something or someone.
while yuvi was bit shocked and get teary eyes

K “ok but..”
T “no first do pinki promise?

this make a lone tear fall from yuvis eye

K “ok promise”
t “kunnn j tell me na.whats all this going on.and for what porpos is it for.?
K “twinkle you dont know?
T “no kunj now tell …….”

suddenly there came akbar and he said something to kunj by his eyes so kun jleft twinkle to jodha and head towards akbar where he get to know about yuvi hiding behind the pillar but he was crying they didnt know .

everyone was happy and enjoyin gand chit chating while jodh awas hell tensed
suddenly akbar and kunj came draging a beaten soldier andn his head down.

A “jodha begum.i completed my promise and he his caught and this time his life
is in my hands and he will not stay in this world for soo long.
K”maa even i completed my promise.there is not even a small scare on twinkl
and we caught him
T “caught whom”

“caught yuvi”saying this made his head up while twinkle stands in shock + happy
sh eran towards yuvi while kunj made his arm in th eway to stop twinkle but sh edidnt cared and hugged yuvi as tight as she can
T “where you left me alone haa(in flood like tears)you said you would
come back soon…………… BHAI”

shock kessa laga tell me



its my birthday soooooo be free with me..missing friends in exams

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