Udaariyaan 20th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Jasmin saying you may regret tomorrow. Fateh regrets Tejo’s words. He says I just want Tejo’s happiness, I have no regrets, I just wish that Tejo stays happy, please give this letter to her, but after the marriage happens. Tejo thinks why was Jasmin in a hurry, is Fateh outside. She looks outside and sees Fateh and Jasmin. Tejo thinks Fateh is gone from my life. Tujhe yaad na meri aaye…plays… She sits back. Rupy says I m going to see the wedding hall, you all also come soon, you think Tejo will be happy to see your sad face, Tejo has agreed for the marriage, don’t ask me again, everything is fine. Khushbeer and Gurpreet are on the way. She recalls Fateh’s words and stays sad. He recalls Tejo. He thinks I have made a big mistake to scold her. Mahi says dad has gone to talk to Rupy. Rupy talks to Satti and Biji. He says I just want to see Tejo happy, nothing else. Rupy gets a call.
Rupy and Satti go out and Khushbeer and Gurpreet. Khushbeer says last year, we had decided a solution last year, we didn’t know this would happen, I forgot to become Tejo’s dad, you are punishing me, I m sorry, give me my daughter back. Rupy recalls his words. He says I don’t want to get emotional today and decide well, Fateh isn’t right for my daughter, I fold hands for my daughter’s happiness, let this marriage happen. Tejo gets a call. She asks what’s in that report. She worries. Dilraj says someone gave this for Tejo. Jasmin checks the papers. Tejo thinks what’s in the reports, that nurse didn’t tell me. She takes the reports.
She goes to her washroom. She checks the reports. She gets shocked reading she is pregnant. She recalls Fateh and her moments. She holds her stomach and cries. She recalls her words. She thinks to talk to Fateh, but should talk to Angad first. Angad gets ready as the groom. Harman and Lovely do his tilak. Harman says we will pray first and then tie the sehra. Tejo call Angad. Angad says I will just come. He asks what happened. She says just meet me right now, its very urgent, please. He says calm down, I will do something.
Angad calls Abhiraj and says do me a favor, get Tejo to the Gurudwara. Abhiraj says I will get her. Inspector says we couldn’t find out who did this, don’t worry. Khushbeer says I wish I could stop Tejo still Fateh’s name gets cleared. Satti says Tejo, where are you going. Abhiraj says I m taking her to the parlor. Tejo feels sorry. She leaves. Jasmin asks where did Tejo go. Satti says she is going to the parlor. Jasmin says I m also going. Rupy stops Tejo. She makes an excuse. Rupy worries. She leaves in an auto. He says I m feeling tensed. Satti says once Angad and Tejo get married, then everything will be fine. Tejo is on the way. She recalls Fateh’s words. She runs on the roads. She reaches Angad and says I have to tell you first, you can decide you want to marry me or not. He asks what’s the matter. She says I m pregnant. He gets shocked. She says my blood test happened when I went to donate blood to dad, the reports have come. He asks what will you do now. She says I will tell Fateh first and then everyone else, I got this good news and can’t even celebrate. He asks her to calm down and go to tell Fateh, then reach the mandap, I won’t come, I will explain everyone, talk to Fateh, I will go away, I think it won’t be good, I will go inside, Harman and lovely are waiting. She thanks him and leaves. Tejo goes to meet Fateh. Fateh thinks of Tejo. He leaves in the car.
Rupy is tensed. He says I feel something wrong is going to happen. Tejo reads some messages. She says Fateh and I are playing a game with me. Someone lights the fire.
Update Credit to: Amena
Don’t know have a gut feeling that Angad will be seen behind the fire & recalled the scene of the movie om shanti om when Shanti tells about her pregnancy & soon she was set on fire.
Nope.i think this time its Abhiraj…………He trusted him for all wedding arrangements……..
I feel for Angad…………….and not interested in this london track………where she uses again Angad for her revenge
@sim the London track doesnt look interesting, but Karans new look is something else not so much Fateh still looks the same.
I m not interested for that faltu om shanti om …….track…………..This show has nothing good……..not interested in this drama……………Same cringe romance all over again
What the actual f**k tejo is pregnant what a twist wonder what is going to happen next
Ofcourse makers will make angad negative asusual to whitewash spineless betrayer
New promo Tejo is not seen pregnant.. Anyway.. Don’t look either.. And then everyone is free to have and support their favorite
So this is expected unexpected sh*t
every single serial has same story dammit
, producers are like we can’t make bad good unless we have a good person turned bad and then the bad will be good and good will be bad then we will make another mistake introduce another good and then make it bad to show bad good
and will continue this cycle till eternity

, every serial has something common with one another so why didn’t they make this pregnancy track as similar to choti sardarni.
Don’t tell me that they are going to show Angad in bad light
This is hella confusing
Producers please make this a actual and genuine accident with no villain, not jasmine not Angad not anyone just make whole thing a mistake please
Why can’t it be like choti sardarni
Overall this pregnancy drama is bullsh*t and nothing is new but that fake totally pseudo fate, destiny, true love cr*p
Here are my recommendations if you seriously bored to see these dhoom tana dramas:
a)The Vampire Diaries- it’s just awesome, explains what family is what true love is just give it a go trust me you won’t regret
b) The Witcher- It is just AWESOME
with lots of action packed scenes, clearly based on fate and destiny

Both of these shows are about true love a love that is beyond everyone and everything
TVD has epic brotherly love and trust me that’s awesome and magical than love between a girl and a boy
The Witcher has also a love story but a twisted one, it’s about father daughter relationship who are destined to be together.
I just finished watching these series if you have some recommendations please do tell me, I would love to see something beyond this repeating sh*t
As compared to imlie………….udaariyan is high grade toxic show
Agree imlie did improved a lot
even I do love it when it was first aired but after they turned Malini into villain I stopped watching it and now I just read updates
But udaariyan has a downfall in terms of storyline.
BTW my mom loves Imlie
When tejo said thatshe is pregnant i seriously felt eeww towards her
.. such a characterless shameless girl.. she fell in love with her sister’s boyfriend but now she gets upset when she sees hasfa together. Then think how that had been to jasmine to see her boyfrnd marrying her sister..

Fir accident might be a plan of angad n tejo to stop the wedding n tejo live alone leaving everyone(um sure she will live alone for the sake of her so called true lover fateh.. but will use angad for her benefits). Tejo n angad make the families think that tejo died in the fire accident but angad will let tejo go to london (tejo alone or with angad) . But this idot fateh neither stays happy nor let anyone stay happy
I agree to you about Fateh but how come Tejo is a characterless girl? She knew she will get married to Fateh so she went ahead. It was fateh’s fault that he left her in front of everyone just because tejo didn’t share with him something.
As far as I know, during initial track, Tejo had asked Jasmin to go back to Fateh but she denied and herself asked Tejo to marry fateh giving her a green light. She then fell in love with her husband and not her sister’s lover.
When she used to trust fateh like blind, you guys were like – she’s so dumb.. now look what you say.
As for Angad I like him and want him to be with Tejo. If you think she’s using him then you are very wrong. What do we call a friend who helps other friend in need? Do we say that he/she’s being used? No, as far as a friend is helping another friend with his own willingness and happiness, the person doesn’t get used.
You guys may not agree with me on what i have written on tejo..but that is totally OK.. the way i feel that character is not the same for everyone.

Although tejo knew that she is going to marry fateh what she did before the marriage is not a right thing (as i think) she should have some self respect.. spending time with your lover is ok but…..
The other point.. yes jasmine asked tejo to marry fateh but she told it in her anger and with the pain of breaking her dream. Ok bcz of ehat jasmine told tejo married fateh but how can she forget that the guy she married is the one who loved her sister or the one whom her sister loved.
This is what i feel ok.. so guys be relax if you dont agree with me
Show’s concept is udaariyan which symbolises flight or freedom. That’s what Tejo desires but if she marries Angad, she will be bind to Angad as his wife. Right now she just agreed to Marry on Rupy’s saying. She Is not ready to go back to fateh because she now knows that she’s better off without him.
@Lassinvincible Logic of a fatejo fan………… and that logic is totally absent
@Pz no story line… this show has,,,,,just a loop of illegitimate ….disrespectful toxic relationships…………. and onec they return from London….Again this show ill have Tejo’s wedding to fateh………..No sense at all
Why Abhiraj is guilty when his role is described as Tejo’s big brother and his support.. I think the memory loss track will be there and it is Angad who is responsible for the fire.. I develop my story .. Angad is cool best friend and there Tejo informs him about the pregnancy and he tells him to go to Fateh
he plays the good role as always .. Anyway … in the new promo Tejo is young carefree and seems to be called Taniya. I don’t know the time of the jump.. But the pregnancy is not showing in this promo and seeing my way Tejo is.. I don’t think she will be a mother.. My question is why Angad don’t say anything to the family on Tejo if he is not responsible for the drama of the fire. . In the situation that Tejo has amnesia.. He should tell it especially to rupy who wanted him for a son-in-law.. Because Angad is present in the segments with Tejo.. So if he is not responsible and has not said anything to the family.. What can we think? Now if Tejo is not amnesiac and decides to leave the country by his own decision, why call himself by another first name.. In short, lots of questions. . Don’t know who and what to read anymore.. We’ll have to wait..
This show is boring..sometimes Fateh begs for Tejo’s love and forgiveness next time he refused to marry and called off the wedding and then beg again for love …disgusting
I know right!
I read all the comments and I seriously laughed.”show is this,show is that,”Some of you can’t even act.secondly why the hell do you waste 30 mins of your time watching it if it’s so boring.These shows are fictional and for entertainment.Calling Tejo characterless won’t make you any less a loser honestly.Be entertained or just shut up with your virgin asses.Only someone who has never been loved will come give their “opinions” on what love is.Seriously.Your comments are as boring as your broken English
@Blue, i think it‘s dumb to call them out and say that their english is broken. It‘s how it is. You can‘t judge them upon that. They‘re humans too.
Secondly they can do what they want. They can give their opinion, share their thoughts. The same goes to you: why are you here? If the comments are so boring, you can leave or don‘t have to read them.
And opinions can be formed. No one gives their opinion on what love is. Rather they say what they believe love is and everyone has a different view on love.
As for the characterless thing. Tejo isn‘t characterless but naive and dependent.
And why do you have to cuss? They can do what they want. I don‘t sharing their thoughts make them losers. And yeah it‘s a show but that shouldn‘t stop anyone of what they think. That doesn‘t make them losers. Neither does your comment make you a loser. But you calling them „virgin asses“ or „losers“ doesn‘t make you better either
If the shoe fits…I actually didn’t call out anyone by name and yes am entitled to say whatever the f**k I want.Good thing I don’t care or know you
Ok..if those comments are that much boring then why do you waste your precious time on reading them and replying.. like the way you comment here all the others can share their opinion whether it is good or bad.. agree or disagree on the comments is your job we don’t mind.. but please have some respect..bcz we comment on the characters in the show not for the actors but your comments are directly for the viewers..
I just know I stung a little bee.Some of us actually like the characters.So we are allowed to say what we want.Also,I just called out the one who called Tejo characterless.Thats how loyal I am to that character.I never asked for your respect so please don’t give it.Chaaw