Fan Fiction

Two Shades (Tashan e ishq) Chapter 23




“And if we both still agree to stay with each other , we can cancel the divorce” I finished telling Maira and Mahi everything and they nodded. “Would you change your mind?” Maira asks and I gave her a glare. She raised her hands in defense smirking slightly.

I rubbed my arms as the cold breeze touched by skin and we waited for Yuvi outside the court. Now I have to stay with Kunj for 6 months and then decide whether I actually want to divorce him or not. Duh! I so want to.

Really Twinkle? But don’t you love him?

I shoved my inner thoughts away and saw Yuvi rushing down the stairs. “We better hurry. It’s so cold” I shivered rubbing my hands together. “Who asked you to barely wear nothing?” I rolled my eyes at Yuvi’s words.

I couldn’t properly think due to my nervousness in the morning despite the fact that everyone told me to cover up because the weather was cold but nah! That stupid ass had to cover my thoughts.

“Coffee?” I squeezed my eyes shut turning around to face him. He reminds me of nothing but that day , the day when I married Kunj. I watched Kunj keeping a hand on his shoulder and he sighed. “No thank you”

I mumbled eyeing rohan as he looked on disappointed but covered it up with an instant smile. “Now finally we are going to have someone to cheer us up at home” rohan smiled and I gulped hardly.

“Mahi!” rohan hugged his sister and I could see her eyes water as she struggled to hug him back. “Yuviii” rohan was about to hug him but Yuvi stepped back looking the other way. “Yuvraj” I heard Kunj’s warning tone and I tugged on Yuvi’s arm.

“I need to pack my luggage. Let’s go” Yuvi kept glaring at Kunj and I had to force him to come along. “It wasn’t rohan’s fault…” I murmured eyeing the ground and walking with Yuvi who scoffed , “Yeah! I know that. But I don’t trust them both. I’m not letting you stay with him”

I rolled my eyes smiling lightly at his over protective act and heard Maira laugh behind us. “The same way Twinkle doesn’t trust you” She pointed at Yuvi smirking and I chuckled. Yuvi crossed his arms raising his eyebrow at her. “Tell her who makes you feel gooo…”

I smacked his head laughing and sat in the car along with mahi. I just hope these six months passes by not affecting my life all over again.


Attack one Twinkle!

We all were sitting in Kunj’s living room and I had to control myself from not breaking down eyeing the house as every single memory would jump up.

Yuvi being Yuvi sat beside me every second glaring at Kunj and Mahi sat beside Maira and rohan. “I have some conditions” I spoke breaking the silence. “Women!” Kunj spoke leaning back causing me to narrow my gaze at him.

“First , there would be no restriction for my family. They can come any time and they can do whatever the want and whenever they want” I spoke firmly crossing my leg over the other and he nodded rolling his eyes.

“These are my siblings too and..” I raised my hand, “Shut up!” rohan chuckled as I said that to Kunj who groaned. “Second , I can throw parties whenever I would want”

“You don’t party” Kunj smirked and I rolled my eyes. “Third, you don’t put restrictions on me and you don’t order me. I am allowed to do anything I want”

“Fourth, you don’t care for me. You don’t question me if I come late” He was about to say something but stopped. “Lastly, you don’t touch me. Meaning , no s*xual activities between us. And I hope you have a control over your uncontrollable hormones”

Rohan chocked on his drink laughing hard and Kunj’s eyes widened. “ are so gone” rohan laughed and got a glare.

“My turn” Kunj spoke and I nodded. How bad can it get , I mean I have just restricted and asked everything. “First, you’ll be called Twinkle Sarna”

I balled my fists but nodded reluctantly. “Second , you don’t do boyfriends” I gulped down shaking my head. I never thought he can think something like this about me. Don’t care Twinkle.

“Third , I get to enter your room anytime I want” I was about to oppose but stopped myself. What if he then denies all my conditions too. “Fourth, you are not allowed to spend the night at any ones home not even your father’s”

I grunted but nodded nevertheless. “Lastly, you’ll bake something everyday for me” my jaw dropped at his last condition and I shook my head . “Never am I going to bake for a little piece of shit like you” I snapped and he laughed.

“Still the same” He responds. “Fine then. 2 days” He said and I sighed nodding. “Okay.” And with that I greeted goodbyes to Maira, Mahi and Yuvi and got ready to start a new chapter of my now amazingly awesome life.



“Wake up!” I groaned loudly pulling the covers on me and heard someone groan. “Twinkle if you don’t wake up and change soon then I’m going to make you” my eyes snapped open realizing that I was in Kunj’s house.

“What the heck! What are you doing in my room” I pushed the covers a side and saw a smirking Kunj. “Baby! Conditions remember?” I rolled my eyes gingerly walking towards the washroom. “Nice ass” and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“f**ktard” I grumbled and tossed the cushion over him and ran towards the toilet. “Hurry up! And wear something normal. We are going somewhere”

“Remember you don’t order me” I spat opening the door and he sighed. “I’m not. We have to visit mom and dad” I raised my eyebrow at him and he looked the other way. “Please..”

And with that he walked away and I just couldn’t deny. Crap you Kunj! Next time I’m not allowing myself to listen to you.


“Looking smoking hot” I put on my sunglasses giving a small smile to rohan as he got a smack on his head by Kunj. “She’s my wife” He muttered putting on his shades and my heart skipped a beat , literally. No Twinkle he’s just blabbering.

I gave myself a final look. I was wearing blue wash jeans paired up with a peach colored tank top and a cream colour cardigan on top. Kunj honks snapped me out of thoughts and I rushed towards the car , “coming!”

Kunj opened the door to the front seat but I rolled my eyes as I opened the door to the back seat. “Sit in the front” I turned giving him a huge smile , “Condition 3”

His face fell at my words and I entered the car sitting beside rohan. Kunj rushed upto his seat and slammed the door shut. I giggled silently. “Who smashed your ego?” rohan asked and I laughed loudly. “Driver..Take us to Sarna mansion”

Rohan broke into guffaws and I smirked but Kunj grumbled starting the engine. “That happens when you give all your cars for car service” I told him and he sighed. “Yeah that was a big mistake..” I hear him mumble.


Tick tick 1….

Tick tick 2….

Tick …

And here comes the devil . He gave me a death glare before sitting next to me. Why? Why would he sit beside me despite all the empty chairs? Like why God why ? Yeah , I know. Just to annoy the hell out of me.

I stuffed my plate with mashed potatoes , some steak and sauces on top. “You really are hungry” Kunj whispers and I shrugged before tasting the heavenly made food. “Trust me! It’s delicious” I complimented her and she smiled muttering some grateful words.

“It’s not that good.” Kunj whispers to me and I kicked his leg under the table. How rude of him to say that! Thank God no one heard. Mr and Mrs. Sarna got busy in their own talk as I happily munched on my food not until Kunj tangled his fingers with mine.

“Kunj…You are hurting me” I lie as he immediately pulls back. “I’m..sorry..are you okay?” He asks and I smirked at him. He narrows his gaze at me before tangling our fingers again.

“You look beautiful” He whispers and I giggled . “In…these..these bandages?” I ask trying to control my laughter and he grinned at me. I love the joyful Kunj rather than the grumpy , sulky one.

“Geez! Thanks” I replied sarcastically. How can I stop loving him back when I can’t distant myself from him.

Someone snapped their fingers Infront of me and I shook my head shoving the memory when I had first came to Kunj’s parents house well unintentionally.

“Earth to” rohan laughed lightly and I gave him a small smile. Being mad at him is not the real thing. Why should I be mad at Rohan when he never did anything. Kunj was at fault not him. And my first task is to bring Yuvi and Rohan together.

“Are you nervous?” Rohan asks and I eyed him for a whilst not replying as he looked on boggled. I quickly wrapped my arms around him hugging him tightly. “Hey..what’s wrong?” He asks softly.

“Nothing…I know how it feels Rohan…when your family is annoyed and most importantly when your siblings are” I muttered and he rubbed my back. “I know and that’s why I’m sure. You are going to make everything so right. Won’t you, Twinki?”

I chuckled sniffing and nodded smiling. He pulled back patting my head and I rolled my eyes smugly. “Now don’t cry…else Kunj’s gonna think I made you cry” He smirked and just then Kunj came back running towards us as we stood near the entrance.

“Got my phone…let’s go inside..Hey what’s wrong?” Kunj paced towards me and I quickly rubbed my tears crossing my arms. “Condition apply. You don’t care for me” I snapped and I could see rohan try to hide his smile and Kunj cussed.

“Whatever let’s go” He mumbled going ahead and I gave a quick high five to Rohan. Just as we entered I came the smiling faces on Maira , Mahi and Yuvi along with Mr and Mr.Sarna.

Kunj didn’t mention that they were gonna be here too. “Twinkle dear! How have you been?” Kunj’s mother came hugging me and I gave her a smile. “I have been good. How are you , Mrs. Sarna” She laughed lightly and shook her head.

“Don’t be so formal. Call me mom” I looked over at Kunj who looked back at me doing a small nod. I hesitated a bit , because it’s been so long and calling someone mother…

“Mom” I mumbled smiling lightly and she had a huge gigantic smile on her face. “That’s more like it” She held my hand and I greeted his dad along with the others. Twinkle get a hold of your freaking emotions right now.

Just don’t talk to Kunj and don’t look at him. And bam! You have a perfect day ahead. Yes , that’s all I have got to do now. Spend an awesome time with them , except Kunj and give my boring pathetic life a boost.






FIRST THING FIRST, I known you guys are really confused about this whole story right now. But your confusion would get clear.

And I hope you guys remember about rohan in the story.

And you just have to wait for that.

And THANK YOU so much for the comments. I’m so shocked that despite the fact of how much I make you guys wait still but still so many of read my story and even take time out to comment.

And I’m so thankful for that. Also , silent readers are commenting too and I couldn’t ask for anything else.

And many of you have been asking about the one shots. I’ll be completing the first one soon. And inform you guys about it.



I don't wanna be alone forever, but I love gypsy life☄

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