Unearth Your Love (Episode -16).. Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 #Thriller #IMMJ2

Happy Kanuma guys!I’m back with the new update.


The Episode starts in Riddhima’s room…Riddhima is searching for something…Sejal looks at her from the window…Riddhima opens a drawer and finds a cloth with blood….


No-one comes there..so,that she goes to call them….. everyone is in the hall,listens to Riddhima scream…. Riddhima holds her father’s hand..

Riddhima (with tears):Dad…come with There is a cloth with blood….. Please come dad…I’m getting scared…

Riddhima brings all to her room…

Riddhima(looking at her father’s face and pointing towards something):Dad look at that….Blood..

Avinash:There is nothing Riddhima you’re hallocinating please calm down.. don’t cry…What happen to you…Why you worried (To Suhani):Suhani,take care of Riddhima…

All leaves from there…

Riddhima (to herself):How it disappeared…I saw a cloth with blood…Who did that…?

Sejal looks at her and smirks..

Flashback starts:

Sejal puts a red colour on a cloth..and keeps it in Riddhima’s drawer​..then she sprays jamsine fragrance in Riddhima’s room..

Sejal(in phone):I done the work…

Flashback ends

Riddhima holds her head due to migraine

Sejal comes to Riddhima

Sejal:What happened Riddhima are you ok..?

Riddhima:Yeah!Sejal,I’m fine..

Sejal:I don’t think so…I think you have to consult a physician…

Adi comes there..

Adi:Yeah!Sejal, you’re right..(to Riddhima) Riddhima,sejal is right you have to consult a physician..I’ll call the doctor…


Sejal(thinking):My plan is working…

Scene:VR Mansion-Vansh’s room

Vansh touches his ex-girlfriend’s painting and thinks of her

Flashback starts:london

In a college A girl hits a boy with her bag for flirting with her…

Girl: Don’t you have shame…?why you’re flirting with me…I’ll kill you know… Don’t show me your face again…how dare you flirt with me…(she keeps hitting)

Girl’s friend:Leave him…he will die if you keep beating him….just leave him..

Vansh comes there and listens to everyone talking about the girl’s attitude..but he doesn’t sees her face…

Vansh (to himself): Impressive… Interesting very Interesting..

The girl leaves from there…Vansh goes to see her,he sees her from behind, he sees girl’s friend..

Vansh:Who’s was that girl…?what is her name…?

Girl’s friend(thinking):If I say him her name then she will kill me…If I didn’t say her name he will not leave me…What I should do…which name I should tell him A,B,C,…with which I should start the name

Vansh:Hello tell me what’s her name…?

Girl’s friend:Ummm.her name is Aaa…

Vansh:What Aaa

Girl’s friend:Aisha….her name is Aisha…


Girl’s friend: And your name…

Vansh(thinking):It’s very dangerous if I say my name to her…

Vansh:My name is Vihaan…

Flashback ends

Vansh touches the painting’s bottom where it is written as Vihaan loves Aisha and hugs it tightly.

Vansh:Why you left me…?.. Answer me damn it (cries)

Scene:Sehgal Mansion-Riddhima’s room

Doctor comes there and says everyone that Riddhima is facing a migraine in her brain ..

Doctor: Riddhima you have to take medicines regularly..

Gives her medicines…

Everyone leaves from Riddhima’s room except Sejal… Riddhima closes her eyes to take rest…,Sejal replaces Riddhima’s pills with some other pills which was couriered by a person

Sejal(thinking):I have to meet him immediately…

Scene:A dark room

Sejal goes there and switches lights on…and she finds  the person sitting on chair facing back to her…

Sejal:I replaced the medicines with the pills which was parceled by you…(smirks)..

Person:I know you will do that…

Rotates the chair and faces her..

The person is none other than Vansh…

Vansh: You’re the one I trust the most…..The game starts know..(smirks).

Precap:I won’t give it😝😎

Question to you guys:

1.What is Vansh’s agenda…?

Guys,I assure that I’m not going to bring Ahaana track because I don’t want to ruin the story


Passion on poetry... obsessed with writing,wanna be a thriller novelist

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