Hey guys! I am very busy today and tomorrow. First I thought that I would not post my ff these days but now I have thought to post one chapter these two days. So here is fifteenth part.
Swara befriends Sanskar and he offers to celebrate. She agrees.
Swara is sleeping when Sanskar enters. He sits beside her and gently caresses her hairs Swara! Swara!
Swara: (opens her eyes and sees him. She gets confused due to his closeness and tries to smile) yes!
Sanskar: (holds her and makes her sit. He places two pillows behind her.) feeling comfortable?
Swara: yeah!
Sanskar: so bestie! I told you that I will do special arrangements for you. your make-up artist will be coming anytime. I have told them. You can direct them to do what you want, ok? And yeah! (takes phone and calls room service. After sometime, a waiter comes and gives him a box.
Swara: now what is this.
Sanskar: my first friendship gift to you. please accept it and honour me.
Swara: (smiles) thank you!
Sanskar: open it and see!
Swara: (opens the sheet very carefully. There is a dress with matching jewellery and sandals. She touches it fondly) beautiful, very beautiful. But tell me one thing, if you will gift me these things daily, where would I keep all those things? Hm? One day will come when I will need a big hall to keep your presents.
Sanskar: (laughs) you will wear this today, ok?
Swara: (her smile widens) ok!
Sanskar: (cups her face) you are my best friend.
Swara: (hugs him) and you are my best chatterbox! (both start laughing. Make-up artist enters and coughs. The leave each other’s embrace.)
Artist: hello mam! Good evening sir!
Sanskar: good evening. Actually I wanted you to make my friend ready for the dinner. I know that she does not need all this but I want to make her a princess. (Swara glares at him) actually, she is my friend before becoming my wife. So, could you start please!
Artist: yeah sure! (he goes out and she helps Swara in her dress and jewellery. After this, she makes her hair style and does make up. She is looking gorgeous.) mam! You are very lucky to get such a loving husband.
Swara: (her smile fades) yeah! (tries to move but feels pain and cries) ah! Ouch! Oh my God! How will I go out with him?
Sanskar: (enters almost running) Swara! What happened? Are you fine? (shouts) who asked you to move? I told you that I will carry you, then why are you trying to move. This will only increase your pain and nothing else. How dare to move?
Swara: sorry!
Sanskar: what sorry! You will not move again, is that clear to you?
Swara: (lowers her head) yeah!
Sanskar: (sits beside her and cups her face) hey! I am doing this for your good. Now don’t be sad.
Swara: yeah, I know!
Sanskar: now, it’s time for us to leave. Mam! Thank you so much for your help. You really made her princess.
Artist: it is your love that made her princess. Ok bye mam! Take care and wish you all the best. May God bless you with cute and sweet children and your love increase day by day! (Swara feels awkward and looks towards Sanskar. He also looks towards her but she starts looking outside. Make-up artist goes and he comes near her.)
Sanskar: hey bestie! What happened?
Swara: nothing!
Sanskar: ok leave it! (looks at his watch) now it’s time to celebrate our friendship day. Today is 20th of september and I would make your day wonderful. Now come (extends hand and she stares at him) hey! Come on dude! Why are you hesitating? Don’t you trust me?
Swara: I trust you completely. (smiles and gives her hand in his hand)
Sanskar: that’s like my bestie! (picks her up in his arms and comes out. When he passes the coffee room of hotel, all people are staring at them. Swara feels weird. He places her on front seat and ties her seat belt. He sits on driving seat and drives off. On the way, Swara looks at him)
Sanskar: (smiles) if you want to say something, then don’t hesitate, I am your best friend.
Swara: Sanskar! Actually, I wanted to say that I am feeling weird. I cannot remain like this. All the people were having their eyes on us.
Sanskar: ofo bestie! You get tensed for no reason. Why do you think about other people? Think of yourself, think about me, think about our children. (winks at her and she gets angry)
Swara: you chatter box! I will set you brains right one day for sure!
Sanskar: I am sorry! I wanted to set your mood, so I said it.
Swara: (angrily) that make-up artist has ample free time. She was thinking of our children. I am sure, she does not have any work here so she keeps thinking about others. After all, she does not know the level of our relationship. And you! (points finger at him) kisi ghalatfehmi mein mat rehna. Just because I made friends with you does not mean that I will accept this relation. Be in your limits.
Sanskar: (disappointed) yeah! (thinks to cheer her up) oh my cute bestie! Don’t spoil your mood because of that funny lady. Don’t care about other people. The actions of other people should not affect you, ok?
Swara: yeah!
Sanskar: and now, I am waiting for your smile.
Swara: (laughs) thank you!
Sanskar: wow dude, you have suddenly become so good. I mean I just asked for a smile and you laughed. Good job Sanskar Maheshwari! (pats on his own shoulder)
Swara: only for you my chatterbox!
Sanskar: thank you! Look, we reached restaurant. (gets down and picks her up in his arms and places her on the chair. She smiles seeing the decorations.)
Swara: it is very beautiful! You did all this?
Sanskar: well, I was with you mam! But I ordered for all this. You really like it.
Swara: I don’t have a habit of flattering! I really love all this. (music band comes and plays a tune) this tune? I mean you ordered them to play this tune?
Sanskar: yeah! This is your favourite music, right?
Swara: (stunned) yeah, but how did you know?
Sanskar: you will not like my explanation.
Swara: tell me Sanskar! I promise I will not mind.
Sanskar: (hesitating) actually Swara, I used to follow you secretly in the college daily. One day, you played this music. You were talking to yourself and I came to know that it is your favourite music.
Swara: (laughs) what? (tries to control her laughter) and you were thinking that I will get angry? I don’t get angry on your silly acts. It is really amusing dude!
Sanskar: thank God you did not mind. I was afraid!
Swara: you were saying that we should not feel afraid of any one and now you are yourself afraid. Wow! (waiter comes and places their plates. They serve the food and go. He makes her eat with his own hands.)
Sanskar: you know what Swara! I am very happy today! First time, we both had our dinner together happily. It was really nice, thank you so much.
Swara: chatter box! You don’t need to thank me.
Sanskar: I can’t control my happiness. (Puts CD in CD player and plays the music and dances. She laughs seeing him.) I want to see you laughing like this. Always be happy!
So guys, how was it? I will post the next chapter tomorrow. Guys! Pray for me!
Sanky is sooo pure nd lovely…… hope swara will love him too……?????
Awesome part dr…
I’m just addicted to ur ff dea…, dis part is as usual awesome.., just loved it
awesome..post soon
Saaamm!!! i want that kind of Sanskar!!!!!

Superb …sanskaar is so lovely
Great work dear…..hope of the best in the coming episodes….ok plz add TERE SANG YAARA song when u make them dance or anywhere else in ur ff…not only TERE SANG YAARA but also other songs of Atif aslam…plz plz plz it’s a humble request
M new here nd tdy first time i rd it…its so loving part..nd sanskar so cute…loved it…
Awesome dear sanskar is really lovely ????
Loved it noe one of my fav stories
Awesome ?
Nice dear… Continue soon…..
Sanskar ???
Luvd it
Awesome episode di
thanks to all. next part will be uploaded tomorrow. oppi! when you call me di, I feel like whole world is under my feet.
Out of dis world
Wow…. Really awesome
Loved SWASAN moments..*cute*. Sanskar now u have become incredible… be like this… thnk u Sam..n yeah my good wishes are always with u…
thank you so much dear!
Wow…….superb dr…
Wow really sweet moments
Nice epi as always
keep writing dr
be happy always
Awesome …. and all the best {as u said pray for me }