Unearth your love (Episode-35)-Ishq mein marjawan -2 #thriller #immj2

Guys!Sorry for the update..I hope u all remember the last episode..


The episode starts in VR Mansion..

Daadi(calls):Anupriya,Chanchal,siya,Ishani all come down..

Ishani: What daadi..?you are looking happy today..what’s the news..?

Daadi:Yeah I am really happy today..My Vansh is ready to get married…

Siya:What..?Bhai…marriage.. How can I believe this bhai and marriage are poles apart right..?Daadi who is the girl..?


Daadi:Avinash Sehgal’s daughter Ragini…I proposed him about Vansh wedding with Ragini..He said yes without even thinking once because he is my son Ajay’s friend… He trust our family very much and he is sure that his daughter will be happy with our Vansh…Now she is London she will return India after a couple of days…

Aaryan:Bhai..Is also in London.. May they know each other..

Siya and Ishani:Bye bye daadi..we have to do shopping for my brother wedding..

Siya:Ishani I will choose out fit for bhai..

Ishani: No I will…

Siya:No..I will …

Daadi: You both leave from here and choose whatever you want..

Anupriya(inside): Ragini!!But Vansh loves Aisha right..?Then who is this Ragini now..?I think I got a wrong information about Vansh’s girlfriend… Maybe Ragini is only Vansh’s girlfriend… I can’t let this happen.. If he get married..,my son won’t even get a single ruppee..I have do something without informing kabir….

Chanchal:Maa,how she looks…Do you have any photo of her..

Daadi:Yeah!!look at this..(handovers the photo to chanchal)…

Chanchal: She is so beautiful maa..

No one sees the girl in the picture except chanchal and daadi…

Anupriya (sees photo’s back inside): So,she is the girl Mr.Vansh Raisinghania loves..How can I let her live…My son’s prey is Vansh and my prey is (smirks looking at the pic)..I don’t even want to see your face….Wait Ragini Today will be the last day of your life..My son went to London..Now I have to complete some important work…

Scene:London-Riddhima’s house..

Vanshis in white shirt having coffee..sun Rays falls on his face..He is enjoining his morning with a cup of  coffee..

Just then small hands comes from his back over his two hands and hugs him..

Vansh: Ohhoo!!So,would be my Mrs..want to hug me but she never gives a kiss..Not even on Valentine’s day..

Riddhima: Aaahhh…don’t talk about kiss OK…

Vansh: OK!!I will take a kiss from my Aisha..

Riddhima: Idiot, stupid, Rascal…. (Hits on his chest randomly )…Go away and marry your so called Aisha…

Vansh:Riddhima!! I don’t care about your name..Aisha or Riddhima it doesn’t makes difference to me…I only love you…OK!!

Riddhima: OK!!(kisses on his cheek)

Vansh: So,when I need a kiss..I have to talk like this right..?

Riddhima hits him again…

Vansh:Stop it…I love you…(kisses her on forehead)..

When Riddhima is about to whisper something in Vansh’s ears…A bullet comes towards them and it hits Riddhima in her head…the shooter is none other than kabir..he realised that he had shooted Vansh’s girlfriend instead Vansh…He runs from there without noticing Riddhima’s face…

Riddhima: Aahhh…

Vansh(without noticing blood): Riddhima!! what happened..?

She falls over Vansh’s arms His white shirt drenched with her blood…

Vansh(Shouts): Noooo…you can’t go away from me like this..

Riddhima (with a husky voice,holding Vansh collar): Vanshhhh…I don’t want to die this early….I want to live with you Vansh..Please save me…I want you to be my husband…I love…(closes her eyes).

Vansh:Riddhima, please open your eyes..please..I can’t live without you..

Vansh(shouts):Angreeee…Find the one who shot my Riddhima…

Vansh takes her rushes to a hospital….

After two days..

Scene:In a room

Anupriya: look..(pointing towards at pic on a table)there is pic..today she is coming to India..I want her to be killed at any cost..I will pay you…but after my work done…

Killer:OK Ma’am…She will die today..

He takes the photo and leaves from there..


A girl calls taxi and sits inside..She talks over phone

Girl:Dad!!!Guess where I am..?

Her dad:London…

Girl:Avi!!!I am in India now and I am heading towards Sehgal Mansion in taxi…

Avinash:Why you didn’t inform me..you should have informed me…I should have sent Adi or Ranveer to pick you up…It’s not safe to you on taxi…Look Rags,I am not going to forgive you for this…

Ragini: Avi!!I am absolutely fine..

Avinash:My princess…see you soon..I will be waiting for let’s give a surprise for our house mates..

Ragini: O..

A truck hits the taxi..the taxi falls off a cliff..Avinash hears the sounds…tears flows from his eyes…

Avinash:Rags!!Are you there…Hey!!This is not a joke…Rags…princess.. Can you hear me…(shouts)Rags….

Killer(over phone): Work is done ma’am

Scene:VR Mansion..

Vansh enters VR Mansion… He is looking like a person without soul

Daadi:Vansh,when you arrived here…You should have called me…

Vansh:Daadi!!I tired now let me take some rest…I will talk to you later

He goes to his room by upstairs and locks his room..

Vansh sits in a corner and cries remembering Riddhima…

10 hours back…

Scene: London-Airport..

Angre:OK!!I agree with your decision…

Sejal:I agree too…she always wanted to travel India..I didn’t imagine that I will see her travelling to India like this one day..I hope she will recover soon after taking treatment in India..

Vansh:I never let her go away from me…

Announcement comes and all goes to flew off in the plane..flight crew gives a seat beside a girl to Vansh..and angre-sejal sits beside in another column

Girl:Hey!!Vansh,you..here…how you’re doing man..?

Vansh remembers that she is the same  girl who asked him for his phone number, Riddhima got jealous of her thinking she is Aisha…

Vansh:Yeah!!Ragini..Hii.. I am fine..How about you..?

Ragini: I am fine..How is your Aisha..?

Vansh:She is not fine.. She is in coma now…

Vansh narrates her the whole story..

Ragini: I am so sorry..I don’t know about that..I wish she could recover soon..don’t worry she will be fine..you’re shifting her to India right..?Doctors will take care of her..you don’t worry..I know best doctors of India..

Vansh:Thank you very much Ragini!!

The flight landed in India

Scene: Airport-India

Vansh:Can I drop you..?

Ragini: No thanks Vansh I will take a taxi..You go and admit her in city hospital.. My friend Mr.khanna is a surgeon there..he will treat her….

Vansh:OK!Ragini..Thank you..

Ragini: Vansh,I will come to the hospital after two hours..now I am going to meet my parents..


She leaves from there in a taxi…

Flashback ends:

Vansh is still crying in a corner..he hears someone banging the door…

Siya:Bhai..open the door..

Vansh opens the door 

Vansh: What siya..?

Siya:Daadi asked me to give you this cover ..(hand over him a cover in which Ragini’s photo is present)..see the photo..even I didn’t see this because I wanted you to see her first..

Vansh doesn’t listens to her clearly…

Vansh:You go I will see..

Siya leaves from there..

Vansh keeps the cover aside and still cries remembering Riddhima…the cover falls down and the photo falls out of the cover..

Vansh sees Ragini’s photo and gets shock..

Precap:Vansh sees Ragini’s dead body..


Passion on poetry... obsessed with writing,wanna be a thriller novelist

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