Fan Fiction

Two Shades (Tashan e ishq) Chapter 7




I stormed inside the house I have stepped after years and felt a sudden urge to run away. I see her coming towards me as her black pencil heels clicked on the marble floor. She still looks young in the black pencil skirt and white shirt , her everyday look.

“Calm down , young man” She keeps her hand on my shoulder and I shove her abruptly. “Don’” I gritted my teeths and she let out a huge sigh.

“Can’t you be nice to your mother? Even after meeting her after years” his voice surrounded the mansion , my body stiffened each second as he moved closer to me.

“You mean being sweet? Ahan! Don’t you have diabetes?” I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes at me. Still , still that attitude that I hate to the core. “I insist you let me meet her” I demand and they nodded.

My heart throbbed inside as I made my way upstairs. The memories of our childhood jumped upon and I groaned. “How did this happen?” I asked her.

“I was on my way to a meeting not until the tyre punctured. I waited outside since the driver was too busy making phone calls to arrange a car. I heard some men mumbling behind me as they eyed the girl with lust in their eyes..” I could hear the discomfort in her tone and she continued.

“She eyed me for a second and ran towards me. Her eyes red and puffy and she was all soaked from the rain earlier. We both heard a thud from behind to see the driver unconscious as one of the men hit him.

As usual , they moved towards us and tried to…well force her…she’s strong..she hit the first man hard where the sun doesn’t shine” She chuckled at the last part and so did I.

But I immediately settled myself back. That’s my Twinkle , strong and feisty. “Umm..not until the other one started strangling me…but she stood there with bravery as she hit him hard across the head but not before the man actually pushed her and she fell…on above hundred rocks…” She sadly admitted.

“How did you knew she was linked with me?” I asked her curiously and she smiled. “I saw her picture in the newspaper with yours. The biggest business tycoon , Kunj Sarna” She had a proud smile on her face.

“Whatever!” I mutter under my breath and stood there Infront of my old room. “I’ll see you down” She gave me a quick smile and went downstairs.

You can do it Kunj , you can do it. I opened the door slowly and saw her sitting on the bed rubbing her temples. “Twinkle..” I breathed out seeing her state. She had bandages around her wrist , forehead , arm.

She quickly looked away from my gaze and I moved towards her. “Why am I here?” She asks looking at me finally and I sat beside her. “You are hurt..” I muttered taking her hand she shoved me away.

“I know that. I don’t get it that why does it concerns you that much” She rolled her eyes at the end and I mentally growled. “The women…erm..uh..She’s…ugh..She’s Usha Sarna” I finally said it.

“So?” She asked with a bored expression but shock took over it after a while. “Wait what? Your mother?” She asks in disbelief and I nodded. “Yeah!” I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly not before she began laughing.

“OH My! Why can’t you just say she’s your mother? You are seriously one of a kind” She spoke laughing and I smiled at the sight. “What we’re you doing at night alone? Running on an empty road like a maniac?” I asked.

“Nothing which concerns you Kunj Sarna” She spat and I shook my head in disbelief. “You are my responsibility” I confirmed and she snorted with a laugh.

“Since when? Stay away from me Kunj. And I have a good news for you. I’m moving out of your house within the next several hours. Then I won’t be there bothering you” my eyes shoot wide open at the words and she sighed.

“What?! Why would you leave? It’s your house too” I blurt out and she raised an eyebrow at me. “Sorry! You know , I don’t have the class to buy such a mansion” She taunted.

“Can you just get over it?” I yelled and she shook her head with a fake smile. “Sorry! I have settled my mind” She replied grinning and I grunted. Stubborn Twinkle! Now how do I deal with all this?

“Your room , isn’t it?” She asks eyeing the setting and I nodded. “Nice!” She chirped. “Let’s go home” I tell her and she shakes her head. “I won’t. And you can’t force me” She crosses her arms and I smirked.

“Challenging Kunj Sarna are we?” I ask smirking and she nodded with a bore expression. “Kunj! What ? Oh My God! Let me …GO” I picked her up in bridal style as she whined like a 5 year old.

“Told ya Twinkle! Never mess with Kunj” She huffed muttering beautiful words under her breath.



He marched down the stairs and I huffed angry and annoyed. “Let me down” I scowled and he laughed. ADORABLE!

Ugh Twinkle! Get your mind off him.

“Dinners ready” His mom chirped and I smiled at her as I finally stood on my feet. “We are going” He snapped at his mom and I frowned. “Uh! Sorry for that. I would love to have dinner with you” I sweetly smiled at her and grinned.

“Twinkle!” Kunj said in a warning tone but I huffed at him and followed his mom. “Come back” He whined and I grinned at myself. Huh! He didn’t listened to me , why should I?

“I hope you are feeling better” Mr.Sarna said and I nodded with a smile. “Thanks again for saving or helping my wife” He said in a kind tone and I smiled. “Anytime!”

“He’s not gonna have dinner with us” His mom told his dad and I could see his expression go dull. “I’m sure he will” I winked at her and she gave a ‘I hope so’ look before nodding.

I sat across from his mom and dad and let the countdown begin.

Tick tick 1….

Tick tick 2….

Tick …

And here comes the devil . He gave me a death glare before sitting next to me. Why? Why would he sit beside me despite all the empty chairs? Like why God why ? Yeah , I know. Just to annoy the hell out of me.

I stuffed my plate with mashed potatoes , some steak and sauces on top. “You really are hungry” Kunj whispers and I shrugged before tasting the heavenly made food. “Trust me! It’s delicious” I complimented her and she smiled muttering some grateful words.

“It’s not that good.” Kunj whispers to me and I kicked his leg under the table. How rude of him to say that! Thank God no one heard. Mr and Mrs. Sarna got busy in their own talk as I happily munched on my food not until Kunj tangled his fingers with mine.

“Kunj…You are hurting me” I lie as he immediately pulls back. “I’m..sorry..are you okay?” He asks and I smirked at him. He narrows his gaze at me before tangling our fingers again.

“You look beautiful” He whispers and I giggled . “In…these..these bandages?” I ask trying to control my laughter and he grinned at me. I love the joyful Kunj rather than the grumpy , sulky one.

“Geez! Thanks” I replied sarcastically. How can I stop loving him back when I can’t distant myself from him.


“Twinkle!” he growled in anger but I ignored him. For the past 10 minutes , he had been calling my name whilst we were in the car driving back to his home. Right , he wouldn’t let me go.

I ignore him and with each second his frustration increases. “Why are you ignoring me?” he asks in a slow sad tone and I sighed. “Maybe because I could get over my feelings for you” I admit the truth.

“You don’t love me…It’s just your thoughts” He begins his stupid chanting and I grunted. “Shut up! You know nothing about it so just stop your shit right now” I yelled and he tightened his grip around the steering wheel.



“Looking great! How are you feeling now?” Rey asks , “Better! Thanks” I replied and he smiles nodding. I glance at the other side and see Kunj showing up and I gasped. What the heck!

I thought he wasn’t gonna come to the Helsing Race Spot. And wait , what? He’s wearing the same colours as mine. My grey tank top machetes with the plain v-neck grey shirt he’s wearing , the black skinny jeans matches with the ones he’s wearing and we both are wearing leather jackets in the colour black.

My black converse matches with his black ones. One thing , only one thing is different. Our hair. Trust me if he had longer hair he would have styled it up in a ponytail as mine.

Such a big fat cheater! I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest annoyed. Gingerly , I sat at the back with Rey and Kunj and Natasha at the front. My heart ached at how she would hold on to him.


“UGH! There so much dust over here” Natasha yelled as we stood there with hundreds of bikers on their bike and I giggled lightly with Rey who was laughing his ass off at her. Soon , Mahi , Yuvi and Maira joined us too.

“I’m going for the next one” Rey chirped and my eyes widened. “No freaking way Rey” I warned him and he rolls his eyes at me. “Chill Twinkle! I have done it all my life” He shrugged as if it was no big deal.

“And plus , I’m not the bore types like my cousin over here” He pointed at Kunj who narrows his gaze at him. “Hey! Never expected to see you back Kunj” an unfamiliar voice called and we turned around.

“Hey! I’m lucky” the man greeted and we did back too. “Guy! This is lucky , the best and the unbeatable biker in Helsing” Rey introduced as Rey and Kunj gazed at each other.

I could sense the tension between them and my mind pondered over Kunj stopping me from coming here. Finally , Rey broke the silence between them , “I guess you two know each other?”

It was more of a question and Kunj nodded surprisingly. “Glad to see you back Kunj” The lucky guy smirked making Kunj stare at him more. “Wish I could say the same” Kunj hissed at him and the guy laughed surprising us.





How are you all again? And how’s everything going on ?

Hope you are satisfied with this chapter and I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did while writing it.

I love my characters and seriously they make me feel like I’m actually viewing everything.

So the person on the phone was KUNJ’S MOM.

What do you think about Kunj taking Twinkle back? Has he realized his feelings yet?

And what about the Helsing Bike spot ? Many more things to come ahead.

And a HUGE GIGANTIC THANK YOU to everyone for those lovely comments.

Love you all!


I don't wanna be alone forever, but I love gypsy life☄

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