Unknown to Friends (RIANSH) Episode #21

Hello Everyone!!

I am Sorry for not posting this for a long time. Y’all have the liberty to throw shoes, slippers, tomatoes and onions, I won’t stop! But please of good quality 😅

Movie with all?

The episode starts as…..

At 10:30pm in RR house,

Riddhima reached home and directly entered her room after knowing that Ragini had slept.

In Riddhima’s room,

Riddhima changed her clothes and laid on bed, thinking about the evening she spent with Vansh.

Riddhama(thinks): It was such an amazing evening. Though, Vansh and I have just met we became so close friends. I didn’t know that I could talk to an unknown person for hours. He isn’t that bad. Let’s see what tomorrow brings on us!

She slept thinking about the fun she had in the evening.

In VR mansion in Vansh’s room,

Vansh(thinks): It was such an amazing evening. The time Riddhima and I spent was so good. It’s not always that I can open up to people. I haven’t even spoken so much to Kabir. But being with Riddhima gives me friendly vibes which make me attract towards her.

Vansh slept thinking about Riddhima.

At 10:00am in RR house,

Riddhima woke up and found the breakfast ready on the table with a note ‘GOOD MORNING!’ She smiled and had breakfast and left the house to meet Sejal.

Somewhere else,

Ragini was walking on the road with bags in her hand. She collided with someone and the bags fell down.

Ragini: Are you blind?

The person turned.

Ragini: YOU?

In Sejal’s house,

Riddhima and Sejal were sitting together sipping coffee.

Sejal: She prepared breakfast?

Riddhima: Ya!

Sejal: Woah!

Riddhima: Let’s plan to go out!

Sejal: Where?

Riddhima: Cinema?

Sejal: Just the two of us?

Riddhima: We can call Aryan and Rishi too. (thinks) Should I call Vansh and ask him to come along with his friends? Not a bad idea!

Sejal: Riddhima, where are you lost?

Riddhima: No where! Give a call to Aryan and Sejal.

Sejal made a call to Aryan and Rishi and told them about the plan to which they agreed.

Rishi(to himself): Should I call Sia and tell her about it? I mean, we have become good friends, so she would come. Let’s try.

Rishi makes a call to Sia and she answers it.

Sia(smiles): Hiiii! How are you?

Rishi: I’m good! You?

Sia: Amazing! What made you call?

Rishi: Actually, we four are going to watch a movie, so would you like to join in?

Sia: Only me?

Rishi: With your friends!

Sia: Done!

Rishi: okay! I’ll message you the address. Bye!

Sia: Bye!

Sia&Rishi(to themselves): YES!

Riddhima excuses herself to make a call and calls Vansh. He answers it.

Riddhima: Hi!

Vansh: Hello! Say what happened?

Riddhima: Sejal, me, Aryan and Rishi are going to the cinemas today, so are you interested to join in? With your friends?

Vansh: Done, I’m in!

Riddhima: Okay, I’ll message you the place, Bye!

Riddhima hung the call and went to Sejal.

In VR mansion,

Vansh(to himself): I agreed, but now how do I ask others? It’s so weird to ask them for a movie in the theatre because I even cancel the plan of watching movies at home. Ohh God! Save me! Wait…. Why God? Sia will save me!

Vansh went to search for Sia but found her in Ishani’s room along with Kabir. He walked in and they saw him.

Sia: Bhai, you came at the right time, I was asking them to come for a movie, do you want to join in?

Vansh(to himself): I should’ve asked God only to help me! This girl who doesn’t prefer going out, now wants to go and watch a movie. Now how will I go with Riddhima?

Ishani: Says bhai!

Sia(whispers to Vansh): Agree Bhai! Riddhima, Aryan, Sejal and Rishi are also coming.

Vansh: Okay! I’ll come!

Vansh(thinks): Wait….. Riddhima called me to inform. But how does Sia know?

Vansh walked out along with Sia and took her to his room.

Sia: What happened Bhai?

Vansh: How do you know that Riddhima and her friends are going for movie.

Sia: To be honest, Rishi told me.

Vansh: Their friend? How?

Sia: He’s even my friend! And he asked me join in, but his friends don’t know, so I need to keep it accidental. Now can I go?

Vansh: Okay!

Sia leaves.

Vansh(to himself): Strange! Rishi informed Sia about the movie, Riddhima informed me. Maybe later I’ll come to know that Aryan informed Ishani!

At 04:00pm outside the theatre,

Riddhima, Aryan, Sejal and Rishi were standing outside the theatre.

Sejal: Can I know why aren’t we going in?

Rishi: What will you do going in so early?

Aryan: But why should we even stand here?

Riddhima: Just shut up and stand!

Riddhima(thinks): This Vansh, why can’t he come on time? I told him 04:00pm, so he should at 03:30pm and stand na!

Rishi(thinks): Where is Sia? If she delays more, I can’t handle theses three alone.

Just then Riddhima and Rishi spot Vansh, Sia, Ishani and Kabir. The four walk towards them.

Kabir: Hey, even y’all here?

Sejal: Coincidence, isn’t it?

Kabir: It is!

Sia: Guys, we should get in!

Rishi: Yes!

Aryan: What yes? Just now a minute back you said that there’s no need to get in so quick.

Rishi: So I said that a minute back. Now let’s go!

Ishani: Y’all came here to watch a film?

Aryan: Yes!

Ishani(thinks): Strange! This Aryan didn’t start till now! Why?

Aryan(thinks): Woah! Ishani knows how to not have an argument! She didn’t start till now!

Rishi: I’ll get the tickets!

Riddhima(thinks): If Rishi goes then we won’t get to sit with Vansh!

Riddhima: No, I’ll go!

Rishi(thinks): If Riddhima goes then we won’t get to sit with Sia.

Rishi: It’s okay, I’ll go!

Riddhima: Let me go Rishi, you can stand here!

Sia: Bhai, I’ll go and get the tickets.

Vansh: Okay!

Sia left. Riddhima looked at Vansh who wasn’t affected at all. Riddhima let Rishi go and get the tickets.

Riddhima(thinks): I called him here so that we could watch a film in the theatre. Does he think that Sia and Rishi will get our tickets almost in the same row. NO! Ahh!!!

Vansh(thinks): I can guess she’s pissed! Should I tell her the truth?

Vansh: I’ll be back!

Vansh left from there and Riddhima followed him. They reached a corner.

Riddhima: What’s wrong with you?

Vansh: What’s wrong with me?

Riddhima: That I don’t know!

Vansh: Even I don’t know!

Riddhima: Vansh!

Vansh: Riddhima!

Riddhima: Do you think that Rishi and Sia will get the tickets besides each other?

Vansh: Yes!

Riddhima: Huh?

Vansh: (Tells about his conversion with Sia)

Riddhima: Okay! Now let’s go!

Vansh: Don’t make that sullen face again. Doesn’t suite!

Riddhima: Okay!

Riddhima and Vansh go back to their friends and all of them enter inside the theatre. They thought to sit with each other and mingle again.



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