Heyy guys
Thanx for ur love and support
N I m Zoya not Aastha…. But I love ur name Aastha……
Today’s epi:
Radhika after returning from the party tried her best to sleep…. She was twisting and tossing…. She felt angry at herself for speaking like that to her friends…. But she had too…..she had to take her frustration out at that moment… Such thoughts were crossing her mind when Radhika heard the door bell ring….. She had removed all her servants after that incident of her life….she knew that if someone would even stay around her she will murder that person in frustration…. She got up and opened the door…. The sight she saw was horrible.. She stepped back and the man at the door stepped forward… She continued stepping back in fright… And he continued stepping forward……
Until a point came when he held her hand and dragged her to her bedroom….
Radhika: Leave me u blo*dy creature leave me….. Hoe dare u have come to my house…. There’s still time…… It’s tomorrow and not today…..
The man: Hey baby…stop yelling…. I am too epimpatient to wait till tomorrow…become mine today…. N then after tomorrow u r destined to be in my bed forever… We will enjoy….
Radhika: Keep these thoughts with ur own self….. I m not like any other woman…… Just go… Please otherwise I will scream so loud that…..
The man smirked… He shut the door…. And kept pacing towards radhika: that…. What that… Scream I will see how loud ur voice is…. Here u scream n there ur parents go up…. U will strip urself or shall I do that for u…..
Radhika stands distraught listening to his words…. But the next thing she knows is…. She in bed naked with that man beside her…. He striped her and now she was ruined forever…..
Radhika immediately got up she was stunned…. She kept on having dreams like this before… But today she was fever more scared… She held her teddy and kept on crying the whole night…..
On the other side Arjun kept tossing and twisting around…. He couldn’t sleep too… He was too surprised by Radhika’s behaviour… He knew that Radhika was never like this… He was tensed….
Arjun: What has happened to her….. And after reading some message….she has become so aggressive… This is not the Radhika I know…..she was never like this…. But let’s wait till tomorrow lets see what will happen…..
Even Neil couldn’t sleep… He decided to call Sam and check with her… He thought Radhika was too tended to talk to him right now… He called Sam…
Sam was still awake ahe was thinking about her Chashni too
She picked up the phone
Sam: Hey Neil… What’s wrong? U didn’t sleep till now…
Neil: Sam I was just too tensed about Chashni she acted so weird today… I have never seen her like this before….I it was too surprising… She isn’t like the old Chashni…. She has changed… N whoever and whatever the reason is I will kill him or her…..we have to help her….
Sam: I know Neil… I too couldn’t sleep because of that… Even I have never seen cash I like this…. But we have to wait till tomorrow…. We can’t let chashni suffer all this…. But we have to wait… U need rest right now Neil…. Sleep I am disconnecting the call…..bye….
Neil: bye Sam…..
Neil’s POV : Chashni I am worried for u… But see how Sam has clearly noticed ur pain but she can’t understand my love…
They spend the night thinking about Radhika….
It’s morning and all are eagerly waiting to meet Radhika…..Neil and Sam get ready at their respective places and Neil offers a lift to her ….they come to Cafe Rosa and to their shock they already see Arjun eagerly waiting there…..They go in and sit with him…. They all are quiet for a moment… But then Sam breaks the ice…
Sam: Neil, Arjun do u have any idea y chashni has called us here…..
Both of them have no respond to her…. She knew their condition she could feel the intensity of Neil’s care and Arjuna love… They say their… Silent … Without a word… When just then Rachita entered….she was wearing a black one piece with her hair open and curled up a bit and she wore black heels with silver earrings dangling from her ears down……
Arjun was just mesmerised seeing her beauty… He just kept on staring at her….. Till she noticed that she was alreadupy seated besides him…..
Everyone looked towards Radhika and saw three wedding cards in Radhikas hands
Pre cap: the truth revealed….. The trio chalk out a plan to rescue Radhika…. Arjun a bit heartbroken…..
Its nice zoya waiting to know past….. loved it…….. love u take care
Zoya pls make rads to rescue from the trap. . That was a lovely update . Next part soon. Love u
awesome dr..precap sounds superb..post soon..take care
Awesome episode, eagerly waiting for the next update.
Thank you so much guyssss
awesome episode/…….
Nice update……
Awesome Zoya
Superbbbbbb dear….precap is very interesting …waiting for next epi….tc…
Awesome update dear..
Wat a bad dream.!! Rads should be relieved frm this soon n tat guy shld be tortured like anything.. she is a business tycoon., all powerful then y she can’t get her parents safe frm him.. is he tat powerful.. wanna ArNeil to smash d guy.. zoya.. whn is nxt update
Oh poor radhika. I feel do bad.
Awesome, wowwww superbbbb zoya dearrryyy….very interesting story n awesome episode. ..rads dream was terrifying….ufff her mind is filled with all scary thoughts n her fear haunting her….poor rads…arjun n nesam worried for their best friend. ….cliffhanger. ..rads with wedding invitation cards???…precap is very interesting. ..keep it up honeyyy. eagerly waiting for the next episode, love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh
Thank you so much guess….