Hi guys this is sowji…I hope u all enjoyed my previous ff…thank u for your love..thank u silent readers…I commented everyone just check it in my previous ff…lets move to imaginary ff…the ff no. is 29…the ff begin with classroom…pragya get abi maha proposal dreams…pragya was screamed..abi gang and ranveer gang was panicked…all asked what happen pragya.. pragya manages the suituation…pragya said guys i want to go to washroom…ishani said shall I come along with u…pragya said no..I will be go by alone…pragya looking at abi and maya..goes towards wash room…Abi asked what happened to her…y she screamed suddenly..purab said I also don’t know abi…I think she got bad dream that’s y she screamed…maha said to dusky…y pragu look at me weird manner…dusky said nothing like that…don’t overthink mayu…maha was not satisfied by dusky answer…she thought to ask with pragya…tanu,sona,shivangi,naina,bulbul are murmuring something about pragya..screenshift to pragya…pragya has in washroom…pragya splashed water on face..she look at all washroom..no one is there…
pragya speaking to herself said y I got that kind of dream…y I screamed…suppose abi maya loves with eachother…what is my problem here…y that dream make me sad..pragya don’t over think…that is dream…that’s it…did u forget…u already told u are relationship with someone…pragya imaginary come in mirror talk to pragya…said u just lied everyone because of purab sake…but it’s not true…so make a relationship with abi…real pragya asked what…I will never do that…imaginary pragya said else accept the truth…u loves him..pragya said I don’t know anything about him…how can I love him so earlier… imaginary pragya said ur trapped pragya…now u losing yourself whenever u look at abishek…real pragya said its fake don’t make me confuse..I am not love with anyone…that’s it…pragya splashed water on imaginary pragya…mirror is fully drenched in water…suddenly maha entered the wash room look at pragya…she was shocked…maya asked pragu y did u splashed water on mirror…r u ok pragu…pragya said no maya I was scared look at my image…that’s y I tested it to splashed water on mirror…maya asked if u have any problem pragu…pragya think in her mind..about her dream..abi maya proposal.after she come back to sense…said no problem maya…lets we go to class..maya and pragya entered the classroom…
pragya look at purab gang…they asked r u ok…pragya gesture them thumbs ? up…she is k now… Maya explained she got bad dreams that’s y she screamed…pragya saw ishani..she goes to sitting along with ishani..ranveer,raghav,rocky,karthik,sesha are surrounded by pragya…Karthik is worried asked what happened pragu…pragya said nothing happened I am k now…don’t worry about me guys…I completely k now..pragya said guys if u surrounding me like this way..how will I get a fresh air..raghav said k madam ji we will leave now…u will get your air…pragya chuckled…all said take care pragu..ishani asked tell the truth towards me…y r u screamed..pragya said I got bad dreams that’s y I was scared…ishani asked what you’re dreams…pragya said ishu lets leave that…still we want to think about dance competition..how will I dance along with purab…ishu…ishani said I will be there for me always..I gave my name to them..I want to give stage performance on tomorrow…how will I give…pragya looks sad…Ishani said don’t worry purab is excellent dancer…he will guide you…pragya looks worried…this conversation over heard by riya…riya think in her mind…she doesn’t know how to dance but she is challenging with me…riya smiled evil manner…think in her mind…don’t worry pragya..I will flop your plan…u will face lots of trouble on tomorrow miss.pragya..this time I will win…pragya texted purab…come to xyz ice cream parlor with our gang…she said to ranveer gang..we will go to have ice cream at xyz place…except riya and rithika never know about ice cream parlor plan…whole abi gang entered to ice parlor..
they ordered something having that..suddenly ishani gang was entered…veer angrily look at pragya…pragya said I don’t know about them..they will come here..it’s not my fault…veer said then how would they come here…sesha said guys what’s your problem…this is common ice cream parlor who ever come here to have ice cream here…what is her fault…y r u veer anger on her..ranveer and rocky will go to buy a ice cream for them..screenshift to swasan..they are sitting together…swarna had her ice cream…after she having from sanskar ice cream…she never think this is sanskar spittle that…sanskar give his ice cream…he look at her…she is having like kid…sanskar think in his mind..I never see this kind of beautiful kid ever…she take that ice cream goes towards shivangi table…sanskar ogling at her…shivangi asked u already finished yours…whose ice cream is this…swarna said sanskar…shivangi teaser swarna along with sanskar…swarna said go idiot do your work…suddenly swarna think about shivangi words…she chuckled…screenshift to naina…naina straight forward to raghav sitting along with her friend…raghav and naina looking at eachother…whenever raghav look at her…she was blushed…pragya look at them smiled…suddenly pragya searching abi…she can’t find him..her eyes was continuously searching him..suddenly she was seeing actually abi is already ogling at her…he raised his eyebrows…he blinked his eyes towards her..pragya looks shy..pragya smiles…ishani softly said to pragya…romance is overloaded just control your emotions..pragya said ishani…ishani said I know that u sighting our handsome hunk abi…so don’t act infront of me..suddenly pragya take ice cream put it on ishani cheeks…she runs from there…ishani chasing pragya….pragya was continuously running here and there…suddenly pragya clashed with one guy..that person ice cream fell down on floor…pragya looks shocked…said sorry sir…i never did anything purposely..that person scolded pragya infront of all…pragya said sorry….he never heard ah pragya words…
Pragya was hospitalized…ishani said this is my fault…I only the reason for her condition…shivangi said no ishani…its my mistake…because of me…she got injured…suddenly doctor comes out..whole gang goes towards doctor asked how is she now…doctor looks silent..
nice episode sis…waiting for next episode..
Thank u shruthi…
Update soon
Ye 7yrs k leap k baad se hi…mujhe ek baat smjh nhi aai….award show me dikhaya k pooro media dev nd sona k peeche pdi hai…nd they all know that the dev dixit ki ex wife hai sonakshi…t.v pr bhi telecast ho gya…nd agr media ko divorce n all ka itna pta h..nd wo publically mention bhi krte h..ye sb..dev’s ex wife n all…to media ko sonakshi ki daughter k baare me kuchh bhi kaise nhi pta… I mean media agr kisi ko itna follow krti h to unki prsnl lyk ki info bhi nikal hi leti h…nd award show ka poora drama telecast hua…nd ye baat publically bhi mention ki jati h k dev ki ex wife sona…to itne bdi school ki principle ya tchr kisi ko bho nhi pta k business tycoon dev ki ex wife sonakshi h…i mean dev to bht pehle se nd ab sona bhi public figures hain…u knw..big names in business world…news paper me articles aate h in logo k…to how it is possible that no body in the school is aware of the fact that they are ex husband nd wife…koi bhi current affairs se updated ni h..not even ki school ki tchrs nd principle..koi news ni dekhta koi news paper ni pdhta.
Glt jgah post ho gya comment
It’s k no problem akanksha bhardwaj
Super dear…. Precap is shocking and interesting…. Update soon…..
Thank u sugan
Very nice just keep it up
Thank u neelam..
As usual its nice dr pls post next one soon
Thank u abiya…
nice dear bt I hope nothing happened to pragya
Thank u lopez