Uncontrollable Feelings (swasan ff)
Part 8:
Rajesh’s house:
Sanskar’s room:
Swara(cutely): Sanskar plzzzzz
Sanskar:swara what u will do by going there?
Swara:huh!! What we do in clubs. Ofcouse enjoy.Right daffy?
Daffy nodded his head.
Sanskar (shocked):Daffy will also go to club?
Swara:no but he is supporting me. Plzz find out.
Sanskar: ufff okay I will find a club today then u can go on Sunday.Happy?
Swara:super happy and u will also come with me.
Swara(moves closer to him): yes
His heart was ready to burst bcoz of their proximity.
Sanskar(stammer): no swara
Swara moves more closer and only they were inch apart.
Swara: yes
Sanskar now can’t take the risk of saying no as I more step closer and their lips will be locked.
Sanskar:okay yes.
Swara(laughs): woooowww
She kissed sanskar’s cheek and ran away followed by Daffy.
Sanskar stood numb there.
Sanskar:ohhh god what she did. She will be my death someday.
He signed and left to office.
Swara kavita and sahil are sitting in park. Now it has become their routine to sit like this and talk. Daffy as usual in swara’s lap. Sanskar just came from bank and swara shouted
Swara: Sanskar did u found??
Sanskar:yes one is nearby only.
Swara:wow that’s great.
Kavita:about what u r talking swara?
Swara: yeah kavita I have to ask from u also. Actually me and sanskar are going to club this Sunday plzz u both also come.
Kavita:club?? No I never went.
Sahil: I could have come but I m busy this Sunday.
Swara: ohhh but kavita u can try
Kavita: no no I won’t be comfortable plzz u enjoy with sanskar ji.
Swara: okay then.
Later kavita and sahil left.
Swara is pacing here and there waiting for sanskar and Daffy is following her when she go left he go there and when she go right he do same.
Swara:I won’t leave this Sanskar what he is doing from this much time.Don’t he know we will be late for club.
Daffy starred her with his big eyes and then ran to sanskar’s room.
Sanskar came out of room and saw daffy. He rotate his head but sanskar didn’t understood. Then he saw Swara angry.
Sanskar(picked daffy): ohh so your girlfriend got mad at me.
Daffy nodded.
Sanskar: i must say she taught u many things.
They came near Swara
Sanskar: let’s go swara
Swara: finally u came.
Sanskar: sorry was checking mails.
Swara: come daffy let’s go to daddu’s room.
Daffy jumped on her.
Swara: ohhh my baby will miss me. Will come soon.(kiss him)
Sanskar roll his eyes seeing their romance. Swara leave Daffy with rajesh and went with Sanskar.
Swasan entered inside and looked around. Swara dragged Sanskar to dance floor.
Sanskar: swara I never did dance.
Swara:so what start from today.
She held her hand and started dancing.
Sanskar also started slowly.
After half an hour,
Sanskar: I can’t dance more Yarr
Swara:u got tired also I can dance for hours.
Sanskar;then u r energy ball not me.
They both came down and stood near counter.
Swara:which drink you want Sanskar?
Sanskar:any juice.
Swara: no juice I m asking about alcohol.
Sanskar: no way I never had it.
Swara: then start from today hihi
Swara:nothing will happen just once.
Finally Sanskar surrendered and took the drink.
Later, sanskar’s head was spinning. He was feeling out of the world. Sanskar was totally out of senses as its his first time. But swara was little okay as she is used to it and can control.
Swara:sanskar let’s go home.
Sanskar(salute her): okay madam Ji.
Swara laughs and both came out.
Swasan came near car and swara said
Swara: I will drive the car now.
Sanskar shook his head in no. and said
Sanskar: nooooo we both will sit on back seat.
Swara: then who will drive??
Sanskar:let the car drive itself why do we care.
Swara: yeah but I have to drive it. U sit inside.
Swara made sanskar on the front seat and herself settle on driving seat.
During whole journey, Sanskar was blabbering something.
Soon they reached at home.
Swara being in little senses take out sanskar and took him to her room as it was near. Then she bought daffy who was desperately waiting for her. Rajesh had already slept.
Swara’s room:
Swara came with Daffy and saw sanskar lying on the bed. She put daffy near sanskar and went to washroom to change.
Sanskar saw Daffy. He got up and sit on bed by crossing his legs. Daffy is sitting in front.
Sanskar looked at Daffy with narrow eyes and said
Sanskar (point his fingure at him): u r my enemy.
Daffy shook his head in no.
Sanskar: yes bcoz u r trying to take her from me.
Daffy again shook his head.
Sanskar lean closer to daffy and said
Sanskar: swara is mine.Mind it!!
Daffy looked at him in rage and barked.
Sanskar:ohh u means she is yours but no she is mine
Daffy again barked
Daffy bark
Sanskar: mine
Daffy again Barked.
Sanskar got angry and picked daffy and went to door.
He put daffy in corridor and said
Sanskar:every night u sleep with her. Tonight I will be with her. Get lost.
Sanskar came inside the room and closed the door.
Daffy sit near railings waiting for Swara.
Swara came out and saw sanskar near door.She looked around but didn’t found daffy.
Sanskar saw her. She is wearing light pink nighty. His breath got stuck in his throat. He went closer to her.
Swara: where is Daffy sanskar??
Sanskar (carelessly):I don’t know.
Swara: let me see outside.
Swara was about to open the door when sanskar pulled her and pin her against wall.
Sanskar(put finger on her lips):ssshhhh
He started caressing her hairs seeing in her eyes. Swara got lost in his dark brown eyes. Sanskar lean and kiss her forehead.She closed her eyes.
Sanskar:(whispers huskily): u r very beautiful swara.
Swara’s started breathing heavily as his rough lips touch her soft cheeks.he kisses her sensuously. Swara clutched his shirt collar.Swara was unable to control her feelings anymore and she confessed
Swara:I love you sanskar.
Sanskar who was busy in kissing her neck stops for a second and then said
Sanskar: I love u too swara.
Sanskar said unknowingly but Swara’s happiness has no bound.
Swara :I m soo happy.
Sanskar stare her glossy lips. She closed her eyes in anticipation. It took just few seconds and both got busy in kissing each other. When they got out off breathe, they broke it. Swara felt shy and hugged him. In turn he tighten the hug.
Later, swara heard daffy’s sound as if he is calling her. She broke the hug.
Swara:sanskar Duffy is out. Let me bring him.
Sanskar: don’t leave plzz
Swara: I have to go daffy is calling me.
Swara came out of sanskar’s grip and opened the door.
Daffy who was sitting near door jumped in her lap and hugged her.
Swara:aww my baby how u went out?
Daffy saw sanskar in anger and sanskar make faces.
Swara kissed daffy. His eyes shines in happiness. He looked at Sanskar showing that see she is mine.
Sanskar got jealous and said
Sanskar (mumble): saala kutta kahika!! (huh!! Such a dog)
Sanskar:I m going to my room swara.
Swara: okay good night.
Sanskar:good night
Sanskar went near daffy and said
Sanskar:I will see u later.
Swara got confused but ignored.
Sanskar went to his room and slept unaware what blunder he had done.
Swaffy also slept soon.
To be continued…..
Precap:Swasan avoiding each other.
Swara due to shyness and Sanskar????
Done with next part.
Thank you.
awesome dear .too good .sanskar and daffy jealous .oh god
Thank you so much dear
Sanffy part wasss amazing mind blowing……. haha…. I am laughing so much……
Thank you so much dear
Thank you so much dear
Thank you so much dear
Wow awesome!!! I am loving this ff more
Thank you so much Shan di
Aww poor sanskar awesome chappy dear
Thank you so much dear
Thank you so much dear
awesome update next part soon
Thank you so much dear will post next part soon
haww so this was the confession?
Thank you dear and regarding confession firstly very sorry to disappointe u but according to storyline I can’t give grand confession here as this part was just to let swara know that Sanskar loves her. Else wait for further story.
Thank you so much dear
Such a mind blowing part ….sanskar and daffy jealousy …ha ha very funny ….waiting for precap…
Thank you so much dear will post next part soon
sanskar daffy sce to cute swasan first kiss …..awesome nd cute episode
Thank you so much dear
Sala kutta kahi k…??????? did he actually spoke that…???
But he is right ??? Daffy is taking his place… Daffy go find ne partner for urself…
SWASAN part was too good and that kiss??????????? love confession… Waooooooooooooooooooo.
But I know this stupid will now ignore Shona ??? God ji is bewakuf Sanskar ko akal dena…
Thank you so much depuuu dear sanskar will realise soon
Awesome dear loved it
Thank you so much dear
awesomex dear
Thank you so much dear
Thank you so much dear
i read all parts…too good?loving your ffs
sorry for late comments..busy in office work..loved it!keep smiling:)
Thank you so much dear and don’t be sorry its ok
Awesome.. Loved it
Thank you so much dear
Thank you so much dear
Awesome. Part marsss.finally he confessed .poor dwaffy
Thank you so much dear
awesome dear..update noughty billow dear
Thank you so much dear and naughty billo tomorrow
Hahahaha. Sanskar aur Daffy fighting over Swara was hilarious??????? Sanskar vs Daffy????? OMG!!!! Finally, they both confessed their love?????? Don’t know what will happen when Sanskar will regain his senses??? Eagerly waiting for the next part siso. Lots of love siso??????????
Thank you so much sister. I love u too will post next part soon
Thank you so much dear
Opps sorry siso commented twice by mistake
awesomeness overloaded ??
Thank you so much dear
another awesome shot
Thank you so much dear
Loved it and I’m thinking what w’ll daffy do in swasan first night
Thank you so much dear and even I m thinking same hihi
Awesome. Sanskaar & daffy scene was so funny.
Thank you so much dear
its lovly dear
Thank you so much dear
Omgggg marsssss what sanskar did
Now what will happen *biting my nail
Post soon
Thank you so much dear will post next part soon
Hehehe…..Sanskaar n Daffy part is funny! Jealousy Sanskaar n Jealousy Daffy….lol.
Swasan’s part….Awwwwww!! So cute dear. Waiting for next part.
Thank you so much gayuu dear I will post next part soon
Omg..Sanskar is too much jealous of Daffy ????n finally they confessed n kissed… ?
Superb update
Thank you so much dear