Udaan 9th May 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with everyone getting happy and seeing the bandhua contracts burning. They shout they got free today and clap. Suraj smiles. Chakor goes to haveli. She sees Bhaiya ji hiding behind the bed. She asks what are you doing here. Bhaiya ji says I m hiding, is Imli around, we are playing Chor police. She says Imli is not here. He says she came to me and asked me for pistol, I gave her. She worries and says Imli came here and took pistol, if Imli really came here, where did she go. She recalls Imli’s words. She runs back to village.
Bhuvan and Kasturi go to sign new contracts. Chakor says stop, I will read contracts first. Suraj comes to her. She says I want to check contracts, I know you did not read it in excitement. Ragini asks her to read it well. Chakor says its written, if any family does not make guns, then Vivaan and Ragini will have right to take their kids. Suraj asks what’s this Vivaan. Vivaan says I m giving them money, this is just to pressure them for work, if they refuse, what will I do, I m sure this won’t be needed. Chakor asks why did you keep this condition, if anyone is ill, will you kidnap their children. Suraj says its fine, anyone can make gun. The villagers agree to sign. Ragini praises Vivaan. They get the gun boxes.
Chakor asks them to see guns, they are paid for it, there is still time, return the cheque and boxes, Ragini says you don’t provoke them, they signed contracts, now they are our workers. Vivaan says you have to make gun factory name reach heights. Imli comes there and shoots at board. They all get shocked.
She says till I m alive, I won’t let you all do this sin, guns won’t be made here, if anyone do not listen to me, I will shoot. Vivaan jokes on him. He says you could not stop me, so you came to threaten them. He says you came late Imli, contracts are signed, villagers took advance also, now none can stop us. Vivaan and Ragini leave.
Imli asks everyone to think its big sin, I won’t let this happen. Bhuvan asks what will you do, will you kill us, Imli points gun at Bhuvan. They all get shocked. Imli asks Bhuvan not to make guns. Kasturi asks did you get mad, are you not ashamed to aim gun at your dad. Chakor asks her to leave gun. Imli shoots in air. Suraj stops Imli. Kishor says send this mad girl to mental aslum. Imli says I m not mad, you are getting trapped by Ragini. Chakor asks why are you doing this. Imli says I can’t see Vivaan going jail, its about my child’s future. She scolds the villagers. Chakor stops Imli. Lakhan says Bhuvan, your Imli got mad, the girl who can shoot her dad can do anything, send her to mental asylum. Everyone say the same.
Chakor requests them. Suraj stops everyone and says Imli is worried, I m taking her. Kasturi cries. Tejaswini says Suraj and Chakor will manage her. Imli argues with villagers. She says I won’t go anywhere, who can send me out. Bhuvan says enough Imli, if villagers want you not to stay here, you won’t stay here. Come with me, I will leave you to mental asylum. Chakor asks Bhuvan not to do this. Bhuvan asks her not to say this. Suraj looks on. Chakor stops Bhuvan and says forgive Imli, don’t take her anywhere. Imli says no. The hospital ladies catch Imli. Imli says its Vivaan’s child, I m doing this for child’s future. Kishor says she is still hiding her lover’s name, we can’t keep her here, send her away. Imli gets angry on Kishor. She gets stomach ache and cries. Chakor asks what happened. Suraj looks on. Bhuvan asks Imli to stop acting and come. Imli says I m not mad. Chakor cries and asks Imli to apologize to everyone. Kishor pushes Chakor down and scolds her.
They all ask Imli to go. Suraj shouts stop. He says Imli won’t go anywhere. Bhuvan asks him not to say anything. Suraj sees Chakor smiling. Suraj says I m related to this, I m responsible for Imli’s pain, the name Imli is hiding is my name, I m the father of Imli’s child. They all get shocked.
Chakor asks Suraj is he lying to save Imli. Suraj says no, I m saying truth. She makes him swear. He swears he will be called the child’s father. Chakor slaps Suraj.
Update Credit to: Amena
????? Chakor cant slap Suraj, this is impossible. The problems have started between Sukor
Bad episod
Hi guys I’m Ziya new here
. Scared about tomorrow’s episode ??????
What a heartbreaking episode, Chakor will be devastated. Suraj couldn’t stand watching Chakor helplessly pleading and Imli suffering. I don’t agree with what he did but I understand why he did it. He didn’t think about the results of his actions or what this will do to Chakor and their love.
Welcome Ziya, tomorrow will be very painful to watch, but there are some scenes that I’m looking forward to see.
What’s going on? Why suraj is not telling the truth to chakor.don’t know what plan suraj is going to make
Fukc i didnt watch it but im very angry n upset i was waiting for dukor love from oc 2016 i loved the epi since march 17 but after that it took so long to the confession now they make this stupid break up sequence bcz of Vimli ????
@Ziya welcome n all the other new ones
Guys these episdoes will be emotional imli is just crying instead she should focus on finding the truth i felt sorry for chakor guys shes been betrayed again every man shes loved left her cuz of imli and guys in the spolier wen suraj carries imli to mundir they both hug and leave the mundir holding hands i could not see this fine if suraj is helping imli but why are they hugging and holding hands any1 would get the wrong impression i mean vivaan and chakor once loved each other but after they moved on they were still friends but they didnt touch each other that way i remember chakor was sad cuz suraj humiliated her infront of every1 wen he was drunk and vivaan put his on chakor shoulder and imli was getting angry and jealous and now she is hugging and holding hands with suraj doesn’t she thinl how vivaan and chakor will feel chakor burns her photo with suraj and gives her manglasutra back and suraj has those ugly jackets plz cv change it
why did you have to go for such track soo soon, why does Vimli problems have to affect sukor relationship. Remember when Imli left suraj and fell in love with Vivaan, same for vivaan he left chakor, they had their good times and at the same time Chakor was suffering in hands off suraj, they didn’t care for her or believe her, and now its time for Sukor to have their moments , Vimlis problems have to be theirs.
After watching the episode its pretty clear that vivaan plan will work cuz the villagers dont even know how to make a gun so they will struggle and then thier children will be forced to work chakor was telling the truth and imli was acting like a maniac anyone would think she is mad whats wrong with her chakor was right she should stay away for some time so the matter gets cooled down but she keeps interrupting and i felt sorry foe chakor wen the guy pushed chakor i felt sorry for chakor the way she was asking every1 to listen to her suraj got angry seeing chakor on the floor and declares he is the father but why did lie and swear on chakor life this time i think suraj is wrong his love is chakor so he should be with her imli is with vivaan and he is responsible for imli not suraj this part of the track kinda shows that suraj cares more for imli this should not be happening he should care more for chakor cuz chakor loves him
Suraj lied in the heat of the moment to save imli and her child….its still fine…but the mandir drama was not okay…he carried imli and they hugged and came out holding hands….that was not at all needed….hope this track is fast…otherwise if this track drags to months donnno know how will i watch that…chakor is heartbroken..
I also read somewhere suraj woul also make fake love drama with imli in front of chakor….donno know what cvs are upto…if this happens i wll stop wtch udaan
I’m upset with this track.how can suraj make a plan without chakor?i like gun factory track more then baby track.
Sorry shreya &zoya i couldn’t reply you.choco is not in wel condition,you know its head injri.don’t wori guys .she gave exam. God knows how she did in this critical condition but she did.sorry guys she is not able to comment .
Hi frnds .. first time i comment here …team udan its really very bad u r broke not only chakor s heart but viewers heart also….i m very disappionted…
I really miss janani ,angel ,sia ….and helo to all udan frnds….tippu i like ur ff a lot…
Even Chakot is stupid sometimes. Even when Imli asked about Suraj why did Chakot doubt about why Imli is asking about Suraj. Every time Imli told her Vivaan is the father still Chakor is stuborn in not understanding or doubting about the doctor. So even Chakor is a lot stupid sometimes. She is not doubting doctor even a bit now.
This episode showed that suraj care more imli than chakor’s feeling ..suraj s confession towards imli is biggest mistake by CVs ….if team udan want to separate sukor then they can do this another way such as raavan create misunderstanding betwn sukor like fake DNA and so on but direct confession from suraj is not gud …it can decrease the popularity of show…….as they more concentrate on imli drama it can v gud if they give more attention to gun factory ……imli should live far from ajadganj till conditions will cool down….sukor will make realize vivan for his mistakes in the absence of imli then it would be gud ……bcz i thnk there is no need to create closeness betwen imraj …..it is totally disappointed …….
Nidhi it’s okay and take care of our aanya she is really brave, with having injury in her head she gave her exams.hope she recover soon and u plz update us with aanya’s condition.
Wlcm Ziya.
Hii sukorians.not so good episode.don’t know whats going on in cvs mind.when will this track end.boring imli drama. guys i’m from uttarakhand.
Hey shama hw r u?
I dont know y but they r doing this nut it Reminds me on Swaragini how many times Ragini n Laksh got “married” all thus stupid twist till to the Final i started to hate the serial n i stopped watching it. Here it is the same love sequence jo dehkna hai Sukor ka pata nahi kab aayega i have a feeling remember Suraj talked abt the rewedding in may n Chakor said sgd want raining weather india ka Rain mausam kab shuru hota hai???
Lakshmi dear I can’t agree with u because in Lucknow Chakor dicided that she agree with imli about doctor and her child father and tried to help her .So all this drama is happening because of suraj idiot plan.
She did not give much assurance that she will help Imli. She only told Imli told right thing. If it was atleast then she would have doubted the doctor. Even in yesterday’s episode she told Suraj that she feels he cares more about Imli which means she is still doubting on wrong people and thinking doctor can be wrong.. Why does she feel helpless when imli is saying again and again
maybe the masterplan starts
Hi gys let’s continue the game truth or dare u all remember na…
so my questn is what r ur hobbies?
HI zoya, shreya and all frnds
Reading novel s and downloading cinema and watch it.
Plz all friends pray for me tommorrw I have mathematics exam
That’s my hobbies.
I agree with you lakshmi.chakor doesn’t trust her thats why she asking same question again &again.& zoya of cours she is brave but yeh ladki ziddi bhi bhut hai.despite her critical condition in hospital she wants to perform in exams & now she wants her phone also.but i don’t want to give her phone in such a critical condition.but whats about her choti mom.inocent sa face bna ke kisi ko bhi convence krlegi yeh ladki accept her csn sis.so i can’t do anything.
CVS should stop color coordinating between suraj & imli….. Really disgusting….we don’t want see imraj together…we all here only for sukor….udaan show is one of my fav….they r ruining d good show…..so called Bacha track….hate this track….really sad for chakor…. I hate suraj ….I know suraj is not father of imli child….whatever he did or say going to break chakor heart….hate u suraj…love u chakor…precap he deserve this slap from her…..I really missing kamal ji ki saazish &he every time called chipkali chakor & chuva suraj really I love his cute dialogues….don’t know what is going on CVS mind….they r breaking viewers hearts too….. Hi zoya my hobby is reading books& watching TV……