Uff Teri Ada – Abhigya n Swasan – EP 11- Not A Tough Nut

Thank you so much for all the time you all take out to read this fan fiction. Your love to this story motivates me to write every day.

Ragini tries to lighten everyone’s mood. She asks Swara to make her “Baadi” famous kheer. Swara agrees and goes to the kitchen.

Sujata: Sanskar what are you doing here and what is in that bag you are carrying?
Sanskar: I had come to talk to Swara. The bag has some of my personal belongings.
Sujata: Why do you want to talk to Swara?
Sanskar: She is my lawyer.
Sujata: In this entire world you could find only one lawyer Swara?
Sanskar: Mom please stop it. She works with Abhi. Ragini where is the kitchen I want to discuss some legal matters with Swara urgently?
Ragini guides him to the kitchen. Ragini goes back to the hall to entertain her mother in law.
Sanskar does not know how to start the conversation with Swara. Swara is surprised to see him in the kitchen.
Swara: What are you doing here?
Sanskar: I wanted to know why you are so reluctant on representing me in the court case.
Swara: This is my home and I don’t discuss work here.
Sanskar: But I want to discuss. I’m your client at least treat me with some respect. (He wonders what he just said)
Swara: You have to earn respect. If you go on beating your employees you won’t get any respect.

Things are heating up between the two.

Sanskar: I had a factory in Gujarat. Last year one employee was smoking in the factory. He left his cigarette near a piece of cloth. Soon the cloth caught fire and the factory took less than half an hour to burn. I really don’t care about my factory. But do you know how many people died out there? How many women became widowed? So many children lost their parents. I still live with the guilt that I destroyed lives by not keeping strict rules in my factory. After that day, I kept very strict rules for employees by not permitting them to smoke in the factory. The day you came, I caught a man smoking. I know I shouldn’t have beaten him up but I cannot take the burden of making more children fatherless. I just cant…
Sanskar has tears in his eyes. Swara feels guilty of judging him.

Sanskar: Anyway I bought a few of the products which I rejected from your dad’s factory. See it and tell me if they even meet Indian quality standards forget Europe. Inquire into this and correct the errors. If your dad can send in new products within a week I will give the contract to him again.

Swara is shocked to see such bad quality products. She does not know what to say. Just then she smells something burning.
She says “Oh no I burnt my kheer. Now your mom will again taunt me”
Sanskar goes near the stove and pushes the pan in which the kheer was being prepared. The kheer falls down. In the process he burns his hand.

Swara: Are you mad? What did you do? You spilled my entire kheer!
Sanskar: My hand is burning. Can you get ice? Ouchhhhh..
Swara holds his hand and puts it under the tap.

Meanwhile the family hear the pan falling and rush to the kitchen.
Dadi: Swara what happened?
Sujata notices Sanskar and asks how he burnt his hand.
Sanskar: Mom you know I love kheer. So I just couldn’t resist it and went to see it. By mistake my hand touched the hot pan and the kheer fell.
Swara is shocked to see Sanskar taking the entire blame for the burnt kheer disaster.

Soon everyone leave.

Swara shows the products to her dad. Shekhar is shocked. He realizes Ragini had made these products. He asks Ragiini what she has done. Ragini remembers Laksh distracting her while doing the work. She does not tell anyone about Laksh and apologizes. Swara says Sanskar has given a weeks’ time to complete the assignment. Ragini agrees to do it properly. Sumi and dadi agree to help her. Shekhar thanks Swara for convincing Sanskar. Swara says “he’s not a tough nut”. They all smile.

Next day….
Pragya: What is so important that you have blocked my entire afternoon?
Abhi: I need furniture. Can you help me choose it?
Pragya: Fine. After lunch we will visit the furniture shop.

Pragya and Abhi are in the furniture shop.

Abhi: Let’s have some fun.
Pragya: What do you mean?
Pragya sees Abhi sitting on the dining table and he calls out ‘Pragya darling I’m back from work. What special dish have you cooked today?’
Pragya smiles and runs to the sample kitchen in the shop and says “your favourite Paneer tikka”.
She pretends to serve the dish to him.
Abhi: Lovely! I feel like kissing your hands
Pragya: What’s the hurry?
Abhi takes Pragya to the child room and says “Goodnight Abha, we love you”.
He then takes Pragya to the room. They both jump on the bed. They smile and have an eye lock. They come close. Suddenly, the shopkeeper shouts and asks them to get out.

They get out like quiet and scared school children. As soon as they come out they burst into laughter. Abhi gives Pragya a shoulder hug and they go back to office.


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