Hello all, Kavya dear clarity will come once the story progresses.

Hai Jasmine, Happy that you are liking it dear. You will know that very soon. Thank you so much dear 

Hai Gayathri, Thank you so much dear. Sure

Chapter 3 Shocking Happenings 

Recap : Ram and Varun reach the kingdom of Jalandhra where they meet Hanuman, they also learn that Bharat the Prince of the kingdom is back and there is a festival happening to which all big leaders have come. They also spot Kauravas elder brother Duryodhan’s campaign in the city. To their shock they find the ivory palanquin they saw in Kekaya. They decide to visit Bharat and stay at the palace in the night. Sita takes Draupadi to the boat in the lake and they leave to meet the astrologer.

Jalandhra Palace

Varun and Ram reach the palace gates. There they spot the soldiers of Ayodhya among the Jalandhra soldiers. They grt excited to see Ram but they dont dare to come to him.

Guard: Sir your name ? 

Ram: Im Ram from Prince Aditya 

The guard bows before him when he shows the symbol of Mahishmati 

Guard: You may go in sir

Ram and Varun enter the palace and they proceed towards the Prince’s quarters. A young man is on the balcony of the palace decorated with beautiful flowers. He smiles on seeing Ram on the horse and rushes down. He runs over the things piled for the festival and comes to Ram. Ram who had just hopped off his horse smiles at him. The man jumps on him and hugs him

The man: Ram bhrata Am I dreaming? You are here?

Ram: Bharat….how are you?

Bharat: Im all fine..and Varun…

He hugs Varun

Varun: Welcome back Bharat

Bharat leads them inside talking in excitement 

Bharat: I myself wanted to meet you, sorry I had to leave on the voyage when King Dhasharat sent you…

Ram: Leave it, the voyage was successful right, thats the matter

Bharat: I wanted to bring you here, take care of you like the king. Now I can do it. You have to be here

Ram: But…Bharat…we have an important work. Prince Aditya wants something to be done so..

Bharat: Shall I come with you too? Even I want to help Prince Aditya

Ram: Bharat..you have just now returned home, take care of the kingdom. I will tell you once the moment arrives

Bharat: I will be waiting for it. Now you will be staying here tonight and I wont let you without that. Many cultural events are happening, you will be having a good time

Saying this Bharat takes Varun and Ram to the King. The scene freezes 

A small hut on the lake bank

Sita and Draupadi reach the hut which is lit by lamps everywhere. A pleasing smell fills the air and it gives them a fresh feel. A man comes out and bows before Sita and Draupadi 

Man: We are pleased to have the highness of Mahishmati and highness of Panchal in our place

Sita: Is everything ready?

Man: Yes highness..please come in

The girls enter the hut , they find a sage sitting on the floor and in front of him two small stools in front of him. On seeing them he smiles and gestures them to enter and seat themselves 

Sita and Draupadi settle before him

Sita: We are blessed to meet Sage Vashisht

Vashisht: May god bless you both

Sita: Swami , you very well know that the shooting star appeared for the third time and news of pithaji being immobile and held hostage are spreading like wildfire. Moreover rumours of Bratha Aditya marrying Nandhini is also spreading. Arjun is away too. Why is all this happening? And this girl who is near me is suffering due to a disease, when will she get a cure?

Vashisht smiles and : Sita, I can understand your concern. Regarding the shooting star it not only marks bad time but also the starting of a golden era. But starting of any good thing will be with a lot of struggles 

Sita: So my country will suffer?

Vashisht: Dont worry, your brothers will be the greatest rulers of the era. The entire world will sing their praises for thousands of years

Sita: And what about Draupadi’s cure?

Vashisht: Princess of Panchal has a very lucky star placements. She will marry the greatest warrior of this era. She will bear a child who will have 100 times valour of his father

Sita: Haan Now you have said this, her disease will worsen only

Hearing this Draupadi blushes and controlling it

Draupadi: Vashisht ji , mujhe chodiye how about didi’s husband? She is rejecting every groom 

Vashisht: The raajkumar who will be marrying Sita is already on his way on a white horse. The starting of golden era which I spoke of will have his pivotal role. 

Sita blushes now but she quickly changes her mood and gets serious 

Sita: Will pithaji get well? 

The pain and concern in her voice are well evident

Vashisht: Somethings are beyond our control and prediction Princess. Have a positive mind everything will happen for the greater good

Sita and Draupadi leave from there. The scene freezes 


Its night, Ram and Varun are in the balcony of the room allocated for them. Bharat had gone to see the guests. 

Ram: Lets get to sleep now Varun. We have to wake up soon

Agreeing with him Varun and Ram get to bed. Owing to the tiredness of a long journey Ram and Varun sleep very soon. In the dream Varun enters a peculiar garden. He walks forward and suddenly sees Hanuman running with his tail part burning. He gets up with a start and his eyes spot a blaze and a tail near it. He gets to the balcony and sees that Hanuman is climbing over the wall. Hanuman gets on the wall and jumps to a tree. He seats himself facing a space behind the palace . Varun gets to the corner of the balcony and spots many people gathered in the darkness behind the palace. He slowly walks in and finds Ram sleeping. He also spots Bharat near him and wakes them up

Ram : What happened?

Varun gestures them to be silent and shows them what he saw. They are shocked too

Bharat: I myself lead them to their rooms before coming here

Ram: What event is happening now?

Bharat: The events are done for the day

Suddenly they could hear and buzzing sound and stop talking. They pay their attention to the sounds from the group.

Duryodhan: Happy to see the support we got

Man 1 : Luckily Jalandhar king gave us an excuse to gather here

Duryodhan: Fine fine…so what have you decided about it? Is Aditya fit to be the king?

Man2 : He killed that Nandh in fluke , will that make him the king ? 

Varun in a whisper to Ram: How dare they?

Ram gestures him to be silent

Man3 : We support your decision to make Prince Ashwathama as the king

Ram’s eyes spot the ivory palanquin and he is confused 

Man 4 : But..

Duryodhan: What?

Man 4 : We want to know who is inside the Palanquin? 

Duryodhan: Now its time for you to know, highness please come out

Ashwathama steps out of the palanquin to the shock of everyone including Ram , Varun and Bharat

Man 1 : Highness it was Prince Ashwathama…

Duryodhan: Yes…this is to keep our plan a secret

Man 2 : How are we going to convince Dhasharat?

Duryodhan: Not a big deal..he hates Ram so he will hate Aditya. Our job will be done easily

The men agree. Ram drags Bharat and Varun inside as the men disperse

Bharat: Whats all this? Ill tell the king

Ram: No Bharat..if they know that their plan is out then king Pandu will be in danger. We have to break this plan by patience and intelligence 

Varun: What next Ram?

Ram: We are splitting now Varun into 2, you and me

Bharat: No into 3, this is very important and I need to be a part of your plan

Ram: Okay then,into 3 and job will be done easily . Ill be leaving for Mithila to meet princess Sita and deliver the message. As the Kauravs are against the Prince neither me nor Varun can enter the King’s chamber now so Bharat you have to give the message of Prince Aditya to King Pandu. Varun you have to get back to Kekaya meet Princess Jodha , get her message and go to Indraprastha. Alert King Aditya about this plan. 

Varun: Okay then, we will leave tomorrow early morning . The scene freezes 


Shiva is meditating when Sati walks to him. She sits near him and starts to stare at him. Shiva realises her presence and slowly opens his eyes. He sees Sati staring at him without blinking 

Shiva: What are you doing Sati?

Sati: I heard that the child will be born like the person whom we see often

Shiva: So you are seeing me? Whats the use? Go and look at the mirror. I want a daughter like you

Sati: No I want a son like you, valiant brave and intelligent 

Shiva hugs her  when the door is knocked 

Shiva: Come in

Nandi walks in

Nandi: Swami there is a message for you

The message is read by Shiva

Message : Congratulations to King Shiva and Queen Sati for the good news of Queen Sati’s pregnancy. The blessings for the couple from every citizen of Panchal – Your loving Sister by heart though nit by blood – Rukmini

Sati smiles at this sweet message 

Sati: She is handling the kingdom so efficiently when King  Krishna is away in Lanka

Shiva: Its her duty and she is doing it perfectly. Hoping for the Lankan war to end soon

Nandi: Highness why cant we go there and end the war? Our warriors dont need more than a day

Shiva: Nandi, its not about our side, the enemy is hiding and is a coward to fight from the front. Actually war is not happening right now. 

Nandi: Swami , news of Kauravs not sending food to Lanka is also spreading 

Shiva: We cannot brush it off completely, they are capable of doing it. But dont worry everything will happen for good

Sati: Thats right…

Suddenly they hear a strange laughter and walk out. A woman is standing outside the palace

Woman: Danger is looming around,..beware…tough time are waiting……

He laughter sends chills down Sati’s spine. Shiva comforts her

In a paralallel, the palace corridors of Jalandhra are shown

A beautiful girl dressed in royal robes is talking something with Duryodhan. He walks away and she turns when her face is bright in the light..and she is….

Next Chapter: Nandhini

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