Episode 17
Next day
In a hostel (Rishikesh)
The warden is shouting at a girl who is sleeping.
W-MANVI! MANVI! uth jaa beta.(the warden is a rlly nyc women. She is lyk a mom to all the girls over there especially for manvi)
Manvi slowly gets up.
M- GM maa. (Guys manvi is just in 11th now.)
W-acha beta go fast. Get ready otherwise u will be late.
M-ok..nd levs to get ready. She gets ready nd levs after wishing her warden
Picnic place
Twika r getting ready while viren enters the room which noticed by tw. She was abt to lev to give them privacy wen.
V-tw mein tujhse hi baat karne ke liye aaya hun
Tw-haa jiju
V-whts hppning b/w u nd kunj?
Tw-jiju wo..
J-tw bata de..wid an assuring luk.
Tw-jiju he doesnt trust me. Wen he heard me talking to sm1 lyk tht he just jumped into a conclusion tht i luv sm1 else. Jiju i believe trust is most imp in each relationship which he doesnt hv on me. Then whts the use of our relationship? Wen he doesnt trust me. Atleast he cud hv asked me bt he didnt. Jiju i dont want to talk abt this anymore. Me nd kunj r finished.
J(lil shocked while holimg her arm)aise kaise?
Tw-haa di. Maine decide kar liya di.i dont want to marry kunj. I am gonna cancel this marriage. Haa mein iss rishte ko todna chahti hun. I am tw vadhera nd will remain lyk tht. I will never becum Twinkle Kunj Sarna. Thts it. Nd i am sure abt this..nd turns not to face virika
J(walking towards tw) twinki tu..is cut off by leela who came there
L-puttar daboo nd uv hv cm….twika being exicted levs widout viren. After they lev kunj slowly enters the room wid tears. Viren consoles him nd they lev.
Uv nd daboo r stnding. tw runs nd goes to uv. Uv lifts her nd twirls her. Tht tym kunj reaches there nd sees this which makes him jealous.
Y-i hv smthng for u nd di.(uv nd tw r same age)..nd takes out a wrapped gift nd gives it
Tw opens it nd tears start gushing out of her eyes. She luks uv wid lot of happiness nd shows jeevika the gift. Tears start cming out of her eyes too. Jeevika just gives a feeble smile. It was a photo frame wid the pic of twika nd manvi
It was like jeevika in the middle nd twinvi(tw+manvi) in the sides nd jeevika cupping their cheeks wid one hand on each person.(hope u got it)
After all these they all do masti except twinj.
Kunj is sitting on a bench in the garden recalling wht tw told.
In black nd white: tw-i dont want to marry kunj. I am gonna cancel this marriage.
He closes his eyes nd tears make their way out bt then controls himself. He starts walking just thinking abt tw nd nothing else widout even cming to know tht he had reached the road. Kunj is walking lyk a lifeless body wen a truck is approaching him. It is abt to hit him wen sm1 pulls him nd slaps him hardly. It is none other then tw nd Kunj is shocked. Tw starts beating him on the chest. kunj holds her hands nd hugs her bt tw doesnt refuse nd hugs him bck. She was red eyed nd still crying.
Tw-y did u do this haa? Wht if i didnt see u?Wht if i didnt pull u? Idiot duffer..nd again starts beating him. Kunj holds her
K-nothing hppnd na? Besides y do u care?
Tw- cuz i still love u idiot. U r such a stupid tht even wen a truck was abt to hit u,u just stood there. Wht if i lost u forever? U knw wht u r just impossible..nd starts to walk away wen kunj holds her hand nd:
K-maaf kar de na?ek thappad bhi kha liya maine. Luk its becum red also..tw acts lyk thinking
Tw-acha ok lev it. Btw is it paining a lot?
Kunj nods-hmm..tw pecks his cheek nd runs away.
K-hey tw..nd just smiles like a fool rubbing his hair.
Episode 18
Next day
Twika wake up nd get ready wen tw gets kunj’s call. She picks up
K-hey. I want to tell u smthng imp.
Tw-haa batao kunj..jeevika hears this nd is shocked
K-i luv u
Tw-i luv u too..jeevika double shocked.
K-cm to the garden after packing.
Tw-k bye..asa she cuts the fon jevika bombards wid questions nd she tells her evrythng which hppnd the previous nighg nd jeevika is hppy for them. While in the other side kunj tells viren nd he is also happy. Both twika nd vinj pavk their nd reach the lobby evry1 is waiting. They all lev in their bus in which virika nd twinj sit together.
Jeevika is lying on viren’s shoulder.
V-jeevika it was so nyc na? The picnic had lot of problems nd fun. Thnk god this tw nd kunj reconiled otherwise my head wud hv blasted.
J-ji main bhi kaafi pareshan thi bt evrythng went fyn.
V- jeevika i luv u nd need u. U will be wid me forever na?
J-ji bilkul. I always wanted a husband lyk u. Dont tell any1 bt we nvr received luv from our parents. They were too busy for us.we craved for luv nd nd..she starts crying nd cudnt speak anymore. Viren consoles her nd hugs her. He pecks her head.
V-i am there for u jeevika. I promise to be there wid u in ur problems nd solve it..jeevika just gives a smile nd hugs him tightly. She then falls asleep on his chest nd viren just caresses her hair nd he too falls asleep.
(Zindagi mein aaj lamhe plays in the bg)
All this is noticed by tw who is also hving tears in her eyes thinking of their (twika) childhood.
Soon all.reach home nd virika nd twinj bid adieu to eo.
Twika enter their room nd change into their night dress wen tw remembers smthng imp.
J-twinki kya hua?
Tw-di u rlly forgot??
Tw-…..(muted) (serious tune is in playin the bg) jeevika is shocked after hering tw.
The.screen freezes on jeevika’s shocked face
Hey guys
Sry i knw i m not regular. All i can do is apologize. Sry..
Next tym i will try to be regular.
Luv u all loads
Nice and hope u will post soon ?
Amazing awesome fabulous
Nice episode
But I’m angry on u
This ff was started a year before but still it has completed only 18 episodes huh
Do continue
Heyy…awesome fantastic fabulous….
Fantastic and fabulous ????post next soon??
Hi aishu
Awesome amazing
Finally u posted
N I’m happy Dat twinkle forgives kunj
Love u keep smiling
Just loved it…
Hey my sis sorry for the late comment … I am really sorry … I had my exams …
Well loved the episode it was quite interesting … waiting for the next … Love you post soon
Hiii ash….

Srsly yr…sooo cute sooo lovely sooo beautiful it was….speechless thankgod everything finally is set between twinj……loved it soooo mch…..
Osm jst wuld b w8ing for ur nxt post n plss post ur odr ff also asap dear….
Lods of love…