Udaariyaan 23rd May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Sartaj stopping Naaz. He asks Balli to explain his new wife. Ekam says whatever Naaz did, one slap is less, Nehmat was also fighting for the land papers. Sartaj says its their personal matter. Balbeer says Sandhus are giving us an open challenge, how dare Nehmat slap Naaz when she was asking for her share. Nehmat says this slap is for her selfishness. Harleen scolds Naaz for calling a lawyer. Balbeer argues. Sartaj says you have become sensible, I m proud of you. He asks lawyer to make two wills. Balbeer asks why. Sartaj taunts him. Balbeer asks what do you want to say. Sartaj says we will divide Randhawa property, Ekam will get half share, Shanky and I will get half share, we will get practical like you. Cherry thinks I won’t let this happen. Ekam smiles. Sartaj says Ekam has a right on Renuka’s share. Naaz thinks I will see Nehmat. Balbeer takes Naaz. Naaz says I will teach her a lesson. He says I regret your insult, don’t tell her anything, I m Sartaj’s father, I know him, he got interest in property because of Nehmat, wait for the right time. She says I understood. She recalls the slap and says I will take revenge for this slap. Sartaj asks Nehmat to feed him the food and have the food alongwith him. She asks why did you stop me here. He says you won’t take medicines there, I know. Harleen asks Nehmat to have medicines. Ekam and Harleen sit to have food. Sartaj asks Nehmat to have food well. Ekam says Harleen and I will have food in one plate. She says okay, eat potatoes of your share only. He says promise. They share the food plate. Ekam feeds the food to Harleen. Sartaj says let her finish the bite first. Nehmat says I m going home. Sartaj says I will drop you, I won’t take a big risk. He asks her to come. Ekam stops Harleen says we will have food. She says no, I don’t think you can have it, don’t pretend, you should have gone to drop Nehmat. He says listen to me, sorry. The food falls.
Sartaj drops Nehmat home. He asks why did you leave the food, jealous? She says no, Ekam is using Harleen to make me jealous. He asks her to have the medicines on time. She says not everyone is lucky like you to save oneself from the complications of relations, we all are related, not like you, you have no fear, you are happy. She goes. He thinks she is right, I don’t care for anything, why do I care now. She turns and sees him. He thinks to keep himself away from all the complications. Harleen says you always make me feel the same, you are satisfying you ego. Ekam says listen to me. Sartaj thinks why am I getting connected to these people. He recalls Ekam and Nehmat. He thinks I should leave, I will tell Nehmat that I m leaving. He calls her. He says she isn’t answering, where am I getting stuck. Nehmat also thinks where did I get stuck, why did fate bring me back to the same house with someone else. She prays. Ekam says I m sorry. Harleen says I m not running away, I will have some fresh air and come. Ekam thinks I can’t hurt her heart in this way, she is my everything now. Sartaj thinks I shouldn’t tell Nehmat, I should go back, its time.
Harleen asks do you really want to take this relation ahead. Nehmat is sad. Harleen says I love you Ekam. He gets close to her and says I love you Nehmat. She looks at him.
Update Credit to: Amena
Mind blowing how Sartaj took stand for Nehmat and Sartaj is playing his game perfectly
Nice one for Balbeer and Naaz to flop however seem like they will try to harm Nehmat for this
Wonder did Ekam feel jealous for Sartaj to drop Nehmat home
Nehmat and Sartaj understanding is mind blowing
Harleen need to leave Ekam as he doesn’t value
With all this happening wonder why is Mallika not in as well
I don’t get why Nehmat isn’t exposing Jasmine. It’s almost as ambiguous as Harleen’s age. I wonder how the story will proceed. Will Harleen be made the new Tejo who will stay with Ekam? As of now the two are not together as a couple and no ‘behenji’ look will convince me Harleen is Ekam’s romantic partner unless he accepts her as such.
Why does everything have to be so complicated? Just pair Harleen and Sartaj and have the 4 heroes expose Jasmine and punish her for her sins. It’s still not too late for Naaz, unlike her mother who is irredeemable, maybe she could have an arc similar to Meera’s from Saath Nibhaana Saathiya, who became a better person and also changed her husband for the better after marrying a middle – aged villain man. Sargun and Raavi are really unprofessional, they are ruining the story to promote their friend Isha’s acting career. Isha is talented and capable of achieving success on her own, there is no need to ruin a story for her star to shine. There is nothing wrong in backing up a friend in such a tumultuous and risky field as television industry, especially when the friend has what it takes to survive there, but they could have done that much better. First they destroyed Jasmine, a character who had lots of potential and was initially introduced as flawed but good, and even made her a murderer. Then they brought her back after 16 years as the same villain instead of a reformed woman who could repair Naaz’ broken soul. Then they invented Harleen out of nowhere whose age does not correspond to the one of a marriageable woman who can play the role of a love interest to Ekam.
This serial is so Ekta Kapoor without being Ekta Kapoor. At the same time it’s funny, because Indian serials are usually so easy to predict but the plot of this one is so messy it’s unpredictable. At this point I expect Naaz to eventually be out of the picture, Sonakshi probably didn’t get the role she was expecting and will get tired at some point, and the writers of the show have proven they don’t know how to handle multiple storylines long back. Nehmat probably will not get pregnant, because this situation will be a second for Hitesh – he will not want to be associated with the image of the poor lover boy who never gets to be with the woman he loves and their child. Harleen will die and Jasmine go insane as a result, receiving her long overdue karma, might die in repentance as well as this would be the most appropriate ending for her. Sartaj will turn into a villain just like Angad and Advait – let’s not forget it’s Vivian who we are talking about. Poor guy always gets to play the role of a
ty toxic goonish male lead, the only decent character he got was Harman, which also got ruined at some poin. So Nekam will get together at the expense of 2 likeable characters and be dissed for that just like Fatejo, but get separated again because in modern Indian shows the couples only get their happiness in the end, if they don’t get butchered for new leads to take over
Meh the rhona dhona twins are so annoying and boring. Would have been better of z Sartaj was paired with Harleen, they are the only 2 characters who speak out. If only this idiot Nehmat spoke about what Naaz did initially then Naaz wouldn’t be dancing on their heads… Looks like Ekam will be Fateh 2.0 use Harleen, have an affair with Nehmat then come back and cry for Harleen when she doesn’t want him back… Can trust Ravi and Sargun to ruin it all over again… though… when Nehmat took her purse she took Sartaj’s wallet with her accidentally… maybe she’ll find the picture of the woman who broke his heart or something, I think they’ll be revealing Sartaj’s past soon… they did the same in first gen brought in Angad and we all loved him, he was perfect for Tejo then they ruined him so Tejo could go sit and hold that adulterous knob Fateh… they tried to redeem Fateh by making him punish himself then take care of insane tejo but he was ruined already. I think Nehmat is going to hit Sartaj for Just leaving… he doesn’t know girls from the Sandhu house will wreck his peace.
Looks like more trouble coming for poor Nehmat because of the slap she gave Naaz
Harleen should cancel her marriage which is a crap
Nehmat is pure but seem like when she tries to do good thing for family then something bad happen to her
Missing Mallika and Nimmo Auntie
This is what the writers do, introduce characters then fade them away with no reason, don’t expect any original storylines or cancelled marriages, the aim is to bring everyones intellect down to the writers bhendoo level
Am i the only one who feels bad for harleen here ? She fell for ekam then backed out when she realised he loves mehnat, United them and then had to marry ekam when nehmat left then tolerated ekam BS and now is getting used by Ekam to make nehmat jealous. And out of everyone only nehmat feels bad for harleen not ekam not sartaj.
Abhiraj’s slander against Mahi also has no solution.. And what happened to Tanya Gill after being kidnapped by Jasmine before the jump
I think nothing happened. She just vanished as her arc was scrapped.
I don’t think Ekam will stoop to Fateh’s level because he already got physical with Nehmat. I doubt he will do the same with Harleen, even Fateh never crossed the limit with Jasmine and the audience will not accept sleeping around from a positive male lead. Isha should just walk away and wait until the producers make another show where she can be the lead, this is rubbing her off in the audience’ faces and using her, eventually both of her characters will be ended. Sartaj’s probably too, Vivian was invited for a clickbait. In the end the story will go back to how originally began – Nehmat – Ekam – Naaz. Because love triangles are the only thing the makers know how to do, even Junooniyat is about a love triangle: Kahaan – Ilahi – Jordan
It’s a little disgusting if you think about it… Nehmat and Harleen were married to Advait (Harleen legally and Nehmat by ritual) they both fell for Ekam… What is this sister wives light nonsense Sargun and Ravi are pedalling… It’s like they are preparing the audience for a serial where sisters will be married to the same man and all this crap is to desensitize the audience… And you Have Naaz trailing behind marrying whoever she can that will feed her list for wealth… Naaz is an empty vacuous character, she is never content of happy she just wants, at least with Jasmine her main want was to go to Canada with this Naaz there is no goal except she wants to win and wants Nehmat to lose which sucks cause as kids she did love Nehmat. Udaariyan started off about dreams everyone’s dream broke except Jasmine’s in the first gen and the second gen is a little directionless what do they want? What do they want to achieve having a husband is not the crux of life!!! What happened to Nehmat’s journalism? Where is Ekam’s promise to find out the truth about the Virk’s accident? We know Naaz will achieve nothing she just wants to be a modern day pr*stitute and trade her body for wealth, she left Neil who genuinely loved her cause he didn’t have enough money for her
she wouldn’t even be hired in a retail store she’d devolve into a boss Karen in the interview stages only, Naaz has no value
Did Naaz trade her body actually? I haven’t watched all episodes so I don’t know but usually in serials the couples don’t consummate until they fall in love. I hoped they know by now Shamsher killed the Virks off but I guess this is yet another plotline that will be left hanging. The series was always about love triangle, advertised with its background of people chasing after their dreams, just like Junooniyat is a love triangle advertised with the idea of aspiring musicians chasing after their goals through a musical competition. It was foreshadowed that Fatejo were the lead couple right from the beginning and it could have been fine if the outcome was Jasmine growing up as a person. Then somehow they started inventing random twists which don’t make sense, the introduction of a new generation among them. It has no direction because it was never actually planned, it’s only purpose is to prolong the story. At the beginning it was actually better than the first generation. Then it showed its true face when Nehmat got stuck with Advait. Just 2 years ago Silsila Badalte Rishton Ka was universally panned for promoting extramarital affairs and now literally all serials do that. Who even watches Parineeti and how did this concept pass?
Naaz consummated with her first husband on their wedding night and I’m sure she has already had relations with Balli she was laying on his bed all dolled up for him and he had a creepy smile…. She’s a villain so she isn’t held to high moral standards where she will wait 5 years to even hug her husband, one thing about Naaz is she is very aware of her sensuality and how to use it while her sisters play behenji behenji game … I think there are people behind the scenes who want to normalise polygamy… Having more than 1 partner is very cultish
That’s really messed up. And it shows backward mentality where the evil woman is goddess of lust whereas the good one doesn’t know where babies come from. Did Naaz get divorced from Nikhil at all? Or is she promoting polyandry to balance out the polygamy?
Naaz divorced Nikhil, she told her family she couldn’t stay with him cause he was not rich anymore and she wasn’t happy with the money he was making…. I’m kinda hoping in the future Naaz gets shot and it’s Nikhil coming in with that cold revenge
Another thing I have possibly missed is the explanation of Harleen’s backstory. Was her father ever mentioned? Is it possible she was already born before the generation leap and Jasmine wasn’t able to bring her along for some reason? Did Jasmine find a sugar daddy in Canada and bring him heart attach to get rid of him?
They never introduced her father if the creative team was able to do maths then Harleen should be between 14 to 15 Badai ho, Ekam ko ek underage biwi Milgaye. Ekam would have to put himself in jail if things were in chronological order. Jasmine met and married Mr Ahluwalia after she abandoned Naaz but I think Mr Ahluwalia is dead and she’s just spending his money. I think she probably went back to Canada to murder Yash
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