Fan Fiction


its night.gauri talks over the phone with her colleagues about the work.she is in her night dress.she is not getting she walks near the swimming pool.on the other hand om is busy painting a portrait.gauri notices him.she falls on the portrait and it falls in the water.losing her balance she also falls in the water.the current goes off.gauri is afraid of darkness.she shouts for help.omkara jumps inside pool and saves gauri.she becomes picks gauri in his arms and approaches her room.there anika and bhavya were already fast asks priyanka to change gauri’s clothes.priyanka does so and leaves.

Its almost midnight.the oberoi mansion is filled with darkness.anika gets a phone call.she talks over the phone and mistakely enters shivaay’s room.she thinks shivaay as bhavya and sleeps behind him.shivaay was not aware of it.

Bhavya feels thirsty and searches for water.but the can was she decides to go to kitchen to fetch water.there someone was chatting over phone.she assumes him as a thief and begins to beat him black and blue.suddenly the current comes.she is shocked to know that he is none other than rudra.rudra faints.she carries him to his room.and she leaves from there.

Its morning now.gauri sees herself in changed clothes.she tries to remember what happened the previous night.she remembers and gets shocked.she assumes that om has changed her clothes.she confronts him.
Gauri:how dare you omkara??
Om:what?? what have I done to you??
Gauri;look how low you went!!!
Om:whats wrong with you??I don’t want to see your face.I just helped you.
Gauri:what,you helped me??how dare you touch me and change my clothes.
Om:I didn’t .it was…
Gauri:it was you,I remember the whole night .you got me out of the water.
Om:then what happened gauri?? remember it correctly…
(Tej enters the room and asks about the mess.gauri narrates the whole incident.tej gets angry and slaps om.and tej leaves.gauri warns om and she also gets angry and breaks his scluptings.gauri is on her way to her room.suddenly prinku approaches her and enquires about her health.she gets confused.)
Gauri:why are you enquiring about me??
Prinku:becoz you fell into the water
Gauri:how do you know it??
Prinku:om bhaiya got you out of the water and asked me to change your clothes.
Gauri:whatttt??so you changed my clothes.thank you.
Prinku:dadi asked you to get ready for pooja (prinku leaves)
(gauri becomes sad and accuses herself for om’s insult.she goes to apologize to om.but she finds om’s bleeding pushes her.she asks sorry.but om’s angry increases.he starts to leave but gauri grabs his hand and she nurses it.her tears fall on his hand.they look at each other.saathiya plays……)

Rudra wakes up and remembers the whole night.he wants to find the culprit who bet him up.he switches on his laptop nd opens the cctv footage.he confronts bhavya.)
Rudra:well done officer bhavya talwar.your department have thought you to beat the innocents,right??
Bhavya:I am sorry.I didnt do it intensionally.
Rudra:yes you have done it intensionally.I wont forgive you and not even forget.see my face.I am going to marry with this face becoz of you.
Bhavya:so your face is your problem.and she laughs
(Rudra gets angry and approaches towards her.but he slips on her.bhavya and rudra fall on the bed and it breaks.they see each other and atlast they laugh being so childish.rudra remembers hum aapke hain koun moment and calls her nisha.bhavya gets the point and calls him prem..they laugh again….)

Meanwhile shivaay and anika wake up and are shocked to see each other lying aside.
Shivaay:so you started to sleep with me again??
Anika:its not like that??I came here unknowingly.
Shivaay:don’t lie is your habit.all day you fight with me and atlast you sleep beside me.
Anika:just stop I am was my past and my present is different.
Shivaay:ok just leave are you??I wanted to ask you on the stage but they will build some rumours..
Anika:thank you.I am fine.
(FB shows anika and shivaay as good friends but they always show them as enemies infront of others.)
Anika:anyways congrats for both award and trophy
Shivaay:you are not my anika congrats me in different manner.
(they hug each other and congrats one another…o jaana plays……)

To be continued………………

Precap: The Kumkum    falls  on the face of  Anika. every one gets shocked. Pandit says god  has  his  own plan. O Jaana plays………

Sorry for the same precap.becoz I wanted to add up some details to the jodis.once again thank you for your overwhelming response.keep pouring your love in the comment box.and few people insisted me to go with rumya and not ruvya.your opinions are considered guys and I am working on it.but also try to accept bhavya.hope you understand me.

Thank you…..

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