hii guys really sry for not posting sry sry sry actually was busy and wil be busy for some days but now got tine so thought to post. ty soo much for commenting and hope the new readers read the summary and liked the story as i was not posting from many days here is a recap of Epi 8
recap- kunj calls ria and tells the plan and then goes to usha and show her one more lehenga the call ria and ask her which one she liked ria says the one which Kunj is holding and kunj finally takes lehenaga and goes to tw house and gives her and mahi says tw that maybe kuNj likes her but tw disagrees and says he treats her as a frnd and gets confused. now Epi 9
nxt day at college canteen
kunj and uv was sitting in the canteen then only tw and mahi comes there and kunj sees tw and request twhi to join them as now they r frnds. mahi sees kunj and thwn sees tw nd smiles brightly tw give her what wla look and mahi nods her head in nothing tw says no but mahi saya yes wil surely join and takes tw also. uv smileseeing mahi and mahi gIves him whatever wla look they all were sitting tw in front of kunj and mahi infront of uv. uv sighs mahi that we should go from there mahi agrees nd says- uv i wat ur help in that project tw kunj u both sit here we r coming in two Min. uv says- yeah lets go and they both goes. tw tells to herself this mahi na i wil see her aftrwards. kunj- whqt u said anything? tw- no not at all kunj- why we r behaving so awkward we r behaving as we r meeting for the fiRST time tw- yeah right. kunj actually ty for yesterday. kunj- tw again u r saying ty. tw- ok ok fine now will not say.
kunj- tw now as we r frnds so.. tw- really we r i dont think so kuNj- yes we r tw- yeah what u were saying kunj- yeah i was saying that tell me everything about u ur Likes ur dislikes everyrhing u can share everything with me. tw- actually what i will tell u i and mahi always talks about movies shopping and likes all this ku- yeha so u can tell me about that also. tw- ok soo what’s ur fav movieand tw keeps talking and kunj gets lost in her.
sun mere humsafar kya tujhe itni si bhi khabar ki teri saansein chlti jidhar rahunga bas wahi umr bhar rahunga bas wahi umr bhar haaye they both goes from there nd roams in the college and tw keeps telling him everything and kuNj was admiring tw jitni hassen yeh mulakatein hai unse bhi pyari teri baatein hai baaton mai teri jo kho jaate h. tw keeps her hand in kunj’s should and kunj sees tw hands and then tw aau na hosh mein mai kabhi bahon mein hai teri zindagi hayye sun mere humsafar kya tujhe itni si bhi khabhar. tw stops nd sees kunj and says- hello kunj from so long i am telling u and u r just listening kunj comes into senses and says- oh yeah. just then kunj says- tw i want to say something tw- yeah say. kunj sits on his knees. tw gets surprised ans says in her mind- oh fish this means mahi was right. ku- tw will u tw’s heartbeat was increasing and she closed her eyes ku- will u be my frnd? yw opens her eys and says- what u saidfrnd oh god i though that mahi was saying right and u will say that u…tw realizes what ahe was saying and stops. ku smiles and says- that i..and comes forward tw moves bqck they were at 3rd floor and the side where they were there were no grills ku again moves forward tw moves back and was about to fall from there when ku shouts twinkle and holds her Hand. and pulla her up and strrs shouting- tw r u mad? what was the need to move back i wil not eat u if something would have happen to u then? tw was just seeing him and was shocked then ku said- hamesha yaad rakna tumhare liye na sahi but kisi aur ke liye tum aur tumhari life bohot matter krti h tw gets shocked liatening this line and recalls when she was about to fall from cliff and he also says the smaw line and when tw thinks about that incident tw says- that means u..(sajna ve plays) kunj- what i tw didnt says anything kunj sees her and says- i am sry tw i shouted at u r u ok? tw- yeah i am fine ku- lets go and they both goes fromthere.
precap- twinj chats in fb anv then ku asks tw no.
sry guys for short Epi will try to post when i will be free hope u all liked it. byeee love u all???and keep commenting…
Hey manu …
Its awesome….
Just loved it…
Awesome episode Manu
Slowly love is blossoming between them
Do continue and post soon
It was really amazing…
I lovedd it..
Post soon
Manu it was awesome
Loved it
Hey dear
It was really good
Post soon
Amazing awesome fabulous
Nice and it seen like love story has start
Awesome Manu amazing
Hey manu
It was awesome fab. Oh god kya epi tha. Yuhi twinj ki setting milane ki koshih kar rahe hae damn good. Abhi toh story suru huwi hae.Kya baat hae.Loved it to the core.Post soon.Am waiting dear.
Loads of love,
Luvd it….
Post nxt asap….
ohhhh god manu u knw ryt I love ur ff….

it was soooo cute jst a single request pplssss can u put d song in brackets hehee…srriee but…
well love u lods…jst osm episode…