Hello guys!!
Here comes next part of uncontrollable feelings. Very sorry for the delay.
Uncontrollable Feelings(swasan ff)
Part 15:
Recap: swara angry at Sanskar.
Gododia house:
Swasan are going for their marriage shopping with shomi.
Swara: come daffy.
Shomi: he is not going to come.
Swara: why??
Shomi: swara now u are getting married leave him what if sanskar won’t like daffy.
Swara look at Sanskar and said
Swara: if my future husband will have problem with daffy then I will not marry him.
Sanskar (instantly): no no I don’t any problem daffy can live with us.
Swara: now okay mom let’s go.
Swasanffy and shomi left for shopping.
Shomi is selecting sarees for swara while swasan are in other modern dress shop.
Sanskar said to salesman
Sanskar: show something in blue colour.
Salesman: okay
Swara: why blue??
Sanskar: bcoz I like it.
Swara roll her eyes.
Salesman show few dresses and sanskar selected one dress and forward to swara
Sanskar: go and try.
Swara: I will try at home.
Sanskar: plzz I want to see you in this dress.
Swara: I m not used to trying at shops I will try at home and show you.
Sanskar: okay but show me.
Swara nodded.
They started selecting other dresses. Swara was normal with Sanskar neither rude nor frank.
After that they went to shomi and shopped together.
Then only Sanskar got call so he went to attend it
Sanskar: hello
Op: hi How are you sanskar maheshwari??
Sanskar (confused): I m good but who are you??
Op: I m your well wisher I had messaged you but I think u ignored.
Sanskar: yeah what was that stupid message?
Op: it was not stupid but a warning for you that beware of swara.
Sanskar;why ?she is going to be wife
Op: she is a crack piece otherwise who keep their boyfriend as dog???
Sanskar: this is not any reason.
Op: okay wait and watch u will cry after marriage bcoz she is not easy to handle she was with me only in USA ufff her tantrums.
Sanskar: u no need to worry and may I know your name??
Op: Nikil
And he cut the call.
Sanskar: I should ask Swara whether she know him.
Shomi: Sanskar beta come
Sanskar: Ji ma
Then they did jewellery shopping and went home. Sanskar was most of the time lost in thoughts that who can be that man.
All are sleeping as it is quite late except swasan. Swara was standing near window as she was not able to sleep.
She saw Sanskar is sitting in the garden alone.
Swara: what he is doing there??
Swara went down as she wanted to know.
Swara came and sit beside sanskar. Feeling someone’s presence he looked up and saw Swara sitting beside him.
Sanskar: swara u didn’t slept?
Swara: no was not able to sleep and why u r sitting here.
Sanskar: to be honest I was thinking about our relation.
Swara stare him for few seconds then said
Swara: what about our relation???
Sanskar: like the way we met and I fall for you.
He said normally but swara’s heart beat raised that he has fallen for her.
Sanskar: means all this was unexpected i hurted you though it hurted me more.
His voice got heavy as his eyes got filled with tears. Swara keep her hand on his.
Sanskar: swara u really want to marry me?? I mean if you are doing for your family then plzz tell me.
Swara: u don’t want to marry me???
Sanskar(smiles): it will be my dream coming true.
Swara (Chuckles): mine also.
Sanskar look at her and they both share a beautiful eyelock.
Sanskar: I m really sorry for breaking your heart swara I was helpless at that time as I was engaged to kavita and in village it was not a small thing and secondly we are totally opposite to each other.
Swara: then why u are ready now???
Sanskar: bcoz now my love for you over powered all these things.
Swara (smiles): yeah i was Hurt at that night but now when I thought from your point of view u were right at your place but yes u were rude u could have talked politely also(pout)
Sanskar(chuckles): I m very poor in all these things the feeling of love also I came to know after your arrival in my life.
Swara(laughs): okay
Sanskar: so now u are not angry with me??
Swara: no
Sanskar: thank you so much u know my guilt was killing me.
Swara: wait wait first of ask me for marriage in a proper way.
Sanskar(smiles ): as you say.
Sanskar got up from the bench and swara stood in front of him.
Sanskar sit on his knee and extend his hand.
Sanskar: I love you Miss Swara Gododia Will you give me chance to make you my soulmate as Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheshwari.
Tears fell from swara’s eyes it was so simple but the words were very precious. Sometimes, few words are much more worthy than beautiful decoration or expensive things.
Sanskar: swara say
Swara: yes
Sanskar got up and both hugged each other. It was Blissful moment for them.
They both broke the hug and sanskar join his forehead with her.
Sanskar (whisper): I love you swara
Swara look in his eyes and smile shyly
Swara(mumble); love you tooo
Sanskar: and I promise I will never hurt you again.
Swara: if u will hurt me then I will kill you.
Sanskar smiles and stare her rosy lips. He look in her eyes for permission and she lower her shades in anticipation. Sanskar lean and place his rough lips on her glossy one and they both kissed softly. Soon they broke the kiss. Swara’s cheeks were turned to the darkest shade of pink.
Sanskar: u know when we kissed that night in drunken state ohh god I was able to feel your taste for a week.
Swara got shocked and asked
Swara: u remembered what happened that night???
Sanskar:(look down): yes but as I was scared so I lied.
Swara: idiot I was so sad to think that u forgot our first kiss(pout)
Sanskar: huh!! How can I forget that I was not able to sleep bcoz of that kiss.
Swara: why??
Sanskar: whenever I used to close my eyes I was feeling your lips on mine.
Swara(blushes): shameless
Sanskar: only for you(wink)
Swara: let’s go and sleep now its late.
Sanskar: hmm
They started moving inside when sanskar remembered about daffy
Sanskar: and swara don’t get close to daffy.
Swara: why??
Sanskar(roll his eyes): I don’t like.
Swara: omg sanskar u are jealous from daffy so cute.
Swara pull his cheeks.
Sanskar: I m serious
Swara; don’t forgot he is my first love.
Sanskar: whatever.
Swara laughs and both went to their room.
Next morning:
Swara’s room:
Sanskar enter inside and saw Daffy sitting in the centre of the bed and watching tom and Jerry cartoons. Sanskar went near him and said
Sanskar: hey daffy
But Daffy ignored him then sanskar realized that he had to pacify him also.
Sanskar: daffy where is your madam??
Daffy look at washroom door and then again shift his gaze back to TV screen.
Sanskar: daffy i m sorry I will not hurt swara again now don’t be angry swara had also forgiven me.plzz
Then only swara came out and listened sanskar. Daffy look at Swara asking he is saying right or wrong.
Swara; yes daffy I forgive him u also do.
Daffy nodded his head at sanskar.
Sanskar: thank god.
Sanskar went and back hugged swara who was standing in front of mirror.
Swara: daffy is also here sanskar
Sanskar: he won’t understand.
He take out one bracket from pocket and made swara wear.
Swara: its beautiful
Sanskar: really I bought today only(kiss her cheeks)
Swara: ohh
Daffy started barking seeing their open romance.
Sanskar went near him and sit on bed while Swara got busy in combing her hairs.
Sanskar remembered about nikil and asked
Sanskar: swara who is nikil??
Swara: how u know him??
Sanskar: means u know who he is?
Swara: yes in USA he was my only best friend.
Sanskar thinks that may be he loves swara that’s why he don’t want him to marry her.
Sanskar: only friend??
Swara:yeah but why u r asking?
Sanskar: no I thought he loves you or….
Swara started laughing and said
Swara: he is not like that means he is playboy type who changes his girlfriend everyday.
Sanskar: than be away from him.
Swara: don’t worry with me he is very sincere but how u know him?
Sanskar: I saw him in your friend list.
Swara: ohkk leave him let’s go down.
Sanskar: yeah come.
Swasanffy went downstairs.
To be continued…..
Precap: marriage rituals start and nikil comes to gododia house.
Hope so it was worth reading.
Let me know your views
Thank you
Take care
waa.. waiting Niikilll
Wait wait he is coming in next epi??? thank you so much dear tc??
Lovely chappy!!! bt i felt u rushed in dis part…u can show more 4 shopping part like swaffy tantrums sanskar irritated…bt its ok…u r d writer of story who know storyline line very well…bt plz show daffy interfering in swasan lovely moments in upcoming episodes…nd sanskar irritate wid dwaffy behaviour…bt it should be funny!!!
Thank u Mars!!!with lots of love!!
Well firstly I was also going to give shopping in detail but then I felt it like dragging so sorry for hurrying up and there is much more tantrums of swaffy coming ahead ofcouse daffy will interfere in swasan life so wait for it.

Thank you so much dear tc??????
Now stupid nikhil came in between my swasan.nyc part as always. Marsu I have 1 request yaar can u continue 1 ff which was discontinued by other author only 28 pars r written its name is fell in love by mistake pls read that n write in ur way if u get time.
Thank you so much dear and don’t worry nikil will be positive character??????
And about the ff you want me to continue actually I can’t write it till the writer wants me to write so sorry if she wants then will surely continue???
Take care????
Pls marsu try to contact her n I whish vo maan Jaye I really want u to continue that ff pls dear try
Alright dear I will try to contact with her.???
Thank u so much marsu love u yaar
It’s all my pleasure dear???
Love u took????
Awesome and excellent dear
Thank you so much dear tc???
lovly dear
Thank you so much dear tc???
Thank you so much dear tc???
Thank you so much dear tc???
Super awesome ???
Thank you so much dear tc???
Thank you so much dear tc???
loved it dear
Thank you so much dear tc???
Thank you so much dear tc???
how qweet the chapter was…. I love it….swasanffy scene….. haaye… sooo cute…..
Thank you so much dear tc???
nice part……..
Thank you so much dear tc???
Thank you so much dear tc???
Amazing yaar loved it.. Fianlylswara forgives Sanskar..i hope nihilism is positive or else I’m going to kill him.. And daffy and Sansone Jodi is toh awesome lobed it.. Let’s see what will happen on SwaSanian n first night with daffy
Thank you so much dear and yupp nikil is positive let’s see what Daffy will do on swasan first night.?????
Take care???
nice dear
Thank you so much dear tc???
Awesome dear
Thank you so much dear tc???
good one!
Thank you so much dear tc???
Thank you so much dear tc???
It was really amazing epi dear…. Loved it so much.
Thank you so much dear tc???
if my future husband will have problem with daffy then I will not marry him.
???????????????????? scary Sanskaar .
Mars it’s lovely chappy, I loved Sanskaar’s dailouge, he couldn’t sleep because his lips can’t able to forget her taste. ??????????
She create some magic on him.??????? now Daffy also forgave him.
But say Daffy to saty away from SWARA our Sanskar is jealous na???????????? he is so much in love that even he can’t even bothers anyone presence near her. Now this nikhil what’s his intension ??????????? I hope bure na ho.
Sanskar ki tho baat hi maat kar pta ni kya kya sochta rehta hai??????? don’t worry about nikil ??? thank you so much depuu dear tc??????
Thank you so much dear tc???
Thank you so much dear tc???
superb..finally both united
Thank you so much dear tc???
Ha ha ha…..Swara’s reply for Shomi’s question n Sanskaar’s reaction! Amazing epi dear….