Fan Fiction

Uncontrollable feelings (swasan ff)by Mars part 12

Hello guys!! Thanks for your response on previous part.Sorry for the delay.

Uncontrollable Feelings (swasan ff)
Part 12:
Recap: Swaffy left to Kolkata

Gododia house:
Swaffy came inside with shekar. Swara is sad but she is not showing.
Swara: mom we came.
Shomi: how are u??
Swara(fake smile): fine.
Shomi: u change I will arrange dinner.
Swara: hmm
Shomi: and call baba and inform him that u reached safely.

Swara’s room:
Swara sit on bed and called rajesh but he was not receiving
Swara:daffy dadu is not receiving let’s call on landline.
She dialed and on other side, sanskar received it coincidentally.
Swara:hello dadu
Sanskar: hello
Both stopped for few mins as they realized who is on the other side. Tears fell from swara’s eyes. Sanskar felt like she is crying
Sanskar: swara
Swara:sorry wrong number.

She immediately cut the call.
Sanskar stare at the phone and cut it.
Sanskar(wipe his tears): she don’t even want to talk to me.
He sadly signed and went to his room.
Swara also went to washroom and cried for sometimes and when she felt light she came out.
Daffy was staring her.

Swara: what??
But daffy was still looking at her without blinking his eyes.
Swara:I was not crying.
She told him and lie on bed.

Kavita’s house:
Kavita got message and when she checked it was of sahil. She saw it and was shocked. It was
“Within ten mins come to temple otherwise I will come to your house”.
She know if sahil said then he will surely do. So after telling sujata (her mother) she went to temple.

Sahil is already waiting for her.she angrily went to him.
Kavita: why u have called me at this time.
Sahil: kavita I can’t wait plzz tell me if you feel something for me.
Kavita(looking down): no

Sahil: u are standing in temple so don’t lie and tell this by looking in my eyes.
Kavita: then what u will do after knowing it I m going to marry Sanskar.
Sahil:kavita we will talk to sanskar plzz don’t do this.

Kavita (teary eyes): if he will not understand then it will hurt more.
Sahil: okay once we will talk to sanskar if he will not support us i myself will back off.
Kavita (hug him): I love you
Sahil(smiles): love u too. Tomorrow we with talk to Sanskar. Let’s go now.
Kavita: hmm.
They went to their respective houses feeling happy.

Next morning:
Rajesh’s house:
Kavita and sahil came to talk to Sanskar. Rajesh went out and only Sanskar was there.
Sanskar: kavita sahil u here in the early morning.
Sahil: yes we want to talk to you.

Sanskar: come and sit.
Trio sit in the hall. Kavita is nervous to talk so sahil started
Sahil: sanskar I want to ask u one simple question. Do u love kavita???
Sanskar: why are u asking this??
Sahil: plzx tell honestly whether u r marrying her out of love.
Sanskar: seriously I don’t love her now but thought we will adjust after marriage and I m marrying her as baba said.
Kavhil felt happy.

Sahil:it means u will not feel bad if kavita will break this relation.
Sanskar(confused): plzz tell clearly what u want to say.
Sahil: actually I love kavita
Sanskar: and kavita???
Kavita: I also love sahil I m sorry sanskar.
Sanskar: why are u saying sorry in fact its nice u told me earlier only.
Kavita: u are not angry?
Sanskar: not at all i m happy for you both and when we don’t love each other there is no use to marry.

Kavita: thanks sanskar but what about my parents and baba.
Sanskar:i will tell to Baba and he will talk to your parents.
Kavita: hope so they also agree for our relation.
Sahil: don’t worry they will i think we should leave now.
Kavita: bye Sanskar once again thanks.
Sanskar: its okay.
Sanskar went to his room.

Sanskar’ s room:
Sanskar is feeling very light now. The adorable smile never leave his lips. The only thought running in his mind is that now he can get back swara.
Sanskar (monologue): I m happy Swara now without any hesitation I will confess my love but will she trust me I had badly broken her heart. Okay she will accept me but daffy?Don’t worry I had hurt them now I will only pacify them. Let me call her will see whether she will receive or not.
He tried calling her but it was out of range.
Later he went to rajesh’s room.

Rajesh’s room:
Sanskar came inside and sit near him.
Sanskar: baba I want to talk something important.
Rajesh: say
Sanskar: actually kavita don’t want to marry me.
Rajesh(shocked): why??

Sanskar: sahil and kavita love each other so I think its not right if I marry her.
Rajesh: hmm then what about you.
Sanskar: I m okay with it as I don’t love kavita.
Rajesh: then I will talk to her parents.

Sanskar: baba plz make them understand that they should accept sahil and kavita. U know only Sahil is nice man.
Rajesh: u don’t worry I will talk.
Sanskar:thank you so much.

Next day:
Rajesh was feeling bad for sanskar.He thought that sanskar is not showing his sadness but he don’t know that Sanskar is dancing inside thinking about swara.Rajesh called shekar.
Shekar:hello baba
Rajesh: how are u shomi and shona?
Shekar: all are good here.
Rajesh: I want to tell that sanskar and kavita are not Willing to get married.
Rajesh told everything to him.

Shekar: baba If u don’t have any problem then I want to say something.
Rajesh: yes say
Shekar: actually I was thinking that sanskar will be good for shona. As he is intelligent and dedicated towards his work and now I want to take rest so sanskar and shona will handle the company.

Rajesh: Even I had called for same thing I m also thinking sanskar is perfect for swara as angel is little childish so sanskar is mature enough to handle her.
Shekhar:okay then u talk to sanskar that if he have any problem.
Rajesh:u don’t worry about Sanskar he will agree to me u make swara ready.

Shekhar: okay I will tell swara and call you back.
Rajesh:I will be waiting.
Shekhar cut the call and he discussed with shomi and even shomi like sanskar so she agreed.

Later, shekhar and shomi went to swara’s room. She is sitting with Daffy.
Shomi: swara actually we want to talk to you (uff all want to talk I don’t know how many times I repeated this line)
Swara: hmm
Shekhar: I had choosed one boy for you he is really nice.

Swara:but why to marry now??
Shekhar: swara now u will join the company and I want that u should be supported by someone. So that u both can handle the business together.plzz
Swara remembered when sanskar said that he don’t love her and she should move on.
Swara (teary eyes): okay I will marry with him.
Shomi; that’s like my shona.

Shekhar and shomi went from there.
Swara: daffy I will forget him now completely. What he think I can’t live without him(sniffs).

To be continued….

Precap: Sanskar in Kolkata.

Enough of emotional drama now story will come back to funny track.
Now let’s see how sanskar will pacify swara and bear her tantrums.
Thank you
Take care.


Love Helly Shah Hellyholic SwaSanholic Riansh🥰 My wattpad I'd is mars_111

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