Fan Fiction

UNFORGETTABLE LOVE: SHIVIKA (Part 63) ( kriyan wedding) or separation??

Guys i m back with another chapter…it depends..

So let’s start…

After 1 week
Afternoon everyone was sitting in hall…including akriti…except anika..

Suddenly kriyan got up from his seat

Kriyan: (nervous) may i have ur attention please ..
Everybody divert their attention toward him
Yash: what happened…
Kr:actually i have decide something for me …so i just want to declare it…i hope u will understand and accept my decision

Ad:whatever u will decide…we will always be with u…say freely …don’t get nervous
Kr: thanks…actually i wanna say that i have decide to get marry to…
Everybody get shock…and say what…except shivaay and adhiraj
Chaya:are u serious kriyan…i don’t believe this …
Kr:yes mom i m
Sag:that’s amazing …i m very happy…just tell me have u find ur soulmate or we have to do this??? I m so much excited for u…
Kr: ( looking toward someone) yes mom …i have already found her …but just want to introduce to everyone…
Adhiraj , shivaay , karan found something fishy in his words and follow his gaze which was toward akriti…while akriti was doing same with smile…
Trio sigh in relief…
Sammy : so bhai what r u waiting for just introduce her …i can’t wait to meet her …who has stolen my bhai heart
Rag: relax sammy?? Say buddy do we know her or not
Kr:yes everybody knows her…
Kriyan and shivaay smile…but again adhiraj notice one uneainess in his voice but stay calm…
Ad: who is she kriyan??
Kr: wo veer ji i will not say her name …
Karan:why r u making suspense..say naa
Kr: i don’t wanna make a suspense…so i will make u guys meet her…and i hope u like my choice too..
Sammy: aaahhhaa so much desperation…directly meetings…i m impressed..(teasingly but it make him frustrated)
Kr: samaira will u please keep quite…
Sha: kriyana behave urself…don’t speak like this..
Kr:sorry dad and sorry sammy
Sammy nodded her head with tear and hurtful eyes…kriyan feel bad…
He went to her and wipe her tears and plant kiss on her forehead..sorry baby…while catching his ear…
Sammy: it’s ok bhai…and hug him back..
Arohi: okk kri just tell na where is she …is she here…
Kr:yes dii she is here only (looking toward akriti who was feeling shy and avoiding his gaze)
Yash: call her…
Kriyan nodded and move toward akriti everybody get confused akriti was looking everywhere but not him …her face becomes red in shyness and her breathing become heavy..
Kriyan stop in front of her …
Kr: she is the one whom i want to get marry(looking deep into her eyes)
Everybody confuse …
Kriyan raise his hand in front of her …
Akriti: kri..(looking into his eyes…everybody smile but their smile doesn’t last long when kriyan hand cross from her side …and other hand hold his)
Kriyan immediately hug that person…
Everybody get shocked when he hold and hug someone else…but they are not able to see the girl face bcz her face was buried in kriyan face…
Lone tear escape from akriti eye..and turn with broken heart toward him…
Everybody stand in shock they have nothing to say…
Akriti: (wiping her tear and try to stay strong ) Congratulation kri.. kriyan..
Another tear escape from her eyes and other also feel bad for her…bcz somewhere they know that both like each other …their fights are just one or other way to talk or remain close each other…and both have same feeling for each other..but due to their ego they are not accepting…but they have no idea that they can be wrong too…
Tear escape from kriyan eyes also escape when he heared his bubble voice…
And whisper that girl ear whom he was hugging and she was rubbing his back to make him calm
Girl:relax ….everything will be okkk
Adhiraj and karan: who is she kriyan…
Shivaay heartbeat becomes fast as something is wrong…
Kriyan and girl broke the hug…and both turn…
Everyone was waiting for bad …but they don’t have any idea that it become worst…
Eveybody get shock…and some stumble from their place …..


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