Hiii guys i know i am late shoollyy actually now a days i was busy as guests came to my house soo niw funally got tune for posting and ty soo much for commenting soo before strting here is a recap
Tw uniqued way of giving no. To kunj. Kunj and tw discuss about yuhi in phone and aftr talking sometime they sleep now the epi strts with
Tw was sleeping in her room when her phone rings she didnt see the name and pick it up and says in a sleepy voice gm my swthrt. It was kunj’s call he gets shocked listening swrthrt and says in a low voice-swrthrt kunj r u dreaming tw called u swrthrt tw-aree my jaan what happened now u will speak or not? Kunj- hello r u tw? Tw gets shocked listening kunj’s voice and wake up with a jerk tw- kunj i am sry actually every morning mahi calls me for waking me up soo i thought that and said all that ku (in a low voice)-
haa tabhi toh mai sochu mere itne ache din kaha jo tum mujhe jaan swrthrt bolo tw-u said something ku- no actually want to say tw- yeah say ku- i am going to my cousin’s wedding soo will not to college tw-oo ok when u r going? Ku- today only just packing the stuffs then will leave for the airport tw-oo actually today i & mahi decided that we all will go to some interesting places and will visit amritsar but its ok i & mahi will go u enjoy ku gets said and says- i really want to go i can tell my mon that i will cone tomorrow tw- no no u will not say anything this will hurt ur sis na u go and enjoy we can go any other time
Ku- ok acha tell me one thing u will miss me? Tw- no i dont have that much tine to miss u ku- but i will really miss u tw gets surprised and says- really? And can i know why Ku realizes what he said and says- because u r my frnd and u know frnds matters a lot in my life and specially u tw- specially me why? Ku- wait mom is calling will talk to u later tw- yeah that’s fine bye
Kunj cuts the call and says- bhavnao mai kuch jyada hi behe jaata hai kunj control rakha kr
Nxt scene
Tw was getting ready when mahi comes and says- tw tw tw u know what? Tw- calm down mahi what happened? Mahi- u remember riya?? Our shl frnd Who was one year elder than us?? Tw- yeah but why u r asking? Mahi- she is going to get married and she invited us for her wedding soo pack ur stuffs baby we r leaving for mumbai tw- what? When ? How we can go suddenly? Mahi- ofho tw u just pack ur stuffs and then we will leave tw- but maa mahi- i have already asked aunty and she said yess and i have packed everything u just pack ur stuffs and then we will directly leave from here tw- woww ok help me
Nxt scene
Mumbai (riya’s home)
( guys u can imagine riya as shivangi joshi who is currently playing naira’s character in yrkkh)
Riya was standing showing her back when suddenly someobe comes and closes her eyes r- kunj welcome kunj removes her hand and says- this is not done di u always recognize me di how?? r- aww my sweeto bro u must have got tired go and freshen up ku- ok just coming
Aftr sometime one girl Comes and closes riya’s eyes riya gets surprised and says- tw tw removes her hand and says- riya aftr soo many yrs also u remember? R- i told u na only two persons do like this my bro and u tw- yeah r- aftr soo many years missed u sooo much tw- i missed u too and they hug eo riya- goo and freshen up u must ve tired na i will show u the roon tw- yeah and they leave
Precap- tw and riya r talking when kunj knocks the door riya opens it and says- what happened? Ku- actually want ur earphones tw says- i have listened this voice r- oo ok come i will give u kunj comes inside
Hey guys did u liked today’s epi?? Was it nyc?? And do u like this marriage track?? Plz say u likes it or not in the comment box soo that if u dont like i will change the track?? Ty for reading and keep commenting love u all byeee
Nice hope to get next one soon.
Aww loved the episode too good …
Love you post soon
Just loved it..
love dis marriage track..not like……..♥♥♥♥♥
osm marvelleous sooooooo cute speechless……♥
loved d episode………♥
lods of love………………….♥
cant wait for nxt episode post nxt asap dear……………♥
It Wass amazinggg….Manu aap me episodeee nahi balki ff ne Mera man moh liyaa??????
Manu itz amazing
N kunj dialogue r lovely when twinkle said jaan n sweetheart
Marriage track also superb
Love u keep smiling
Heyy manu..
The epi was awesome…lovedd it so much…
Post soon..
Amazing…. Awesome…post nxt asap…
Awesome episode