Fan Fiction

U r my life.(Tashan-e-ishq, manmarziyan and vishkanya) Epi-12

Sorry for late update..

The episode starts with Apu smiles seeing malay..she sees his wheel chair was about to slip..but she comes there on time and holds it..he thnx her for saving his life..she asks for what u sat on wheel chair?he tells i knew that u will now leave me to fall!!She tells i did not ask this question..their knok jhok fight starts…

Arjun sits near bed..radhika tells him to sleep on couch..he tells i u r boss!!She tells i knew..don’t remind me always..he gets big tube light!!He tells her to use guest room..she stammers and tells i need company..arjun tells her to sleep with servants..she tells i am gonna sleep with big servant..He tells her to….she tells i will tell all about magazine!!!!!!!he tells u r blackmailing me alot now a days!!!u itself sleep on bed and he comes near couch and scold his destiny..she asks did u say anything?he tells nothing madam u pls sleep!!!

Twinkle calls kunj and tells him to come to park..he agrees and comes down shouting usha..she asks what happened?he tells twinkle called me..usha gets releaved!!!Kunj takes her blessing and leaves from there..Kunj comes to park in fit..twinkle comes there from back..Wind blows..he feels her presnece and turns..twinkle hides behind tree..he turns back..she comes there and comes infront of him..he gets nervous..he stammers..she asks what?

He asks her decision?he tells whatever may be i accept it..she tells i have one brother and mother..i can’t leave them alone and come and stay with u..he gets shocked and asks r u willing r not?she denies and tells u r my friend..he cries..He was about to leave..but she holds his hand..he removes his shirt button and throws on mud and walks away..she comes back to him and holds his shoulder from back and hugs her all at once..

He asks what?she tells i love u too..he gets amused and hugs her back..title track plays..He kisses her..slowly they both fell down on mud..they both rolls and kisses each other..Later twinkle and kunj comes to house and sees malay and apu..Apu closes her eyes seeing kunj shirtless..she leaves from there..Kunj asks who is she?twinkle tells she is servant…Apu hears it and cries..Malay tells she is not servant but my best friend..he calls her to room..both apu and malay leaves to room..

Arjun sees radhika sleeping peacefully and smiles..he thinks how to disturb her sleep?he gets idea and takes some plant from his garden and keeps near her mouth..she starts sneezing continously..He laughs and sleep silently..she gets up and sees him and continous sneezing..She comes near washroom and sees pant and arjun watch and thinks..she takes some water and comes near arjun and pours water and runs to bed and acts as if sleeping!!

Apu thnx him..malay tells her ur my friend!she tells i knew..he asks her what she wants?She tells whenever time permits i will ask u..till that be patience!!he smiles and tells her to ask whatever and whenever u want..she tells not now!!!but now i need some help..he asks what?She tells him to write record for me?he smiles and agrees..Kunj and twinkle comes back to usha house..they both takes blessing from her..she asks what happened to u r shirt kunj?he tells that is…she sees his body is full of mud and twinkle body too..she tells ok ok i found..she leaves inside.

Precap: Twinkle and kunj comes to park…they walks and speaks about their fav things etc,…Arjun and radhika fight..Malay rights record for apu..she eyes him lovingly..

Hope u all liked it,,.i made it bit i was free for some guys takes care..soon i will try to post my next epi!!!!!

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